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WEB METRICS FOR SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING. WEB METRICS—HOW IT’S CHANGING. SEARCH MARKETING - Website Optimization (SEO), PPC. Social Media Platforms - Blogger, First Giving, Ning , PB Wiki, etc. Social Networks - Facebook , MySpace, LinkedIn, Plaxo , etc.
WEB METRICS—HOW IT’S CHANGING SEARCH MARKETING - Website Optimization (SEO), PPC Social Media Platforms - Blogger, First Giving, Ning, PB Wiki, etc. Social Networks - Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Plaxo, etc. Source: Internet Marketing, Atomic Dog Publishing, 2008 Services - Feedburner, Share This, Mippin, etc.
Three Internet strategy basics1. Get Targets to Visit your Website2. Get visitors to register, provide contact info3. Get them to Exhibit Desired Behavior outcome(Visit Retail Store; purchase online; Access Customer Service/Support)
SEARCH vs. SOCIAL http://www.scribd.com/doc/49442666/The-Virtuous-Circle-The-Role-of-Search-and-Social-Media-in-the-Purchase-Pathway-Research-from-GroupM-Search
BASIC INTERNET MARKETING METRICS Source: Internet Marketing, 3rd ed.
GOOGLE ANALYTICS – TRADITIONAL METRICS http://www.google.com/analytics/
Television THE STRATEGIC MARKETING REQUIREMENTS • Radio • Magazines SOCIAL MEDIA METRICS Marketing, Advertising Metrics • Newspapers
RADIAN 6 – SMM ANALYTICS http://www.radian6.com/resources/library/radian6-what-we-do/
PUTTING ALL THIS TOGETHER IS HARD http://raventools.com/blog/infographic-social-media-analytics/
BEHAVIORS-FIRST, ALWAYS & ONLY! BEHAVIORS ON THE WEBSITETraffic Metric Number of referrals from social media sites “Engagement” Metrics Register for site services Download—white papers, videos, podcasts, etc. Rate/review products Other content cocreation (photos, videos, written content, etc.) Ultimate Website Metric Transaction (sale, download, join; the ultimate conversion goal) BEHAVIORS IN THE SOCIAL ECOSPHERE “Attention” MetricsNumber of visits, impressions (eyeball measures)Attention/engagementPages: how much time spent, “heat maps” for content, etc.Video: watched, partly/completelyNumber of incoming links "Engagement" MetricsFriends, fans, favs (followers of all kinds)Install apps (widgets, etc.) offeredShare contentPromote content (Digg, Reddit, etc.)Comment/co-create Ultimate Social Media Metric ??Click through to website http://diy-marketing.blogspot.com/2009/03/still-thinking-about-social-media.html Social Media Behaviors, Part 1 http://diy-marketing.blogspot.com/2009/03/still-thinking-about-social-media.html Part 2 http://diy-marketing.blogspot.com/2009/02/identifying-and-measuring-social-media_25.html
HOW DO WE CHOOSE METRICS? • Traditional Internet Marketing Metrics Are Used to Measure Achievement of MARKETING Objectives • Offline Marketing Also Contributes to Achievement of Marketing Objectives • Specific Social Media Metrics Are Used to Measure Achievement of SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN Objectives • Social Media Metrics Don’t Measure Achievement of Marketing Objectives Unless The Social Media Campaign is the Only Marketing Activity • That’s a Bad Idea, but Another Subject
FREE FACEBOOK PAGES vs. ADVERTISING Twitter and MySpace Both Have New Services for Advertisers
YOUTUBE INSIGHT http://searchenginewatch.com/article/2066563/Online-Video-Analytics-Getting-Started-with-YouTube-Insight
USING TWITTER’S API DATA TYPES User data – relates to the user who posted the message. Friend and follower data – relates to the relationship a user has to other users. Tweet data – all the details and content relating to a particular tweet. Places and Geographic data – the geographic and location based aspects relating to a person or tweet. METRICS Impressions – aggregated users exposed to messages. Reach – number of unique users exposed to a message. Frequency – number of times each unique user reached is exposed to a message. Relevancy – reach to specific demographics. https://dev.twitter.com/ Excellent presentation http://www.freshnetworks.com/blog/2011/08/a-guide-to-measuring-twitter-using-the-api/
LINKEDIN ANALYTICS-CORPORATE PAGES Visitors. The LinkedIn analytics tab collects data on who is visiting your company profile, who is following your page as well as their industry, company and function (position). In addition, LinkedIn company analytics also tracks visitors to your careers tab, products and services tab, promotional banners and which visitors reach out to your employees. http://kherize5.com/linkedin-launches-new-analytics-for-company-pages/
SOCIAL NETWORKS(frontends for competitor analysis, backends your own metrics)
WATCHING WAL-MART ON FACEBOOK Can observe data on pages. What happens when/if people click through?
METRICS PERSPECTIVES • The Strategy Issue • Do You Want To Model on This Strategy? • Is It Relevant to Your Target Audience? • The Metrics Issues • If You Are Following a Competitor—Be Sure You are Measuring “Comparables” • You Must Understand • What Individual Platform Metrics Are • How Platforms are Interconnected
GENERAL/COMPETITOR SITES http://compete.com/ To track site traffic and keywords http://www.quantcast.com/ To study audience characteristics http://www.pubmatic.com/adpriceindex/index.html To study online ad prices
Services (Feedburner, Share This, etc.) services are used on platforms, networks, websites2 examples of many!
BITLY URL SHORTENER http://www.bitrebels.com/geek/13-examples-of-computer-addiction-gone-too-far/ bit.ly/gbN1yw
WOWZIO IS A WIDGET SUPPLIER http://www.wowzio.com/
FACEBOOK HAS > 500,00 Active Appshttp://www.facebook.com/press/info.php?statistics
strategic imperativesmap metrics to objectivesUnderstand buyer behavior
TOP 10 THINGS TO MEASURE http://www.socialtimes.com/2010/02/social-media-metrics/#more-2950 Social Media Leads Engagement Duration Bounce Rate Membership Growth/Active Network Size Activity Ratio (Total Members/Active Members) Conversions (Have to Carefully Define) Brand Mentions in Social Media Loyalty Virality Blog Interaction
CHOOSE METRICS SOURCES BASED ON OBJECTIVES Free Social Media Web Analytics eBook http://www.socialwebanalytics.com/?gclid=CMGc1vby95gCFQEoGgodFUYJng http://www.insidefacebook.com/ http://www.allfacebook.com/ http://tweepletwak.com/index.cfm/do/Member.login http://tweetstats.com/ http://www.blogpatrol.com/ Search Technorati for terms or titles http://www.ning.com/ (Shows number of members for their communities) http://s23.org/wikistats/ http://www.socialtext.net/open/index.cgi?wiki_analytics
NEW METRICS-INFLUENCE AND MORE Real time Facebook ‘talking about’ Influence measures—Klout, Kred Best Social Media Metrics According to Kaushik: Conversation, Amplification, Applause, Economic Value http://www.kaushik.net/avinash/list of metrics blogs Eric Peterson http://blog.webanalyticsdemystified.com/
SUMMARY Evaluating Success of Social Media Programs Requires Metrics Beyond “Traditional Internet” For Now, Each Behavior May Require a New Metrics Source THE ONLY WAY TO MAKE SENSE OF THIS CHAOS IS STRONG, MEASURABLE OBJECTIVES Metrics Have to Echo Needs, Intents and Behavior of Customers, Not Just Needs of Marketers