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A study of penetrating EAS component at Carpet-2 EAS array: II. Muons with Eµ > 1 GeV.

A study of penetrating EAS component at Carpet-2 EAS array: II. Muons with Eµ > 1 GeV. A.U. Kudzhaev, D.D. Dzhappuev, V.V. Alekseenko, A.B. Chernyev, N.F. Klimenko, A.S. Lidvansky, V.B. Petkov and Yu. V. Stenkin Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS.

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A study of penetrating EAS component at Carpet-2 EAS array: II. Muons with Eµ > 1 GeV.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A study of penetrating EAS component at Carpet-2 EAS array: II. Muons with Eµ > 1 GeV. A.U. Kudzhaev, D.D. Dzhappuev, V.V. Alekseenko, A.B. Chernyev, N.F. Klimenko, A.S. Lidvansky, V.B. Petkov and Yu. V. Stenkin Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS

  2. The “Carpet-2” configuration allows to measure parameters of EAS for interval Ne=105÷106 with the following accuracy: core location: Δ Xo=ΔYo=0.35m; shower size ΔNe / Ne≈0.1; arrival direction Δψ ≈ 3.5°; studying EAS central density structure; studying the structure of muonic component with 1 GeV threshold energy.


  4. Comparison of muon lateraldistributions of experimentaldata and simulated ones inthe range 105.0<Ne<105.3 .Comparison of muon lateraldistributions of experimentaldata and simulated ones in the range 105.3<Ne<106.0.

  5. Experimental and simulated relation<n> vs Ne<nμ> ~Neα, α≈0.73for experimental data of “Carpet-2”n-number of muons per EAS The simulation have been performed usingCORSIKA code (model QGSJET) for primary Fe and protons.

  6. The integral distribution of the ratio N/<N>, where N isthe number of muons per EAS

  7. The decoherent curve for muons with energy >1GeV The decoherent curve for muonsis obtained for experimental data:a - before correction on efficient ofregistration b – corrected on efficient of regis-tration(1-exp. decoherent curve,2 – F(d)exp(-d/do), do=59.4м) The experimental decoherent curve is corrected at efficiency of registration and fitted by function F(d) exp(-d/do) with do=59.4м for EAS muons with energy Eo>1014 eV obtained on SYGNUS trigger (M1)

  8. ConclusionAt the muon detector of “Carpet-2” shower array was obtained:1. LDF for muon with energy >1GeV2. Dependence n-Ne 3. Dechogerent curve for muons withenergy >1GeV

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