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Living & Loving Faithfully in a Sexually Confused Culture

Living & Loving Faithfully in a Sexually Confused Culture. What Does the Biblical Worldview Teach in Regards to Human Sexuality?. The Foundational Question: “Is there a God and has He spoken truth?” - Truth: Ice Cream or Insulin?.

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Living & Loving Faithfully in a Sexually Confused Culture

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  1. Living & Loving Faithfully in a Sexually Confused Culture

  2. What Does the Biblical Worldview Teach in Regards to Human Sexuality? The Foundational Question: “Is there a God and has He spoken truth?” - Truth: Ice Cream or Insulin?

  3. “When we become so tolerant that we lead people into mental fog and spiritual darkness, we are not acting like Christians- we are acting like cowards.”- A.W. Tozer “Authentic Christians love the truth and others to the degree that they are willing to risk the consequences of confrontation in order to help others. This is genuine love, not hatred.” - Shane Idleman

  4. What Does the Biblical Worldview Teach in Regards to Human Sexuality? The Foundational Question: “Is there a God and has He spoken truth?” - Truth: Ice Cream or Insulin? - The question of origins & the authority of Scripture is the real issue (obedience?).

  5. What Does the Biblical Worldview Teach in Regards to Human Sexuality? 1 man & 1 woman/married for life * Genesis 1:26-31; 2:18-25 * Matthew 19:4-6 2. God has defined proper sexual expression for all people: From Genesis to Revelation Scripture affirms God’s creation mandate for human sexuality. Homosexuality is never mentioned, except in condemnation.

  6. What Does the Biblical Worldview Teach in Regards to Human Sexuality? * Genesis 19:1-29 * Leviticus 18:22 & 20:13 * The Gospels * Romans 1:18-32 * 1 Corinthians 6:9 & 1 Timothy 1:8-11 3. Homosexual activity is incompatible with God’s will as revealed in Scripture:

  7. The context of both chapters are ungodly sexual relations which are viewed as a threat to marriage & the family. • Lev. 18:22 prohibits the active role in male sex, even though this was permitted in many contemporary cultures. • Lev. 20:13 applies the death penalty to both the active & passive partner. If this was a directive against homosexual rape, only the rapist would be punished (Dt. 22:25-26). • Both passages are about homosexual sex by mutual consent. Leviticus 18:22 & 20:13:

  8. When dealing with OT Law- Civil laws were limited to ancient Israel, ceremonial laws were fulfilled by Christ, while all of the moral laws are upheld by Christ and the NT as a whole. • Jesus mitigated the Law’s punishments, but he did not deny the actions condemned by the Law were wrong (ex. Jn. 8:1-11, adultery punishable by stoning = so also homosexual sex). • Note: the act of homosexual sex is called “detestable”, not the persons engaged in it. God loves sinful people & wants none to perish (Jn. 3:16; 2 Pt. 3:9)! Contemporary Application:

  9. “Jesus never mentioned homosexual practice” = This is an argument from silence: 1) Lack of direct mention doesn’t imply his endorsement (ex. idolatry); 2) Homosexuality wasn’t a prominent concern in 1st century Jewish Palestine; whereas it was a concern in the Greco-Roman context Paul addresses. • Jesus affirmed the creation norm of human sexuality = 1 man & 1 woman/ married for life (Mt. 19:4-6). • Jesus’ condemnation of sexual immorality (porneia) would’ve been understood at the time to include homosexuality (Mt. 15:19; Mk. 7:21). The Gospels:

  10. The most important reference in Scripture pertaining to homosexuality. Also, the only reference in Scripture to address Lesbian sexual activity. • v. 18- “Godlessness” refers to an apathetic neglect of God and a failure to honor Him. “Wickedness” refers to active idolatry which is described in vs. 25-27. • Both the Creator & His design have been neglected (the Question of Origins again!). • v. 28- God “gave them over to a depraved mind” = their hearts were hardened. Romans 1:18-32:

  11. “The Sexual misconduct abhorred by Paul is thus the result of divine judgment- on fallen human society and culture... It is therefore as much to be regretted as castigated: it is a presenting symptom of a world estranged from its Maker. It is a mark of that universal fallenness in which we all share, and Paul correlates it with an idolatrous culture, suggesting that the more idolatrous a culture, the more it will distort the sexual norms and model God has given us.”- Biblical and Pastoral Responses to Homosexuality,Evangelical Alliance, UK

  12. “Paul is speaking of same sex cultic temple prostitution” = v. 27 says the parties mentioned were “inflamed with lust for one another”, an unlikely description for prostitution. • “Paul is concerned only with Pederasty” = While Pederasty was common in Paul’s day, there was no female equivalent. This argument does nothing to justify Lesbian sexual activity. • “Paul is not speaking of people born gay, only those who unnaturally engage in homosexual activity” = 1) The words “exchanged”& “abandoned” indicate a free and sinful choice was made. This refutes the idea of homosexual tendencies that cannot be avoided. Opposing Viewpoints on Romans 1:18-32:

  13. What Does the Biblical Worldview Teach in Regards to Human Sexuality? 4. Homosexuality is a consequence of the fall and man’s conscious rebellion against God: NatureNurture * Romans 5:12 * Luke 6:43-45 (Prov. 4:23) * Psalm 51:5 * Romans 1:18-32 (v. 32) * Jeremiah 17:9 * 1 Corinthians 10:13 * Romans 8:19-22 * James 1:14-15

  14. Summary: • From Genesis to Revelation the Bible affirms God’s intent for human sexuality to be expressed solely in the union of 1 man & 1 woman in marriage. • Rejection of God brings disorder into our relationships, desires, and behavior- including sex. • Human sexuality must also be redeemed & healed. • Many today are buying the lie, “Did God really say?” (Genesis 3). What Does the Biblical Worldview Teach in Regards to Human Sexuality?

  15. Reaching Out to a Sexually Confused Culture in Truth & Love: Begin with Humility. - Luke 6:41-42 2. Do not tolerate sinful attitudes or speech. - Ephesians 4:29; 5:4 - Repent when necessary

  16. Reaching Out to a Sexually Confused Culture in Truth & Love: 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 • How does this transformation happen? • Romans 10:9-10 & 1 John 1:9 (2 Cor. 5:17) • Romans 8:1-2, 5-17 • Titus 2:11-12 & Galatians 5:16-25 3. Proclaim the Gospel: Change is possible!

  17. Reaching Out to a Sexually Confused Culture in Truth & Love: 4. Adopt a biblical understanding of categories such as: attraction, orientation, identity, behavior, and relationship. - In all 5 of these areas holiness must be the goal - Repentance, redemption, & sanctification must start with behavior and relationship and move towards attraction.

  18. Reaching Out to a Sexually Confused Culture in Truth & Love: 5. As the Church we must commit to intentionally loving those who struggle with homosexual sin.

  19. Reaching Out to a Sexually Confused Culture in Truth & Love: 6. While we commit to love, we must also be ready to suffer. - Overt persecution (the new ‘tolerance’) - Personal loss & heartbreak (Mt. 10:34-36)

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