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GLOBAL DAEHAN. 1: Music. Day 1 Time Frame: 10 minutes. Hip-Hop is History at American Museum.
GLOBAL DAEHAN. 1: Music Day 1 Time Frame: 10 minutes Hip-Hop is History at American Museum A new musical genre has made it into the venerable halls of America’s prestigious Smithsonian Institute. Hip-hop artists will now take their place alongside the greats from classical, jazz and folk music. The museum has announced plans to embark on a definitive collection of artifacts that traces hip-hop's inner-city subculture origins in the Bronx in the 1970s to the present day. The exhibition is to be called “Hip-Hop Won't Stop: the Beat, the Rhymes, the Life”. For nearly three decades, rap artists had been plying their trade being recognized only by the millions of fans who purchased their records and attended their concerts. Officials predict it will take five years to amass enough material that will showcase hip-hop’s true roots. What do you think of Hip-hop music? a. What do you think of hip-hop fashion and lifestyle? b. How would you define hip-hop? c. Why does hip-hop sometimes have a bad image?
GLOBAL DAEHAN. 2: Love Day 2 Time Frame: 10 minutes Romantic Love Lasts Only A Year Italian scientists have discovered that a chemical in the brain responsible for romantic love fades in intensity over the course of a year. This perhaps explains why that giddy, euphoric, head-over-heels-in-love feeling that takes our breath away at the start of a relationship diminishes over time. Researchers from the University of Pavia determined that levels of a protein called Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) greatly increase when a person first falls in love. Raised NGF levels spring from the rush of adrenalin, renewed vigor and confidence and lust for life that occur when new love blossoms. Levels of NGF greatly decrease over a year or so as security within the relationship sets in. There is then less urgency to constantly woo a potential partner to ensure they are yours. Words Of Love: Look at these collocates for the word ‘love’. Walk around the class and ask other students questions using these words. Write down any new ‘love words’ you learn. Change partners often. puppy love true love love at first sight madly in love first love fall out of love head over heels in love deep love secret love
GLOBAL DAEHAN. 3: Working Mothers Day 3 Time Frame: 10 minutes Working Mothers Pass On To Stress Kids Working mothers take heed. A new report published in the journal Developmental Psychobiology suggests that mothers who work in jobs that offer little satisfaction and are emotionally draining pass on their stress to their children. The researchers, from the UK’s Bath, Kent and Bristol universities, found that young children are particularly susceptible to picking up on their mother’s stress. According to the report, putting a child in childcare, where youngsters will play and happily interact with other tots, can help to counter the problem. Co-author Julie Cobb said childcare provides a sanctuary for children that protects them from the adverse effects of their mother’s “emotional exhaustion”. Ms. Cobb urged companies to support both mothers and children. What do you think of the finding s o the study made in the article? a. How much of a problem do you think it is when mothers pass on their stress to their children? b. Did your mother work and was she stressed? c. How do you think a mother’s stress affects her children?
GLOBAL DAEHAN. 4: Happiness Day 4 Time Frame: 10 minutes Australians Happiest People In The World Australians are the happiest people in the world according to a survey undertaken by market researchers GfK NOP. The marketers conducted door-to-door surveys and interviews with 30,000 people in 30 countries. They asked respondents how satisfied they were with their overall quality of life. Forty-six percent of Australians proclaimed to be “very happy” and expressed optimism about their future. Following them in the “very happy” stakes was the USA (40 percent), Egypt (36 percent), India (34 percent) and the UK and Canada (32 percent). Hungary got the wooden spoon, finishing bottom of the happiness chart. Thirty-five percent of its citizens said they were either “disappointed” or “very unhappy”, followed by Russians at 30 percent. How far do you agree with these options on happiness? a. Money makes you happy. b. The older you become, the happier you are. c. You can take lessons on how to be happy. d. Men are happier than women.
