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Golden face grade

Golden face grade. By Yael Gabay & adi sherf. What is the “Golden ratio”?. Why is golden ratio pleasing to the eye?. Why is golden ratio pleasing to the eye?. Adrian Bejan , Design & Nature and Ecodynamics Horizon speed is greater than vertical speed VL / VH = L/H

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Golden face grade

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Golden face grade By Yael Gabay & adisherf

  2. What is the “Golden ratio”?

  3. Why is golden ratio pleasing to the eye?

  4. Why is golden ratio pleasing to the eye? • Adrian Bejan, Design & Nature and Ecodynamics • Horizon speed is greater than vertical speed • VL / VH = L/H • The speed is minimal when L/H= 3/2

  5. Why is golden ratio pleasing to the eye? • breathes and flows – text with graphics and math on a book page.

  6. The golden mask • Dr Stephen Marquartdtdeveloped this facial mask • Deasined to help plastic surgeons align facial features • Based on a series of rectangles, triangles and decagons. 

  7. The new “golden ratio” שמות הערות מהמאמר • Pamela Pallett, Stephen Link, and Kang Lee Found two “new golden ratios“ • one for length-The vertical distance between their eyes and the mouth is 36 percent of the face's length • and one for width. when the horizontal distance between the eyes is 46 percent of the face's width. • these proportions correspond with those of an average face. 0.36 0.46

  8. How to grade a face? מרקאט הערות מהמאמר • Using common golden ratio face features measurements • Using the mask proportions

  9. Face Photos Assumptions מרקאט הערות מהמאמר • The angle of the face • Little shading • Image quality • All needed points are visible and clear

  10. Automatic detection of points • find the symmetry line of the face. • look for the eyes area. • look for the pupils (Daugman algorithm ). • using gradient changes and displacement.

  11. Daugman’s Integro-differential algorithm • looks for (r, x0, y0) that maximizes, where (x0, y0) is the center of the iris (and the pupil) and r is its radius. • The integral sums the average intensity of a circle with radius r • if the circle has uniform intensity its contribution will be the same • the maximum value will be at the perimeter of the iris where the intensity changes dramatically.

  12. Survey • 20 faces photos • 28 participants • Asked to rank the photos by beauty ?

  13. Survey Results

  14. Survey Results • the "new" grade has better correlation with the survey results, • although ambiguously

  15. Survey Results • Most pictures received similar grade, Indicating the average face's ratios • are close to the golden ratio.

  16. Feature detecting Results

  17. Conclusions • No obvious correlation between perceiving beauty and certain ratios in the image. • golden ratio is only a part of our concept of beauty.

  18. An ethical dilemma • Is a computer program, calculating faces grades, ethic? • How would it be used? • Is the science behind it really correct?

  19. improvements • locate all 16 points automatically. • using Viola-Jones algorithm. • series of test sets, consisting of faces with similar features, differentiating mostly by proportions, and of same gender

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