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Core qualifications and identity in business and administration occupations in Germany Findings from a research project on all recognized training occupations in that field Dr. Franz Kaiser
Core qualifications and identity in business and administrationoccupations in GermanyFindingsfrom a researchproject on all recognizedtrainingoccupations in thatfield Dr. Franz Kaiser Conference: Policies and labourmarketdemands –Challenges and opportunitiesfor VET 23-24 May 2012; Sweden/Åland 2012
Content • The German VET-System – 350 trainingoccupations – Swedishtrainingprogrammes • Project context, objectives and approach • Whathistorycantellusaboutbusiness and administrationoccupations and identity • Results of a contentanalysis of trainingregulations • Similarities and differences in theoccupations • Key skillsforb&a-occupations Dr. Franz Kaiser, Federal Institute for VET, Germany
Actualdevelopments in thelabourmarket and responses • Risingdemandforb&a-qualifications and occupations • In the last 15 yearswedeveloped 12 newoccupations in thefield of b&a-services Training contracts production service Dr. Franz Kaiser, Federal Institute for VET, Germany
Main targets and approach of theproject • Systematisation of a&bapprenticeshiptraining and advancedtrainingoccupations • Development of a theory of identity, thinking and acting in a&boccupations • Developing a methodologyforoccupationalresearch • Learning frommodels of structuringa&boccupations in other countries (Austria, Switzerland, Sweden) • Provide innovative impulsesforthestructuraldiscussion of occuptionalgroups and families Dr. Franz Kaiser, Federal Institute for VET, Germany
Functions and dimensions of „Beruf“ Dr. Franz Kaiser, Federal Institute for VET, Germany
Main targets and approach 2 Core qualifications and identity of business and administrationoccupations Sociology • of industry and assistent-work Content Analysis of trainingregulations of a&b-occupations Necessaryqualificationsfrom a perspective of Business education History of merchants- and tradersqualificationsfromtheMiddle Ages until 1920 Dr. Franz Kaiser, Federal Institute for VET, Germany
From a dispisedoccupationto professional policy and politicalinfluenceorunionorganizedworkers Travellingsalesmen Settledmerchants (Hanse) Merchants and nobility(influence in goverment and policy) The qualification and tasks of administrative and salesassistantsaredeterminatedbythedelegation of managementtasks and functionsfromtheemployertotheemployees Manufacturer (industrial) commercialemployeeas a massphenomen Hour of birthforsociology of industry Dr. Franz Kaiser, Federal Institute for VET, Germany
Historical body of knowledgeformerchants Geschäftsgrundsätze, wie Einkauf, Verkauf, Verträge, Preis, Mengen, Absatz, Markt, Zahlungs- und Kreditwürdigkeit, Kredite, Prozent-, Zins-, Diskont- und Terminrechnung, Effekten und Devisen, Börse, Börsengebräuche, Fakturierung und Mahnung, Wechsel Rechtskunde, Umgang mit Notaren Handels- und Dokumentationstechniken, wie Schreiben, Rechnen, Buchungstechniken Rhetorik, Abfassen von Briefen, kaufmännische Korrespondenz, Kalligraphie, Orthographie, „Tachygraphie“ (Kurz-) und „Cryptographie“ (Geheim-) kaufmännische Arithmetik, kaufmännisches Rechnen (auf den Linien), Buchhaltung ab 16 Jh., Doppik Steuern und Abgaben (Merkantilismus) Warenkenntnisse, elementare Warenkunde, Warenkalkulation Lagerung, Pflege, Verpackung, Kontrolle des Warenbestandes, Lagerordnung Maß-, Gewichts- und Gütevorschriften Transportwege, Transportmöglichkeiten, Handelsgeographie Handelsgebräuche, handels- und zollrechtliche Beschränkungen Sprachkenntnisse (Italienisch, Französisch etc.) im Rahmen der Auslandslehre kaufmännisches Denken, wie Erlös, Kosten, Nutzen, Waren- und Preisbeobachtung Umgang mit Währungen Umgang mit Versicherungen Probleme bei der Gründung und Auflösung von Handelsgesellschaften, Konkurs, Sanierung Welthandelslehre, überseeische Handelsplätze (für Großhändler) Umgang mit Kommissionären, Maklern, Spediteuren, Fuhrleuten, Bankiers (für mittleren Kaufmann) Umgang mit Kunden (Anstandslehre) Historien- und Sittenlehre Logistics / Knowledge of goods Kommunication / written and spokenlanguage, Business accounting / budgetplanning and finance Holger Reinisch Cultural, political, legal conditions and traditions Dr. Franz Kaiser, Federal Institute for VET, Germany
Knowlegdeaboutidentity of commercialassistants in sociology • Study by Lederer (1920s): Orientation tomiddleclass / susceptibilitytofascism • Continuity in theorientation - Dahrendorfs „White collarworkers“ (1959) ‚wrongclassconsciousness‘ • Loyalitytotheeconomicinterests of theemployer and thecompany (1970s) • Contributionorientated and orientatedtowardsself-realisation, not towardsbenefit and wages (2000) • Dividebetweenmoreworker and unionorientation on theonehand and „entreployee“ orientation on theother (Voss/Pongratz 2005) Iftheywork in jobsfacingdequalification (workingbelowtheirqualificationlevel), most of them in back offices, withcompetition in international labourmarkets, theygiveuptheir traditional loyality. Iftheyhave wider latitudetoact, mostly in cooperationwiththecustomers, theyacceptflexibilisation of work, time and feellike an employer. Thomas Haipeter Dr. Franz Kaiser, Federal Institute for VET, Germany