GLOBAL DAEHAN. 5: Children and Violence Day 5 Time Frame: 10 minutes Violence in Japan’s Elementary Schools Japanese elementary schools are becoming ever more increasingly violent, according to government statistics. This is beginning to challenge the myth of Japan as an orderly society in which schoolchildren sit attentively, respond in unison and respect teachers. The number of reported cases of violence rose to a record 1,890 during the past school year. This broke the previous record of 1,600 cases set in 2003. A government spokesperson attributed the violence to children having “difficulties expressing their feelings” or lacking patience. Japan began surveying school violence in 1997 following a string of macabre and disturbing crimes committed by younger students. The most shocking crime was the decapitation of a ten-year-old by a classmate. What adjectives describe your feeling about this article? a. Are you surprised there is violence in Japan’s elementary schools? b. What is your image of schools in Japan? c. Do elementary schoolchildren in your country sit attentively and respect teachers? d. What are the biggest problems facing elementary schools in your country?
GLOBAL DAEHAN. 6: Beauty Day 6 Time Frame: 10 minutes Site For Beautiful People Only “Dear Guest, Welcome to the most beautiful and coveted network in the U.S.” This is the greeting you receive at a new, elite and exclusive Internet site that has just been launched in the U.S. BeautifulPeople.net follows similar, successful ventures in Denmark, Sweden and the U.K. Membership requirements are deliberately blunt – you must be very beautiful or handsome. If you don’t have the curves in the right places or your face isn’t quite Hollywood, you are rejected. The site’s introductory spiel says it: “introduces beautiful people to truly beautiful people. It is a meeting place which is reserved for people who, because of their attractive appearance and personal qualities, stand out from the majority.” INTERNET:In pairs / groups, talk about the sites you like visiting on the Internet. How often do you visit new sites? What kinds of sites have you bookmarked or added to your favorites? Do you regularly visit English language or learning sites? BEAUTIFUL:Spend one minute writing down all of the different words you associate with the word “beautiful”. Share your words with your partner(s) and talk about them. Together, put the words into different categories.
GLOBAL DAEHAN. 7: Food And Culture Day 7 Time Frame: 10 minutes Chirac Rubbishes British Food French President Jacques Chirac is in hot water over comments he made about British and Finnish food. A reporter from France’s Liberation newspaper said Mr. Chirac made jokes to Russian and German leaders that Finnish food was the worst in Europe, followed closely by British cuisine. Mr. Chirac said: “The only thing they [the British] have done for European agriculture is mad cow”. He made a further attack on British cooking, saying: “You can’t trust people who cook as badly as that.” BEST AND WORST:In pairs / groups, tell each other why you believe your country’s food is the best in the world. Also, talk about which country has the worst tasting food in the world. WORLS CUISINE:In pairs / groups, talk about the most delicious things about the following cuisines. a. Indian b. French c. Italian d. Korean e. English f. Chinese g. American
GLOBAL DAEHAN. 8: World Records Day 8 Time Frame: 10 minutes World Record 80 Years of Marriage A British couple has broken the world record for having the longest marriage. Percy Arrowsmith, 105, and 100-year-old Florence celebrated their eightieth wedding anniversary on June 1. They got married on June 1, 1925, in Hereford, England. They also hold the world record for the oldest married couple’s combined age – 205 years. Britain’s Queen Elizabeth sent the world record-breaking pair a congratulatory card. She said their marriage was a “splendid achievement” and sent them “warm congratulations”. The record breakers celebrated their anniversary with a party in their home, surrounded by family and a few close friends. Would you like to be married for 80 years? a. What do you think 80 years of marriage would be like? b. Do you think their love grew stronger every year? c. What do you think they talk about over breakfast every morning? d. Do you think they still go on dates? e. Do you think they still have a lot to learn about each other?
