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National Account. Federal Bureau of Statistics. What is National Accounts . The National Accounts is a systematic framework for the presentation of statistics that provide a wide range of information about the economy
National Account Federal Bureau of Statistics
What is National Accounts • The National Accounts is a systematic framework for the presentation of statistics that provide a wide range of information about the economy • National accounts or System of National Accounts (SNA) provide a summary of national economy • There are a number of aggregate measures in the national accounts, most notably gross domestic product or GDP and investment.
Uses of National Accounts • The National Accounts helps economists to measure the level of economic development and the rate of economic growth, the change in consumption, and investment etc for the total economy. • It serves as a framework for macroeconomic analysis. It presents an overall picture of the functioning of an economy.
Uses of National Accounts • GDP at constant prices indicates economic growth to measure the performance of the economy over time or in comparison with other countries/in comparison with previous periods. • With data from NA, economists can forecast the future growth of the economy. • impacts on the economy and its sectors of alternative government policies. It also serve as a tool for policy making and planning.
Framework of Pakistan’s NA • Regular Activities: • GDP/GNP (factor costs) by industrial origin (by “sector”) • Expenditure on GNP (market prices) • Estimates of GFCF (market prices) by industrial origin for private & public sector and for general government • Other Activities: • Input-Output Tables • Rebasing of National Accounts from 1999-2000 to 2005-06 • National Health Accounts
Sectors of the Economy A. Agriculture Sector • Crops Major Crops Minor Crops • Livestock • Fishery • Forestry
Sectors of the Economy B. Industrial Sector • Mining and Quarrying • Manufacturing Large Scale Small Scale Slaughtering • Construction • Electricity, Gas & Water Supply
Sectors of the Economy C. Services Sector • Transport, Storage & Communication • Wholesale & Retail Trade • Finance & Insurance • Ownership of Dwellings • Public Admn. & Defence • Social, Community & Personal Services
Major crops: Minor crops: Rice, Wheat, Cotton, Sugarcane, Gram, Maize, etc. Pulses, Vegetables, Fruits, Oil seeds, Condiments, etc. CROPS Intermediate Consumption: Seeds, Fertilizer, Pesticides, Water, Transport Charges, etc. Provincial Agriculture & Irrigation Departments, IRSA, WAPDA, Federal Directorate of Fertilizer, Pesticides Association, etc. Sources: Gross Value Added: Value of output including by-products (minus) Intermediate consumption
Inputs Output • Seeds • Fertilizers • Ploughing & Planking • Pesticides, weeding, Spraying etc • Water • Transportation charges • Wastages 125kindsof Crops Quantity (of Production) Prices (Crops) Value Gross Value Added of Crop Production (Output minus Input)
LIVESTOCK Composition: Cattle and their products Poultry and their products Intermediate Consumption: Roughages (green and dry),Concentrates (Grains, Oilcakes), Grass &Grazing, salt, Medicines, etc. Sources: Livestock Division, Agriculture Census Organization, Pakistan Poultry Association etc. Gross Value Added: Value of output including by-products (minus) Intermediate consumption
Gross Output • Net Sale (Sale of Animals – Purchase of Animals)=Sale for Slaughtering) • Natural Growth • Livestock Products • Milk • Draught Power • Dung & Urine • Wool & Hair • Poultry Products • Broilers (Farming) • Layers (Farming) • Poultry (Desi) • Ducks, Drakes & Ducklings • Breeding Stock (Farming) • Eggs (Farming) • Eggs (Desi)
Intermediate Consumption • Fodder • Green • Dry • Concentrate • Poultry Inputs • Other Inputs • Transportation, POL, etc • Medical care etc • Interest (Bank charges) • Repair & Maintenance • Rent Paid (Building, Machinery etc) • Value of chicks
FISHING • Composition: • Marine • Inland Fish, Prawn, Shrimps, crabs, etc. from: Ocean, Coastal and Offshore water, Fish farms, Rivers, Canals, Lakes, Ponds, and inundated tracts, etc. Intermediate Consumption: Salt, Ice, Fuel & Lubricants, Medicines, Chemicals, etc. and Auction Charges. Sources: Marine Fisheries Department, Provincial Fisheries Departments & Federal Bureau of Statistics. Gross Value Added: Value of output (minus) Intermediate consumption
Gross Output Production Price Value of Output
Marine Fishing Ice Salt Fuel Gas Others Inland Fishing Seed Feed POL /Elect Water Other Intermediate consumption
FORESTRY Composition: Timber, Firewood, Ephedra, Grass & Grazing, Resin, Medicinal herbs, and other Minor Forest Products/Output. Intermediate Consumption: Seeds, plantation, fertilizer, etc. Federal Inspectorate General of Forests. Provincial Forest Departments. Sources: Gross Value Added: Value of output (minus) Intermediate consumption
Forestry • Gross Output • Timber • Firewood • Medicinal Herbs • Mazari & Gum • Wild Mushroom • Honey & Wax • Silk Worms • Wild Fruits Intermediate Consumption=24.99% of Timber and Firewood
MINING & QUARRYING Composition: Crude oil, Natural Gas, Coal including other minerals, e.g. Rock Salt, Lime Stone, Dolomite, Gypsum, Fire clay, Phosphate, Marble, Surface Minerals and Allied Services. Intermediate Consumption: Blasting Material, Fuel and Lubricants, etc. Sources: Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources, OGDC, etc. Coal and other Mineral Establishments, Provincial Mineral Departments Gross Value Added: Value of output (minus) Intermediate consumption
LARGE-SCALE MANUFACTURING Composition: Food, Beverages, Tobacco, Textile, Leather, Wood & Wood Products, Paper & Boards, Chemicals, Pharmaceutical, Petroleum, Metal, Engineering, Electrical, Automobile and other Industrial products/ groups. Ministry of Industries, OCAC, Provincial Bureaus of Statistics, Federal Bureau of Statistics. Sources: For calculating growth rate of value added, Quantum Index of Manufacturing (QIM) is computed based on production data of 100 items having 75.07% weight (bench-mark 1999-2000) of Large Scale Manufacturing Sector.
