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Objectives. 1. Name and describe the function of the basic structure of the nervous system2. Explain how gradations in strength of muscle contraction and precision of movements occur3. Name and define the receptors important in musculoskeletal movement4. Explain how the various function, and desc
1. Chapter 4:The Neuromuscular Basis of Human Motion Lecture Notes
2. Objectives 1. Name and describe the function of the basic structure of the nervous system
2. Explain how gradations in strength of muscle contraction and precision of movements occur
3. Name and define the receptors important in musculoskeletal movement
4. Explain how the various function, and describe the effect each has on musculoskeletal movement
3. Objectives 5. Describe reflex action, and enumerate and differentiate among the reflexes that affect musculoskeletal action
6. Demonstrate a basic understanding of volitional movement by describing the nature of the participation of the anatomical structures and mechanisms
7. Perform an analysis of the neuromuscular factors influencing the performance of a variety of motor skills
A. Brain
B. Spinal cord
II. Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
A. Cranial nerves (12 pairs)
B. Spinal nerves (31 pairs)
III. Autonomic nervous system
A. Sympathetic
B. Parasympthetic
5. Neurons Is a single nerve cell consisting of a cell body and one or more projections
6. Motor Neurons Situated in anterior horns of spinal cord
Dendrite that synapse with sensory neurons
Axon emerges from spinal cord, travels by way of a peripheral nerve to muscle
Each terminal branch ends at the motor end plate of a single muscle fiber
7. Sensory Neurons Situated in a dorsal root ganglion just outside the spinal cord
Neuron may terminate in spinal cord or brain
A long peripheral fiber comes from a receptor
8. Connector Neurons Exist completely within the CNS
Serve as connecting links
May be a single neuron, connecting sensory to motor neurons
To an intricate system of neurons, whereby a sensory impulse may be related to many motor neurons
9. Nerves A bundle of fibers, enclosed within a connective tissue sheath, for transmission of impulses
A typical spinal nerve consist of
Motor outgoing fibers
Sensory incoming fibers
10. Nerves Each spinal nerve is attached to spinal cord by an anterior (motor) root and a posterior (sensory) root
Posterior root bears a ganglion – a collection of cell bodies
11. Spinal Nerves 31 pairs – exit both sides of the vertebral column
8 Cervical
12 Thoracic
5 Lumbar
5 Sacral
1 Coccyx
Table 4.1 outlines spinal
12. The Synapse Connection between neurons
May be thousands between any two neurons
Proximity of the membrane of one axon to another dendrites
The more often a synapse is used the faster a signal will pass through it
The greater the number of synapses for receptor to effector, the longer the time form stimulus to response
13. The Synapse Transmission across depends on a chemical transmitter
Substance diffuses synapse and produces an action potential in postsynaptic neuron
14. Action Potentials Threshold level is the minimum level of stimulus (chemical transmitter) necessary to initiate or propagate a signal
Facilitation – an excitatory stimulus
Inhibition – an inhibitory stimulus
Stimulus may be from more than one neuron
The sum total of excitatory and inhibitory determine if the postsynaptic neuron will produce an action potential
15. THE MOTOR UNIT (MU) Consist of a single MU and all the muscle fibers its axon supplies
All muscle fibers in a MU are of the same muscle fiber type
16. Size of Motor Units Vary widely in the number of muscle fibers
Gastrocnemius: 2,000 or more muscle fibers
Eye muscles: may have fewer than 10 fibers
Small ratio of muscle fibers to MU is capable of more precise movements
Size of MU has direct bearing on the precision of movement
17. Gradations in the Strength of Muscular Contractions Experience tells us that the same muscles contract with various gradations of strength
How do they adjust to such extremes?
1. Number of motor units that are activated
2. Frequency of stimulation
18. All-or-None PrincipleRecruitment of Motor Units All-or-None Principle: If the stimulus is of threshold value, all muscles of MU will contract
Applies to muscle fibers not whole muscle
MU recruitment: has an orderly sequence to
Smaller slow twitch fibers are recruited first
They have lower thresholds
Larger fast twitch fibers are recruited later
They have higher thresholds
19. Frequency of Stimulation At low frequency, muscle fibers relax between impulses
At high frequency, fibers do not have time to relax and result in summation or maximal contraction
A combination of maximum number of fibers stimulated and high frequency results in a maximal strength of contraction
20. SENSORY RECEPTORS Respond to different stimuli
Exteroceptors: near body surface stimuli come from outside the body
Interoceptors: sense heat, cold, pain and pressure
21. Proprioceptors Respond to degree, direction, & rate of change of body movements
Transmit information to CNS
Muscle receptors
Joint & skin receptors
22. Muscle ProprioceptorsMuscle Spindles Located in muscle belly, parallel with fibers
When stretched, sensory nerve sends impulses to CNS, which activates the motor neurons causing contraction of the muscle
More spindles are located in muscle controlling precise movements
23. Muscle ProprioceptorsMuscle Spindles Extrafusal fibers “regular” muscle fibers
Intrafusal fibers muscle fibers inside spindles
Noncontractile central portion
24. Muscle ProprioceptorsMuscle Spindles Spindles contains two type of nerve endings
Primary or annulospiral endings: coiled around noncontractile midsection
Sensitive to velocity of change (phasic)
Sharp decline in impulses to static changes
Flower-spray endings: at end of noncontractile midsection
Respond to static muscle length
Impulses directly proportional to length
25. Muscle ProprioceptorsMuscle Spindles Gamma motor neurons: stimulate the intrafusal fibers to contract, shortening the muscle spindle
26. Muscle ProprioceptorsGolgi Tendon Organ (GTO) Embedded “in series” in the tendon
As tension in tendon increases GTO is activated
Signals CNS to relax muscle
Protective mechanism
27. Joint and Skin ProprioceptorsPacinian Corpuscles In regions around joint capsules, ligament, and tendons sheaths
End-organ has concentric layers of capsule
Activated by joint angle changes & pressure
Transmits impulses for only a very brief time
Predict where body part will be at any time
Appropriate adjustment in position can be anticipated and effected
28. Joint and Skin ProprioceptorsRuffini Endings In deep layers of skin and joint capsule
Activated by mechanical deformation
Signal continuous states of pressure
Adapt slowly, then transmit a steady signal
Stimulated strongly by sudden joint movement
Sense joint position and changes in joint angle
The CNS knowing which receptors is stimulated can tell the joint angle
29. Joint and Skin ProprioceptorsCutaneous Receptors Meissner corpuscles: touch
Pacinian corpuscles: pressure
Free nerve endings: pain
Serve as proprioceptors when they show sensitivity to texture, hardness, softness and shape, and participate in reflexes
30. Labyrinthine and Neck Proprioceptors Cochlea: is concerned with hearing
Semicircular canals: sense balance
Labyrinth filled with fluid and is lined with hair cells, senses motion of fluid as head moves
Joint receptors of the neck: sensitive to angle between the body and the head
Prevent labyrinthine proprioceptors from producing feeling of imbalance
31. REFLEX MOVEMENT A specific pattern of response without volition form the cerebrum
Receptor organ, Sensory neuron, Motor neuron, Muscle
Connector neurons
32. Exteroceptive ReflexesExtensor Thrust Reflex Pressure on sole of stimulates reflex contraction of extensor muscles