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The Scientific Method

Science. The Scientific Method. The Scientific Method involves a Series of Steps that are used to Investigate a Natural O ccurrence . Let’s take a closer look at these 7 Steps and the Terminology you will need to understand before you start a

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The Scientific Method

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Science The Scientific Method

  2. The Scientific Method involves a Series of Steps that are used to Investigate a Natural Occurrence

  3. Let’s take a closer look at these 7Steps and the Terminology you will need to understand before you start a Science Experiment

  4. Scientific Method Problem/Question Observation/Research Formulate a Hypothesis Experiment Collect and Analyze Results Conclusion Communicate the Results

  5. Steps of the Scientific Method Develop a Question or Problem that can be solved by Conducting an Experiment 1. Problem/Question:

  6. Steps of the Scientific Method Make Observations and/or Research a Topic of interest 2. Observation/Research

  7. Do you remember the next step?

  8. Steps of the Scientific Method Predict a possible Answer to the Problem or Question 3. Formulate a Hypothesis

  9. Steps of the Scientific Method • Develop and Follow a Procedure • Include a Detailed Materials list 4. Experiment The Outcome must be Measurable or Quantifiable

  10. Steps of the Scientific Method Modifythe Procedure if needed Confirm the Results by Retesting Include Tables, Graphs & Photographs 5. Collect & Analyze Results

  11. Steps of the Scientific Method Make a Statement that Accepts or Rejects the Hypothesis 6. Conclusion Make Recommendationsfor further Study and possible Improvements to the Procedure

  12. Steps of the Scientific Method Complete the Scientific Method Report 7. Communicate the Results

  13. Think you can name all 7Steps? Communicate the Results Collect and Analyze Results Formulate a Hypothesis Observation/Research Problem/Question Experiment Conclusion

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