SMALL-SCALE MANUFACTURING Composition: All un-registered small and household manufacturing establishments Benchmark Estimates of Gross Value Added: Based on special study and SHMI Surveys. Annual Growth: 7.51 % based on Study on SSMI 1999-2000
SLAUGHTERING The slaughtering industry relates to manufacturing whereas the livestock is a part of agriculture sector. The products meat (beef, mutton, chicken) and other products (hides, skins, bones and blood etc) constitute output of slaughtering. Composition: Intermediate consumption: Value of Animals (Buffalo, Cattle, Sheep, Goat, etc and Poultry (Farm and Desi). Other inputs Benchmark Estimates of Gross Value Added: Based on special study (1999-2000). Value of output (minus) Intermediate consumption Livestock Division, MINFAL Source: Annual Growth: For calculating GVA of subsequent years, growth of meat is applied
CONSTRUCTION Composition: All major construction activities including repairs, additions/alterations, Land Improvement; Buildings; Roads, Bridges, Streets; Highways; Runways; Transport & Railway Tracts; Telephone, Power, Gas, Oil, Utility lines; Canals; Dams; Harbour & Barrages etc. Federal, Provincial & Local Bodies, Development Authorities, Major Public & Private Construction Establishments, Federal Bureau of Statistics. Sources: Value addedcoefficients of Investment by kind of construction are multiplied to Investment made in that activity during the year. Value additions of all activities are summed up.
ELECTRICITY, GAS DISTRIBUTION & WATER SUPPLY Composition: Electricity, Gas distribution and Water supply Intermediate Consumption: Furnace Oil, Gas, Water, etc. • Sources: • Electricity: • Gas: • Water: WAPDA, KESC, KANUPP, Pak Steel, IPPs and Captive Power units. Sui Southern and Sui Northern Gas Cos., Mari Gas etc. IRSA, Provincial Irrigation Departments. Gross Value Added: Value of Electricity, Gas & Water Supply (plus) Misc. Receipts (minus) Industrial cost & Electricity/Gas purchases.
TRANSPORT, STORAGE & COMMUNICATION Composition: Railway, Air, Water, Road, Pipeline Transport, Storage & Communication Sources: Pakistan Railways, PNSC, KPT, PQA, KICT, QICT, PICT,CAA, PIA & other Airlines. NTRC, Asia Petroleum, PARCO, etc. Boats. PTCL, NTC,Mobile Phones,ISPs,PCOs, Post Offices, Courier Services, NLC,Town Committees (for Non-mechanized) Gross Value Added: Value of output (plus) Misc. Receipts (minus) intermediate consumption
FINANCE & INSURANCE Composition: State Bank of Pakistan, Scheduled Banks, DFIs, Insurance Companies, Modaraba & Leasing Companies. Sources: State Bank of Pakistan, Scheduled Banks, Development Financial Institutions, Life and General Insurance Cos, Modarabas & Leasing Companies. Gross Value Added: Value of output (plus) Misc. Receipts (minus) intermediate consumption
Gross National Product of Pakistan At constant factor cost of 1999-2000 – Rs. Million
Rebasing/Linking Practice • First base: 1959-60 • Second: 1980-81 • Third: 1999-2000 • Fourth: 2005-06 (work in progress) • The backward and forward revision will be undertaken after rebasing of 2005-06.
Studies for Rebasing of NA • Inland Fishing • Marine Fishing • Road Transport (Intercity and Intra-city) • Public Call Offices and Pay Phone Companies • Cable Operators and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) • Courier Services/ Franchised Post Offices • Shipping, Goods Forwarding and Custom Clearing Agents • Travel Agents, Tour Operators & Franchised Booking Agents
Surveys for Rebasing of NA • Family Budget Survey • Census of Electricity & Gas Distribution (including CNG, LPG) • Census of Mining & Quarrying • Census of Manufacturing Industries • Survey of Small & Household Manufacturing Industries • Survey of Whole Sale and Retail Trade, Hotel and Restaurants • Construction Survey • Rent Survey • Survey of Water Supply & Sanitation • Survey of Warehousing and Storage • Survey of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) • Survey of Social, Recreational, Community and Personal Services
Why rebasing of National Accounts • To capture the real and reliable estimates of Gross Domestic Product(GDP). Gross Fixed Capital Formation(GFCF) by enlarging the sphere and coverage of macro - economic data and estimates as per guidelines of System of National Accounts(SNA) • The rebasing is a requirement of the government policy and decision makers, researchers and national and international users of Pakistan macro-economic data and it is also international practice.
Why rebasing of National Accounts • The present National Accounts estimates are based on 1999-2000 and have become outdated due to fast and rapid changes in economy and economic structure. National Accounts Committee recommended that the base should be changed to 2005-06 and new estimates may be prepared. Therefore, a project “Rebasing of National Accounts from 1999-2000 to 2005-06” was initiated in 2006. • The implementation involves the following activities: • New surveys / studies , • New classifications, • New methods and concepts and new price bases .