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Ocean Technology in NL Background 1980’s to 1990’s

“ Collaborating with Maritime Clusters Around the World” San Diego, California November 18, 2009 Ocean Technology Sector in Newfoundland and Labrador Les O’Reilly Executive Director. Ocean Technology in NL Background 1980’s to 1990’s. Ocean - Historical Importance

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Ocean Technology in NL Background 1980’s to 1990’s

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  1. “Collaborating with Maritime ClustersAround the World”San Diego, CaliforniaNovember 18, 2009Ocean Technology Sector in Newfoundland and LabradorLes O’ReillyExecutive Director

  2. Ocean Technology in NLBackground 1980’s to 1990’s • Ocean - Historical Importance • Emergence of Oil and Gas Industry • Evolution of Foundational Pieces • Research and Development – Infrastructure – Oceans Focused • Highly Professional/Technical/Skilled People • Supportative Funding Mechanisms • Growing Oceans Focused on S.M.E.’s • Deepening Collaboration

  3. Recognition of Opportunity – Optimize the Sector (1990’s – 2000) • Turn Ocean from Problem to Profit – Change in Mindset • Build an Industrial Critical Mass • Foster University Research and Outreach • Focus Government Research in Support of Industry Activities • Assemble the Pieces – Power of Collaboration

  4. Emerging Strengths and Competencies • Cold Ocean/Deep Water Engineering • Ocean ICT ( Information Communication Technologies ) • Offshore Petroleum Exploration, Development and Production • Marine Biotechnology • Marine Transportation and Construction • Remote Sensing and Navigation • Fisheries, Aquaculture and Seafood Processing • Environmental Impact and Coastal Management

  5. Creation of OceansAdvance Inc. - 2005 • Early Days – Transition • Incorporated in 2005 • Industry Led Board of Directors • Challenges • Strengthen the Culture – Grow the Sector

  6. OceansAdvance • Mission – Foster and Promote the Ocean Technology Industry Cluster in the Province • Strategy – Encourage and Focus Individual and Collective Actions • Strategic Activities • Positioning (External/Internal) • Forum • Manifestations • Promotion • Special Initiatives Program

  7. Outward Bound 2015A Strategic Agenda for Accelerating Growth of the Ocean Technology Sector in Newfoundland and Labrador

  8. Vision for the Future Target NL ocean technology industry to achieve a billion dollars in annual revenues over the next five to ten years. • Emphasis on medium to long-term strategic planning. • Recognition among cluster of evolving, complementary roles of industry, institutions and government. • Greater industry leadership in growing the sector.