Approach forthecontentanalysis of trainingregulations Differentiation of texttypes SelectingtheOccupations Differentiation of contentand fields of activity Investigation of similaritiesand differences Development of a set of categories Common Qualifications Specific Needs Dr. Franz Kaiser, Arbeitsbereich 4.2 Ordnung der Berufsbildung Kaufmännisch-betriebswirtschaftliche Dienstleistungsberufe und Berufe der Medienwirtschaft 6. BIBB-Berufsbildungskongress 2011, Dr. Franz Kaiser Folie Nr. 9
Findings of thetrainingregulations‘ analysis 1 Dr. Franz Kaiser, Federal Institute for VET, Germany
Findings of thetrainingregulations‘ analysis2 LargeDeviation 6. BIBB-Berufsbildungskongress 2011, Dr. Franz Kaiser Folie Nr. 11 Dr. Franz Kaiser, Federal Institute for VET, Germany
Common qualificationfields (in order of theirsignificance) Administrative supervision, control and accounting Sales, consultancy, customersupport and distribution Information and communication Law and Contract Management Organization of enterprises Logistics and transport Global economicframework Human ressourcesmanagement Purchasing (not included in all regulations) Dr. Franz Kaiser, Federal Institute for VET, Germany
Characteristics of a&boccupations I Economicprinciples: Commercial assistantsaremarkedbymakingdecisionsbetweencosts and achievingthegoals Intermediaryagents: Commercial assistantsbuildbridgesbetween: Enterprises and customers, B2B, Planing and production and service.Theyareagentsfor: Goods, money, information, services. Frameworks: Commercial assistantstakingexternalfactorsintoaccountfortheiractivities. Especiallymarket,policy and law. Dr. Franz Kaiser, Federal Institute for VET, Germany
Characteristics of a&boccuptions II Identities Efficiency-increaser Interface- and socialdesigner Processanalyst and-designer Translater and agent Facilitator Informationbroker Commitment-builder Activityfields • Accounting and calculation • Cooperation, Communication • Organisation • Logics und Languages • Service • Documentation und Search • Purchasing,Selling, Contractstructuring Dr. Franz Kaiser, Federal Institute for VET, Germany Das GUK-Projektteam BIBB Arbeitsbereich 4.2
Differentiation (a&bactivities) Hierarchy and decisionmaking Business Processes and internal functionalities Management Independent Providers Accounting Head of a Department Key and Support Processes Employee Marketing and Sales Group Management Human Resource Management Standard Administration Organisation Trade SocialFunction Industry Finance Health Public Services Dr. Franz Kaiser, in Anlehnung an Kutscha 1976
Thanks and contact Artikel • Brötz; Schapfel-Kaiser: Gemeinsamkeiten in kaufmännischen Ausbildungsberufen ermitteln Zwischenergebnisse einer computergestützten Dokumentenanalyse, in BWP 4/2010 • Brötz; Kaiser: Vom Monoberuf über Flexibilisierungskonzepte zum Individualberuf? Wenn Berufsbildungsforschung ihren Gegenstand zu verlieren droht. In: Reinisch / Frommberger : Berufliche Bildung durchlässiger gestalten. Bonn 2011 Herausgaben im Rahmen des Projektes • Brötz; Schapfel-Kaiser (Hrsg.) Anforderungen an kaufmännisch-betriebswirtschaftliche Berufe aus berufspädagogischer und soziologischer Sicht Bonn 2009 • Haipeter: Kaufleute zwischen Angestelltenstatus und Dienstleistungsarbeit – eine soziologische Spurensuche. Wissenschaftliches Diskussionspapier des BIBB • Reinisch (Götzl): Geschichte der kaufmännischen Berufe. Wissenschaftliches Diskussionspapier des BIBB Projekthomepage:http://www.bibb.de/de/wlk52110.htm Kontakt: Dr. Franz Kaiser;kaiser@bibb.de;: 0049 228 107 1329 Tack försittamedörenenpå spänn sattThanksforattention
Thanks and Contact • Functions/ Skills andKnow-How (Products and Services) • Waysofthinkingand Business Manageerknowledge (Accounting/Controlling) • SpecificProcessControll (Company Structure, Work and Business Processes) • Skills attheinterface (Human Recourses, Law, Taxes, Economics) • Customer Integration (Prosument, Social Media)
Differences in theOccupation-family „Finance“ Investment fundspecialist / / Bank clerk Insurance and financialservicesbroker Probertyagent Dr. Franz Kaiser, Federal Institute for VET, Germany
Examples of recognizedtrainingregulations • Insurance and financialservicesbroker • Agent in marketingcommunication • Legal assistant • Automobile businessadminstrator • Freight forwarding and logistics services clerk • Industrial clerk • Bookseller • Tourism and leisureagent • Clerk in publicadminstration • roundabout 55 trainingregulationsforb&a-occupations,most of themwith a sector- orproduct-specificprofil