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BarcodeScanState. InitialBaMU State. // Clean up . Wait for MLIM Pong SMAPI EndOpenDrawer Data (). Wait for BarcodeScannedEvent () from BaMU. // do nothing. // do nothing. // do nothing. Send 1).prescriptions and their locations and 2).light color to BaMU.
BarcodeScanState InitialBaMU State // Clean up Wait for MLIM PongSMAPI EndOpenDrawerData() Wait forBarcodeScannedEvent() from BaMU // do nothing // do nothing // do nothing Send 1).prescriptions and their locations and 2).light color to BaMU Ping MWTM to get to. patient list and MUMS appearance SendInitDataToBaMU( 1. PatientList+ 2. MUMS appearance ) Wait for LIMpong event…. // do nothing Send notification to BaMU Ping MLIM OpenDrawer(MedicationID) . BarcodeScannedEvent() PrescriptionsAllReadyEvent() MWTMPongEvent() PatientSelectionState DrawerCloseState 。According to patient id , find the corresponding prescriptions。Ping MLIM (NurseID, MedCodeList ) MLIMPongEvent() PatientSelectionEvent from BaMU WorkDoneEvent() BaMUEndState LightLEDState ) MLIMPongEvent() PRNSelectionEventfrom BaMU PRNSelectionState Ping MLIM (NurseID, PRNIdList) Send notification to BaMU