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Tabemono たべもの

Tabemono たべもの. soba. chaahan. sushi. obent ō. misoshiru. hanbaagaa. furaidopoteto. yakisoba. takoyaki. juusu. ocha. mizu. ame. kukkii. keeki. kakigoori. yasa i やさい. k udamono くだもの. Can you remember what these items are called in Japanese?. ~が すき です。 ~ ga suki desu.

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Tabemono たべもの

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tabemonoたべもの

  2. soba

  3. chaahan

  4. sushi

  5. obentō

  6. misoshiru

  7. hanbaagaa

  8. furaidopoteto

  9. yakisoba

  10. takoyaki

  11. juusu

  12. ocha

  13. mizu

  14. ame

  15. kukkii

  16. keeki

  17. kakigoori

  18. yasaiやさい

  19. kudamonoくだもの

  20. Can you remember what these items are called in Japanese?

  21. ~が すき です。~ ga suki desu To say you like something: = I like… FOOD ga suki desu. Example: Keeki ga suki desu. I like cake.

  22. ~が きらい です。~ ga kirai desu To say you hate something: = I hate… FOOD ga kirai desu. Example: Keeki ga kirai desu. I hate cake.

  23. ~が すき ですか。~ ga suki desu ka? • To ask if you like something: = Do you like…? FOOD ga suki desu ka? Example: Keeki ga suki desu ka? Do you like cake?

  24. Suki desu ka?

  25. ~を たべたこと が あります。~ o tabeta koto ga arimasu. To say you have eaten something before: = I have eaten… FOOD o tabeta koto ga arimasu. Example: Keeki o tabeta koto ga arimasu. I have eaten cake before.

  26. ~を たべたこと が ありません。~ o tabeta koto ga arimasen. To say you have not eaten something before: = I have not eaten… FOOD o tabeta koto ga arimasen. Example: Keeki o tabeta koto ga arimasen. I have not eaten cake before.

  27. ~を たべたこと が ありますか。~ o tabeta koto ga arimasu ka. To ASK if someone has eaten something before: = have you eaten… FOOD o tabeta koto ga arimasu ka. Example: Keeki o tabeta koto ga arimasu ka. Have you eaten cake before?

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