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Official Statistics in the era of Ubiquitous connectivity & Pervasive Technologies. Michail SKALIOTIS , Eurostat Paper for the International Statistical Conference ‘ S TATISTICS – I NVESTMENT IN THE F UTURE 2‘. Contents of presentation. Purpose
Official Statistics in the era of Ubiquitous connectivity & Pervasive Technologies Michail SKALIOTIS, Eurostat Paper for the International Statistical Conference ‘STATISTICS – INVESTMENT IN THE FUTURE 2‘ Prague, 14-15 September, 2009
Contents of presentation • Purpose • Power of Data & the Market of official statistics • Scenarios of a Ubiquitous world • Proposals for pilot projects & experimentation • Concluding remark Prague, 14-15 September, 2009 - Official Statistics in the era of Ubiquitous & pervasive technologies
The Purpose of this presentation: • Raise awareness amongst official statisticians of the necessity to move towards Official Statistics 2.0. • Demonstrate and persuade that a profoundtechnology shift is happening now which requires changes to our professional paradigm and our business model. This is both a challengeand a responsibilityfor official statistics. Prague, 14-15 September, 2009 - Official Statistics in the era of Ubiquitous & pervasive technologies
Power of Data & the market of official statistics (1) • Some underlying trends to consider:increasing pressure on NSIs for providing more data, in a more timely manner, reducing response burden on enterprises and individuals…….at constant or reduced resources (this is a formidable optimisation problem). • The result is that NSIs cannot meet all the demands, and therefore • Private actors are entering the market of official statistics. • On the other hand we observe an increasing attractiveness of the statistics market as such Prague, 14-15 September, 2009 - Official Statistics in the era of Ubiquitous & pervasive technologies
Power of Data & the market of official statistics (2) It is worth reading: • Ian Ayres: ‘Super Crunchers: Why thinking-by-numbers is the new way to be smart’, (Sept. 2007), Bantam Dell. • Choi, H & Varian, H.: ‘Predicting the Present with Google Trends’, (April 2009)http://www.google.com/googleblogs/pdfs/google_predicting_the_present.pdf • Lohr, S.: ’For Today’s Graduate, Just One Word: Statistics’, New York Times, 5 August 2009. …these multibillion-dollar acquisitions of firms whose sole product is number crunching, is powerful evidence that data-driven decision making has market value (Ayres) Prague, 14-15 September, 2009 - Official Statistics in the era of Ubiquitous & pervasive technologies
Power of Data & the market of official statistics (3) • New environments and modes of data and information exchange are emerging:- Internet - RFID- Explosion of electronic transactions- Electronic records and digital footprints- petabytes of data (too many data) • In a (largely) digital world there will be a need for developing a new quality framework for statistics • This task should be entrusted to a ‘trusted third party’, i.e. NSIs, Eurostat, OECD, UNSD, and other public bodies responsible for official statistics. Prague, 14-15 September, 2009 - Official Statistics in the era of Ubiquitous & pervasive technologies
Scenarios of a Ubiquitous world (1) • Some terminology first: The list of words that are used in the context of ubiquitous computing….is very long! • Ubiquitous Computing, Pervasive Computing, Mobile Computing, Smart Phones, Wearable Computing, Calm Technology, Spimes, Internet Protocol v6, Invisible Computing, Seamless Computing, Wi-Fi, Ambient Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, • Radio-Frequency Identification, Intelligent Environments, • Internet-Of-Things, Physical Computing, Networked Objects, Smart Dust, Things That Think, Global Positioning System, Tangible Media, Mixed-Reality Games, Thinglinks, Body Area Networks, Blogjects, Context-Aware Computing, Cell ID, Spychips, Everyware, Participatory Panopticon, Smart Homes, Ambient Findability, Geospatial Web, Sensing Technologies, Physical Metaverse, Locative Media, Pervasive Play…[source: Anne Galloway: A Brief History of the Future of Urban Computing and Locative Media, PhD Thesis, p.110]. Prague, 14-15 September, 2009 - Official Statistics in the era of Ubiquitous & pervasive technologies
Scenarios of a Ubiquitous world (2) • What evidence do we have to demonstrate that technology is really driving our societies towards a ubiquitous and pervasive world ? To answer this question, I gathered supportive evidence by looking at: • Current research activities • Ubicomp conferences • Policy documents • Opinions from technology experts • EU initiatives in the direction of preparing a balanced regulatory framework, etc… Prague, 14-15 September, 2009 - Official Statistics in the era of Ubiquitous & pervasive technologies
Scenarios of a Ubiquitous world (3) • To understand the scale and vision of the current EU activities in ICT and the Internet in particular, it is worth visiting the sitehttp://www.future-internet.eu/publications.html • Things that look like science fiction today, they will become reality tomorrow • For example, the time is approaching where your business meetings in the future will look like (next slide) Prague, 14-15 September, 2009 - Official Statistics in the era of Ubiquitous & pervasive technologies
Scenarios of a Ubiquitous world (4) Prague, 14-15 September, 2009 - Official Statistics in the era of Ubiquitous & pervasive technologies
Scenarios of a Ubiquitous world (5) • The very functioning of Ubiquitous computing is based on data, metadata, and information processing embeded in the objects, body, surfaces and (through them) in the activities of everyday life. • The challenges and responsibilities for Official Statistics are manifold: developing quality frameworks with internationally agreed standards for real-time statistics, guiding consumers and prosumers of statistics to avoid confusion in an environment of ‘too much information’, helping regulators, collaborating with multi-disciplinary stakeholders for the design and development of trusted information systems……are just some of the many areas! Prague, 14-15 September, 2009 - Official Statistics in the era of Ubiquitous & pervasive technologies
Domains for piloting and experimentation (1) • There are several areas we could start with piloting and experimentation. • I have selected 3 broad domains: The Internet, Consumer Price Indexes and Health Statistics. • The selection was based on 2 sets of considerations: • Technical advancements, investment by industry, scale of the phenomenon and political commitment on the one hand, and • The different nature and complexity of the statistical challenges that each domain requires. Prague, 14-15 September, 2009 - Official Statistics in the era of Ubiquitous & pervasive technologies
Domains for piloting and experimentation (2) • The Internet for example is already there, political commitment is very high, and the industry is massively involved in the design of future internet. The Internet is becoming the real infrastructure of our societies. • Amongst the 3 areas, the Internet represents the most challenging and most complex statistical aspects. This is clearly a field of statistical experimentation. • RFID-based retail price statistics do not represent the complexities of the Internet, but their attractiveness is not without methodological challenges (similar to scanner-based data). Prague, 14-15 September, 2009 - Official Statistics in the era of Ubiquitous & pervasive technologies
Domains for piloting and experimentation (3) • Finally, the domain of Health statistics, while it represents softer statistical challenges, it is a unique test-bed for developing trustworthy data environments. • I do believe that NSIs should embark on all of these domains with concrete projects. Prague, 14-15 September, 2009 - Official Statistics in the era of Ubiquitous & pervasive technologies
Concluding remark • While it might be difficult to predict the exact timing and scale of ubiquitous computing, there is adequate evidence suggesting that it will rather happen sooner than later. A ubiquitous and pervasive world will require official statistics to change towards their version 2.0; the moment to start preparing for this is now. • Let’s close this presentation with a flavour of technologyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ-VjUKAsao Prague, 14-15 September, 2009 - Official Statistics in the era of Ubiquitous & pervasive technologies