  9. Directions Directions Arctic / Remote Energy Arctic / Remote Energy Next Generation Intelligent Ship Next Generation Intelligent Ship Ocean Intelligence Ocean Intelligence Market Thrusts Market Thrusts Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Systems, Robotics Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Systems, Robotics Information Systems Information Systems Strategic Needs Strategic Needs Nanotechnologies, Microsystems Nanotechnologies, Microsystems Vessel / Platform Engineering Vessel / Platform Engineering Key Technological Competencies Key Technological Competencies Remote Power Supply Remote Power Supply Risk Management, Loss Control Risk Management, Loss Control Environmental Science Environmental Science ‘Convertible’ Energy Systems ‘Convertible’ Energy Systems Strategic Actions Strategic Actions Graduate Programs Graduate Programs Academic Faculty / Institutional Research Academic Faculty / Institutional Research Industry Industry Expertise Development, Attraction, Retention Expertise Development, Attraction, Retention Research Teams Research Teams Research Initiatives Research Initiatives Industry Partnering Industry Partnering R&D Capacity R&D Capacity Financial Financial Technical / Managerial Technical / Managerial Governance Governance Tactical Actions Tactical Actions Strategic (Research) Strategic (Research) Tactical (Business) Tactical (Business) Funding Funding Competencies Competencies Activities Activities Business Business Federal Federal Provincial Provincial Municipal Municipal Public Vision Public Vision Industry Industry Research / Education Research / Education Government Government Cluster Evolution Cluster Evolution Strategy Framework Directions Arctic / Remote Energy Next Generation Intelligent Ship Ocean Intelligence Market Thrusts Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Systems, Robotics Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Systems, Robotics Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Systems, Robotics Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Systems, Robotics Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Systems, Robotics Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Systems, Robotics Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Systems, Robotics Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Systems, Robotics Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Systems, Robotics Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Systems, Robotics Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Systems, Robotics Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Systems, Robotics Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Systems, Robotics Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Systems, Robotics Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Systems, Robotics Information Systems Information Systems Information Systems Information Systems Information Systems Information Systems Information Systems Information Systems Information Systems Information Systems Information Systems Information Systems Information Systems Information Systems Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Systems, Robotics Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Systems, Robotics Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Systems, Robotics Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Systems, Robotics Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Systems, Robotics Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Systems, Robotics Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Systems, Robotics Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Systems, Robotics Information Systems Information Systems Information Systems Information Systems Information Systems Information Systems Information Systems Information Systems Strategic Needs Nanotechnologies, Microsystems Nanotechnologies, Microsystems Nanotechnologies, Microsystems Nanotechnologies, Microsystems Nanotechnologies, Microsystems Nanotechnologies, Microsystems Nanotechnologies, Microsystems Nanotechnologies, Microsystems Nanotechnologies, Microsystems Nanotechnologies, Microsystems Nanotechnologies, Microsystems Nanotechnologies, Microsystems Vessel / Platform Engineering Vessel / Platform Engineering Vessel / Platform Engineering Vessel / Platform Engineering Vessel / Platform Engineering Vessel / Platform Engineering Vessel / Platform Engineering Vessel / Platform Engineering Nanotechnologies, Microsystems Nanotechnologies, Microsystems Nanotechnologies, Microsystems Nanotechnologies, Microsystems Nanotechnologies, Microsystems Nanotechnologies, Microsystems Nanotechnologies, Microsystems Nanotechnologies, Microsystems Nanotechnologies, Microsystems Nanotechnologies, Microsystems Nanotechnologies, Microsystems Nanotechnologies, Microsystems Vessel / Platform Engineering Vessel / Platform Engineering Vessel / Platform Engineering Vessel / Platform Engineering Vessel / Platform Engineering Vessel / Platform Engineering Vessel / Platform Engineering Vessel / Platform Engineering Vessel / Platform Engineering Vessel / Platform Engineering Vessel / Platform Engineering Key Technological Competencies Remote Power Supply Remote Power Supply Remote Power Supply Remote Power Supply Remote Power Supply Remote Power Supply Remote Power Supply Remote Power Supply Remote Power Supply Risk Management, Loss Control Risk Management, Loss Control Risk Management, Loss Control Risk Management, Loss Control Risk Management, Loss Control Remote Power Supply Remote Power Supply Remote Power Supply Remote Power Supply Remote Power Supply Remote Power Supply Remote Power Supply Remote Power Supply Remote Power Supply Risk Management, Loss Control Risk Management, Loss Control Risk Management, Loss Control Risk Management, Loss Control Risk Management, Loss Control Risk Management, Loss Control Risk Management, Loss Control Environmental Science Environmental Science Environmental Science Environmental Science Environmental Science Environmental Science ‘Convertible’ Energy Systems ‘Convertible’ Energy Systems Environmental Science Environmental Science Environmental Science Environmental Science Environmental Science ‘Convertible’ Energy Systems ‘Convertible’ Energy Systems ‘Convertible’ Energy Systems Strategic Actions Graduate Programs Graduate Programs Graduate Programs Graduate Programs Graduate Programs Graduate Programs Graduate Programs Academic Faculty / Institutional Research Academic Faculty / Institutional Research Academic Faculty / Institutional Research Academic Faculty / Institutional Research Academic Faculty / Institutional Research Academic Faculty / Institutional Research Academic Faculty / Institutional Research Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Expertise Development, Attraction, Retention Research Teams Research Teams Research Teams Research Initiatives Research Initiatives Research Initiatives Research Initiatives Industry Partnering Industry Partnering Industry Partnering Industry Partnering Industry Partnering R&D Capacity Financial Financial Financial Technical / Managerial Technical / Managerial Governance Tactical Actions Strategic (Research) Strategic (Research) Strategic (Research) Strategic (Research) Strategic (Research) Strategic (Research) Strategic (Research) Strategic (Research) Tactical (Business) Tactical (Business) Tactical (Business) Tactical (Business) Tactical (Business) Tactical (Business) Tactical (Business) Tactical (Business) Strategic (Research) Strategic (Research) Strategic (Research) Tactical (Business) Tactical (Business) Tactical (Business) Funding Competencies Competencies Competencies Competencies Competencies Competencies Competencies Activities Activities Activities Activities Activities Activities Competencies Competencies Competencies Activities Activities Activities Business Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Provincial Provincial Provincial Provincial Provincial Provincial Municipal Municipal Municipal Municipal Federal Federal Federal Provincial Provincial Provincial Municipal Municipal Municipal Public Vision Industry Industry Industry Industry Research / Education Research / Education Research / Education Research / Education Research / Education Research / Education Government Government Government Government Government Cluster Evolution

  10. Strategic Actions 1. Themed Research Teams Institutional and industry researchers focused thematically on medium- to long-term strategic R&D. 2. Directed Research Program Financial support for collaborative applied research projects among companies and institutions. • Series of competitions - themes, topics or challenges. • Unsolicited proposals initiated by collaborating teams. 3. Graduate Sponsorship Program Financial support for full-time graduate student research in OT channeled through ocean technology companies.

  11. Strategic Actions 4. Researcher Recruitment Program Financial support to companies and institutions to attract and dedicate more specialists to lead research in OT. 5. Ocean Technology Innovation Park Physical centre providing enhanced R&D and commercializationcapacity for OT sector: • specialized labs, equipment; in-ocean test facility. • Venture Estate for development of OT companies. 6. Advanced Design Program Program to address critical gap in product design and manufacturing process knowledge and capacity.

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