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Systemic solutions for recognition of non - formal learning in Slovenia. Barbara Kunčič. 3rd March 2011. Recognition on different levels of education. VET system secondary education. SCHOOL CENTRES’ CONSORTIA UNISVET : http://www.unisvet.si/ MUNUS 2: http://munus2. tsc .si/
Systemicsolutionsforrecognitionofnon-formallearning in Slovenia Barbara Kunčič 3rd March 2011
VET systemsecondaryeducation SCHOOL CENTRES’ CONSORTIA UNISVET : http://www.unisvet.si/ MUNUS 2: http://munus2.tsc.si/ CONSORTIUM OF BIOTECHNICAL CENTRES CPI – coordinationofactivities CONSORTIUM OF INSTITUTIONS FOR ADULT EDUCATION
Maingoals • Define a procedure forrecognitionoflearningandhelpschoolsimplement it throughthetestingphase • Definemainformsthatcanbe used in the procedure • Trainingofotherschools to beable to executethe procedure ofrecognition • Identifybestpracticeexamplesandpropose one solutionthatcanbe used in allsecondary VET programmesregardlessofthetargetgroup
Challenges to solve • Recognitionofformal/nonformallearning • Trustissuesamongdifferentschoolsand in public • Processshouldbeshortbut it has to ensurethequalityof procedure and it has to betrustworthy • Recognition / assessment
Evaluationofthecurrentsituation in recognitionofnon-formallearning Received 202 questionnaires / 307 Executedproceduresofvalidationofnon-formallearningfrom 2007 VET schools : 13% Adulteducators: 40% Highervocationalschools: 66,7% Typeofrecognisedlearning • Workingexperience • Courses • Training
Highervocationaleducation • Consortiumofhighervocationalschools – IMPLETUM • Ruleson the recognition of prior learning in higher vocational education • Jointguidlinesandstandardsforrecognition of prior learning in higher vocational education
Keysteps in procedure Studenthas a right to applyforrecognitionof prior learningacquired throughwork, non-formaltraining or byvalidationoftheproduct done at work or actualserviceexecuted at theworking post Throughformaleducation STEPS: Counselling Formalapplication Preparationofpersonalportfolio Preparationofexpertopinionbylecturer Assessmentifneeded Formalconsiderationofapplication (studycommission) Issuingthedecision on recognition Possiblecomplaintfromstudent
Tertiaryeducation Criteriaforvalidationofstudyprogrammeswithcredits The university or independent institution of higher education in the statute or other act shall establish procedures for the recognition of credits obtained in other studies at the same or other higher education institutions. Criteria for accreditation of study programmes Institutioncanrecognize the knowledge, skills or abilities acquired through formal, nonformal and experiential learningthat is in content and complexitysimilar in part or as a whole to the general or subject-specific competences defined by individual study program.
National Professional Qualifications • Formalcertificationofinformalandnonformallearning – formalisationofdifferentwaysofacquisitionofknowledgeandskills • Foradultswith no formaleducationenablesacquisitionof NVQ’s regarding to theirworkexperiences
assessment/recognition • Portfolioassessment • File ofinformationanddocumentsaboutthecandidateandhis/herworkinglife, hobbies, iterests –regarding to specific NVQ • Enablesrecognitionof NVQ – usuallypartly • Preparedwiththehelpofcounsellor • ‘Live’ assessment • Combination
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Barbara.kuncic@cpi.si