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Original version by Moyea PowerPoint

KANSHASAIBI NO TABEMONO 「かんしゃさいびのたべもの」 Top 10 Thanksgiving Foods : List your favorites on your paper. Original version by Moyea PowerPoint. #1 スタッフィングSUTAFFINGU Stuffing/dressing : What kind do you like?.

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  1. KANSHASAIBI NO TABEMONO「かんしゃさいびのたべもの」Top 10 Thanksgiving Foods: List your favorites on your paper. Original version by Moyea PowerPoint

  2. #1 スタッフィングSUTAFFINGUStuffing/dressing: What kind do you like? The best stuffing recipes are slightly dry, crumbly and heavy on the bread. Do you like stovetop stuffings?

  3. #2しちめんちょう SHICHIMENCHOUTurkey:What do you like (wing, leg, dark, light)? Have you tried a deep-fried turkey? Or do you make it in the oven?

  4. #3マッシュポテト MASHUPOTETOMashed potatoes: Do you like butter, gravy or both? Some people like to add garlic, cheese, bacon or just about anything. What does your family do?

  5. #4ハムHAMU Ham: Which do you prefer, turkey or ham? Not everyone likes turkey. A glazed, spiral cut ham can add visual appeal to a Thanksgiving table. Some families even serve both!

  6. #5クランベリー KURANBERI-Cranberry sauce: Do you like to see the berries in the sauce? Or prefer a gelatinous glob? It doesn't look natural. It's loaded with sugar. It's made from cranberries. Yet, why do so many people love it so much?

  7. #6 パンプキンパイ PANPUKIN PAIPumpkin pie: Do you like it? Or do you prefer apple pie or sweet potato pie? Some people love it, others prefer something else. What does your family have for dessert?

  8. #7ロール/パン RO-RU/PANRolls/bread: What kind of bread or rolls do you usually eat? Some families like corn bread, while others love poppy seed rolls!

  9. #8 さつまいも SATSUMA IMO Sweet potatoes: Do you like them with marshmallows melted on top? Sweet potatoes are a big favorite at many Thanksgiving dinners. Does your family like them?

  10. #9 さやいんげん SAYA INGENGreen bean casserole: Do you love it? Somehow green bean casserole has become a favorite in many households, even though green beans are not exciting on their own. How does your family make it?

  11. #10 タルダクエン TARUDAKUENTurducken: What is it? Have you tried it? Not a fowl play. Turkey... stuffed with duck... stuffed with chicken. Try it sometime!

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