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ECET-430. Advanced Digital Signal Processing. Important Information. Your professor: John Sebeson Phone: (630)-652-8299 Email: jsebeson@devry.edu or sebeson@aol.com Web page: http://jsebeson.webs.com This course does not use the eCollege shell Office hours: see my faculty web page.

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  1. ECET-430 Advanced Digital Signal Processing J. M. Sebeson

  2. Important Information • Your professor: John Sebeson • Phone: (630)-652-8299 • Email: jsebeson@devry.edu orsebeson@aol.com • Web page: http://jsebeson.webs.com • This course does not use the eCollege shell • Office hours: see my faculty web page J. M. Sebeson

  3. Course Resources Web Page • Course syllabus • Assignment calendar • Lab Exercises • Homework coversheet • Other important information and files J. M. Sebeson

  4. ECET-430 Advanced Digital Signal Processing • A sequel to ECET-350. • Covers techniques used in many current applications of DSP. • Assumes concepts learned in ECET-350 (or EET-350) and familiarity with MATLAB. • Lab involves MATLAB computational exercises • Some homework assignments require MATLAB. J. M. Sebeson

  5. Text and other requirements • J. Kronenburger and J. Sebeson, “Analog and Digital Signal Processing: An Integrated Computational Approach with MATLAB,” Thompson Delmar Learning (Cengage Learning), 2008. ISBN 1418041734 • Scientific graphing calculator (TI-89 recommended) • MATLAB 7.0 or higher with Signal Processing Toolbox (available on Citrix) J. M. Sebeson

  6. Selected ECET-430 Topics • Review of key DSP concepts • Discrete Fourier analysis of sampled signals • Phase distortion and linear phase filters • Impulse response of ideal filters • Linear-phase FIR filter design • Windowed ideal response • Sampling method • Optimal Parks-McClellan method • IIR filter design • Digital oscillators • Notch filters • Analog prototypes by the bilinear transformation • Multi-rate techniques • Digital anti-aliasing • Decimation and interpolation • Noise power density and sampling • Noise-shaping, delta-sigma quantization • Correlation and auto-correlation of signals • Adaptive filters • Image processing • Wavelets • Case Studies J. M. Sebeson

  7. ECET-430 Lab • Lab consists of 8 MATLAB computational exercises emulating the problems of a typical DSP engineer. • You are expected to complete the lab exercises on your own initiative, just as a DSP engineer would. • Labs are not “cookbook.” You may need to study lecture notes, textbook MATLAB user guides, and MATLAB help documentation to complete them. • Late labs will not receive credit. • No labs are dropped. J. M. Sebeson

  8. Grading Weights • Homework: 20% • Quizzes: 20% • Midterm Exam: 20% • Final Exam: 20% • Lab: 20% J. M. Sebeson

  9. Grading Scale • Each element (and the total grade) is based on a point system (rounded to the nearest point) where: • 90 to 100 = A (e.g. 89.51=90.0=A) • 80 to 89.5 = B (e.g. 89.49 =89.0=B) • 70 to 79.5 = C • 60 to 69.5 = D • Below 60 = F J. M. Sebeson

  10. Why Learn DSP With MATLAB? • Digital Signal Processing is the dominant technology today, and into the future, for small-signal electronic systems (i.e., just about everything) • MATLAB has become one of the standard design environments for DSP engineering • Technology students need to be literate and skilled in this environment: knowledgeable in both DSP andMATLAB J. M. Sebeson

  11. MATLAB in DSP Product Development Develop and Test Algorithms in MATLAB SIMULINK Simulation DSP Processor Platform Code Composer MATLAB + PC = DSP Processor!! (just less efficient) J. M. Sebeson

  12. My Background • Education: • B. S. Physics, 1969, Michigan State University • M. S. Electrical Engineering, 1971, Northwestern University • M. S. Materials Science and Engineering, 1973, Northwestern University • Ph.D. Candidacy (ABT) Materials Science, 1978, Northwestern University • Professional Experience:(1969 to Present) • 2000 – Present: Professor, ECET, DeVry University • 1989 - 2000: Hardware Development Director, Switching and Access Solutions, Lucent Technologies • 1985 - 1989: Head, Computer Engineering Information Department, AT&T Data Systems Group • 1979 - 1985: Technical Manager, Data Switching Product Engineering Group, Bell Laboratories • 1969 - 1979: Member of Technical Staff, Bell Laboratories J. M. Sebeson

  13. Areas of R&D • No. 5 Electronic Switching Systemtm • AT&T 3Btm Computers • No. 2 Signal Transfer Point • Common Channel Signaling (CCIS) • 1A Processor (No. 1A ESStm and No. 4 ESStm ) • Computer Aided Design • Signaling link encryption systems • Hybrid integrated circuit fabrication and testing • Magnetic bubble memory devices • Laser holographic mass memory systems • Reliability theory • Solid state surface physics • Molecular kinetics J. M. Sebeson

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