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Solution Offering Mobile Banking. Brussels, 14/01/2011. Agenda. Smartphone market trends: platform diversity CSC’s approach: multi-platform development framework Demo Mobile references Technical Q&A. Smartphone market figures and forecast Platform diversity will continue to exist.
Solution OfferingMobile Banking Brussels, 14/01/2011
Agenda • Smartphone market trends: platform diversity • CSC’s approach: multi-platform development framework • Demo • Mobile references • Technical Q&A
Smartphone market figures and forecast Platform diversity will continue to exist Android: further market share growth expected Windows Phone: market share growth expected due to Nokia agreement Apple will hold on to the market share Blackberry will maintain strong in business niche market Symbian will in time be replaced by Windows Phone
Mobile browser market figures Browser shares will evolve Apple user base still dominates the Belgian market (early adopters) ... but others start to explore the mobile web: over time device market shares will be reflected more and more in browser shares
The mobile dilemmaWhich platforms to support? Organizations must choose which platforms to target • Building for all platforms is expensive, time-consuming, difficult to maintain and unscalable • While focusing on one or two platforms limits reach and ignores audiences risk of customer frustration Both options are meaningfully deficient as is the accompanying ROI. CSC’s approach is about maximizing the multi-device capabilities in a cost efficient way Dear visitor, Your mobile phone does not have the required technical features to have access to Mobile Banking. Visit our public site
CSC’s approach to Mobile BankingDevelop one, run everywhere Develop once Run everywhere Greater customer reach Faster time-to-market Lower development cost Faster market adoption Better continuity
Benefits CSC’s framework for multi-platform development • Access to device native functions • Based on open-source community-driven Phonegap Technology upgraded by CSC to be full cross-version compatible • Even compatible with oldest Android version 1.5 • A unique developer interface • The development framework patched by CSC will hide the cross-version complexity for the developer • Possible to bypass “Stores” • The CSC mobile solution can be published in or out of Markets if necessary • access Markets for better visibility • bypass Markets for faster go2market • Dynamic touch interface • Possible to apply the same customizable interface on all devices: same look and feel • Or native look&feel interface per device (iPhone look & feel, Android look & feel, Black Berry look & feel) • Only one development/source code: full cross-device and • Apple iPhone and iPad • Android (1.5, 1.6, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3) • Symbian • Black Berry • Windows • Well known, uncostly and powerful technology • Based on well known technology HTML (5) and JavaScript • No platform native development language skills required • Reduced Costs • A single source code installable on all mobile devices decreases costs of • development and bug fixing • continuity and maintenance
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ReferencesCSC has executed 100+ Mobility Projects over the last 3 years • CSC is uniquely positioned to deliver a top level of mobile services • We have significant Financial Services Industry expertise • We have executed many complex, sizable mobility projects and understand the leading practices
ReferencesSome examples ‘Mobile banking iPhone application Fnac MarketPlaceiPhone application CSC Mobile insurance (iPhone/Black Berry/Android) CSC Mobile news feed (iPhone/Android)
Solution Offering Mobile Banking Technical Q&A
Technical Q&A (1) • How is it possible to run the same source code on different mobile devices? • When using our solution, the steps are: • Generate native projects (iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry, Windows, Symbian, Palm) using our Framework scripts. This step is automatic and no development is necessary. • A unique HTML source folder is developed and pasted in each generated project. (See step 1) • The HTML will access the native functions through javascript and backdoors . (Generated in step 1) • Is it possible to create new backdoors? • Yes, We can modify the scripts used to generate the native projects to add extra “backdoors”. By default, many backdoors are already available (Geolocation, Contact list…). • Which version of HTML must we use to develop the application ? • We can use either HTML 4 only or HTML 5 only or both of them. • The demo localization was developed using native GPS, if not available triangulation, if not available ip geolocation, if not available through HTML 5 navigation.geolocation tag, else an error message is shown. • Although there is not yet a formal baseline, most of HTML5 guidelines are already fixed • Can we reuse existing front-end and back-end components? • The proposed solution can reuse any existing CSS, javascript or web component available. The mobile solution can make calls to existing securised back-end services (Web services (Soap, Rest), EBJ, Json Ajax services…)
Technical Q&A (2) • Is this solution secured ? • This solution can be securised by the same technologies as classical web applications (Certificates, Encryption, Challenge…). We can install certificates or other necessary components to make it working correctly. • How do you deal with a proprietary client authentication security solution that has to be deployed on top of it on all platforms: does the framework have a solution for this? • If necessary new (cross-devices) “backdoors” can be developed (a few lines of code) to assure compatibility with proprietary security solutions. • Can we work offline ? • When the solution is running, it can detect that the network is not available. In that case, the application can work offline with specific behaviour through native or cross-platform functions to be resynchronized later. • Is it possible to create functions for a specific device ? For instance iPpad? • Definitly, the framework can detect on which device is running the application and unlock special functions. • How can we detect screen resolution? • The solution is based on the well-known webkit library giving access to screen resolution and orientation on all mobile devices. Phonegap technology is based on webkit libraries (webkit is the common lib used by all mobile browsers). This library gives access to screen size (width/height. The principle is the same for classical web applications. Webkit assures the accuracy of screen resolution attributes. In the future, the mobile device browsers will continue to build on top of webkit.
