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The Kennedy Family

The Kennedy Family. The American “Royal” Family brings us to Camelot. The Kennedy Family. Joseph, Sr. Harvard Youngest Bank Pres. Self made millionaire Donated $ to FDR Headed SEC Ambassador to Britain Wanted to be Pres. Scandal Turned attention to oldest son, Joseph, Jr.

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The Kennedy Family

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Kennedy Family The American “Royal” Family brings us to Camelot

  2. The Kennedy Family

  3. Joseph, Sr. • Harvard • Youngest Bank Pres. • Self made millionaire • Donated $ to FDR • Headed SEC • Ambassador to Britain • Wanted to be Pres. • Scandal • Turned attention to oldest son, Joseph, Jr.

  4. Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy • Democratic family background • Father in Congress • Father Mayor of Boston • Strict Catholic • Lived to age 105

  5. Joseph, Jr. • Navy bomber pilot WWII • Father wanted him to be a hero • Volunteered to bomb a V-1 plant in France • Plane blew up 10 minutes before he was to parachute out • Father made plans for 3 other sons

  6. John Fitzgerald Kennedy • Education • Harvard • Political Science Major • Honor Graduate • Writer • Why England Slept • appeasement • Profiles in Courage • Senators who risk career to stand up for their convictions Won Pulitzer Prize 1957

  7. John Fitzgerald Kennedy • Military Service • Served in Navy WWII • Captain – PT 109 • Rammed by Japanese destroyer • Injured but saved three crewmen • Coconut • Decorated – Purple Heart • Hero? – “It was involuntary. They sank my boat.”

  8. John Fitzgerald Kennedy • Politics • 1946 – House of Representatives • 1952 – Senate • Personal • Young • Attractive • Displayed dignity • Self-confident • Great-grandson of Irish immigrants • Strong Family Loyalty

  9. Jacqueline Lee Bouvier • 1952 – Married JFK • Beautiful • Admired • Set standard of fashion • Redecorated White House • After assassination – married Aristotle Onasis • Protected her • Edited magazines • Died 1994

  10. Daughter - Caroline • Harvard University • Columbia Law School • Married Edwin Schlossberg • Founder of Profiles in Courage Award • President of Kennedy Library Foundation • 4 children

  11. Son – John, Jr. • Brown University • New York University School of Law • 1988 – People Magazine’s 50 Most Beautiful People • 1995 – George Magazine (political) • 1996 – Married Caroline Bessette • 1999 – Died in plane crash

  12. Rosemary Kennedy • Eldest daughter • Mentally retarded • Learned to read, write, do math at 4th grade level • Ran away from convent • Lobotomy – “miracle” • Could not speak clearly or take care of herself • Made mental retardation an important family issue • Died at 86 – first Kennedy child to die a natural death

  13. Kathleen (“Kick”) Kennedy • Reporter for Washington Times-Herald • 1944 – married William Cavendish – one of richest men in England • William died in plane crash • Fell in love with Peter Fitzwilliam –not yet divorced • Flew to Paris but plane crashed and both were killed (age 28)

  14. Eunice Kennedy • Degree in Sociology • Several government jobs • 1953 – married Sargent Shriver – appointed by JFK as 1st head of the Peace Corps • 1968 – founded Special Olympics • Advocate for retarded • 5 Children • Maria – married Arnold Schwarzenegger

  15. Patricia Kennedy • Most glamorous and visible of sisters • Married Peter Lawford • Movie star • Member of “Rat Pack” • Introduced John and Bobby to Marilyn Monroe • Divorced • Helped organize Kennedy Library • Alcoholic • 1989 DUI • Got help • Died 2006 – age 82

  16. Robert (Bobby) Kennedy • Wife – Ethel • 11 Children • JFK appointed him Attorney General • Elected Senator NY • 1968 – Ran for President • Killed night of California primary by Sirhan Sirhan • Affair with Marilyn Monroe • Scandal caused by her death

  17. Jean Kennedy • Worked in TV production • Married Stephen Edward Smith • 4 children • 2 natural • 2 adopted • 1974 – Started Very Special Arts • 1991 – Son William accused of rape – acquitted • 1993 – 1998 Ambassador to Ireland

  18. Edward (Ted) Kennedy • Harvard – kicked out • Joined army – Korea • Graduated Harvard • UVA Law School • 1962 – elected to Senate • 1972 – Presidential Candidate • Chappaquidick • 1980 ran for Democratic nomination for President – lost to Jimmy Carter • 2nd longest serving member of the Senate • Senate Judiciary Committee • Immigration Committee • Armed Services Committee

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