Technical Q&A (3) • Is it possible to use native look and feel with this solution? • Yes, We can either use the native look and feel provided by each device or a similar look and feel on all devices. • Is this solution accepted by the market stores? • This solution has been accepted by all stores. • Are there already apps that are accepted both in Apple and other stores? • Yes, the applications sent to Apple Store must respect the Apple guidelines. There is not such severe restrictions on the other stores (Ovi, Android, Windows…). • How can we apply the native look & feel for every device? • The phonegap.js file and phonegap.css are never overridden by the unique source folder. The unique source folder (html pages) makes reference to phonegap.js and phonegap.css. The two files are generated by phonegap scripts when generating native project structure. So a unique source folder (html pages) can render differently on different devices. • Can we store local information? • Yes, The solution supports local storage functions: Create, Read, Update, Delete. Those storage functions can be useful for online and offline modes.
Technical steps (1) Scripts to generate native projects Those generated projects contain specific generated phonegap.js and phonegap.css
Technical steps (2) phonegap.js phonegap.css phonegap.js phonegap.css phonegap.js phonegap.css phonegap.js phonegap.css phonegap.js phonegap.css uses The project sources (HTML) of the unique folder are copied to each native project. The HTML sources of the unique project can make references to specific js or css files. Example: phonegap.js Each generated project has its own phonegap.js and phonegap.css. This is the way to apply a native layout for each device type using the unique project sources.
Solution Offering Mobile Banking Appendix
DISCOVER PLAN BUILD OPERATE Introduction to CSC Industries Total Revenue 13B € 12 months ending March 31, 2010 Chemical, Energy& Natural Resources910M € Consumer Products and Technology 2B € Financial Services2.3B € HealthServices833M € Manufacturing 2B € Public Sector5B € • Business / IT Strategy • Business Transformation • Program Management • Change Management • Package Evaluation and Selection • ERP, Work Mgmt, Asset Mgmt • Business Intelligence • System Integration • Security • Testing • Package Implementation • System Development • Application Modernization • Application Maintenance • Outsourcing Financial Services Industry Focus Areas Total Employees 98,000 in 52 Countries Americas EMEA APAC 22,000 22,000 54,000 Geographies
Operations Introduction to CSC End-to-End Services Delivery CONSULTING SYSTEMS INTEGRATION OUTSOURCING Business Vision & Strategy Process (Re)Design IT strategy Systems Development & Integration Implementation PLAN BUILD OPERATE
Some key Financial Services references in the EMEA region Major Belgian Bank Major Italian Bank
Contact us for more info Luc Van Lier Associate Partner Corporate Village - Leonardo DaVincilaan 3B 1935 Zaventem | mobile + 32 (0)475 59 16 12lvanlier@csc.com | www.csc.com/be Dominique Tassent Associate Partner Corporate Village - Leonardo DaVincilaan 3B 1935 Zaventem | mobile + 32 (0) 477 61 81 73 dtassent@csc.com | www.csc.com/be Thibaut de Sany Architect for Mobiles Corporate Village - Leonardo DaVincilaan 3B 1935 Zaventem | mobile +32 (0) 474 85 89 45@csc.com | www.csc.com/be Arend Lauwers Senior Consultant Corporate Village - Leonardo DaVincilaan 3B 1935 Zaventem | mobile +32 (0) 475 93 49 59alauwers@csc.com | www.csc.com/be
Solution Offering Mobile Banking THANK YOU