GLOBAL DAEHAN. 9: Gender Equality Day 9 Time Frame: 10 minutes Japanese Women To have More Equality The Japanese government has agreed on plans that will increase the number of women in top-level government posts. The aim is to move from the current level of 21.5 percent to 30 percent by 2020. The government will also give help to working mothers to try and stop the workforce from shrinking. Further plans aim to help more women into management. Only nine percent of managers in Japan are female, compared with 46 percent in the U.S. The government will encourage companies to re-hire women after their maternity leave ends. Currently, two thirds of women never return to work after childbirth. EQUALITY:In pairs / groups, discuss how equal you feel in your society. Do you ever feel unequal because of your gender, race, color, religion, financial wealth…? SAME ROLES:Talk with your partner(s) about how acceptable you think each of the following is: Men crying watching sad movies Boys playing with Barbie dolls Men wearing make-up Male nurses Househusbands Women asking men out on dates Women using bad language Female fighter plane pilots Female religious leaders
GLOBAL DAEHAN. 10: Modern Technology Day 10 Time Frame: 10 minutes Korean Gamer Dies After 50 Hours On-Line A 28-year-old South Korean man has died after playing an online computer game for almost 50 hours non-stop. The man, known only by his family name of Lee, started playing the popular battle simulation game Starcraft on August 3 and was fixed to his seat for over two days. His marathon gaming session was apparently broken only with the occasional toilet break or five-minute nap. Reuters News Agency reports police sources saying the man died from cardiac arrest “stemming from exhaustion” a. Can you understand the man’s actions?0 b. Could you do something for 50 hours non-stop? c. What kind of power do you think video games have over people? d. Are you addicted to anything? e. Do you think gaming can be dangerous?
GLOBAL DAEHAN. 11: Parenting Day 11 Time Frame: 10 minutes Toddlers Mimic Smoking Parents Parents who smoke and drink should be careful. Children are looking at and remembering and copying the behavior of their mothers and fathers. This is the conclusion of a study made by Dartmouth College in the American state of New Hampshire. A research team asked kindergarten children to role-play a shopping trip. The researchers measured the thoughts and attitudes of the students and found two-year-old toddlers “buying” alcohol and cigarettes. In pairs / groups, talk about whether children in your country do any of the following. If they do, from what age? Try to find reasons why they do these things. Do you think it is because of bad parenting? a. Smoke cigarettes or drink alcoholb.Take drugs c. Vandalism d. Graffiti e, Stealing from elderly peoplef. Burglary and robbery g. Physical assault or murderh. Under-age sex i. Gun crimes j. Blackmail
GLOBAL DAEHAN. 12: Diet Day 12 Time Frame: 10 minutes Graffiti and Litter Linked To Obesity British researchers have found a link between graffiti and obesity in adults. People living in built-up city areas that have few parks and high levels of graffiti and litter are more likely to be obese than those living in richer areas that have lots of greenery. This is according to a study published on August 19 on the British Medical Journal website. Report author Anne Ellaway said: “People who live in more pleasant and attractive environments…are much more likely to be physically active and not to be overweight or obese. Conversely, in less attractive areas, those with lots of graffiti, litter and dog mess, people are more likely to be overweight or obese and to take less exercise.” Talk to your partner(s) about your neighborhood. Is it a healthy place to live? Use these words to help your conversation: green / healthy / well kept / safe / beautiful / rundown / polluted / dirty / built up / rich.
GLOBAL DAEHAN. 13: Stay Slim Day 13 Time Frame: 10 minutes Breakfasts Helps Girls Stay Slim Girls, dispense with the latest fad diet, toss the new weight loss choco bars. The way to shed kilos and lose weight is to eat breakfast every day. So says a newly published study conducted by America’s Maryland Medical Research Institute. Researchers tracked the eating habits and weight of nearly 2,400 girls throughout their adolescence. Research continued over a ten-year period, which, according to lead researcher Bruce Barton, is a time when “girls put on a lot of weight”. The conclusion of the team’s findings was that teenage girls who ate cereal for breakfast three times a week or more were more likely to stay slim. For girls who didn’t eat breakfast cereal frequently, the risk of being overweight increased by 13 percent. TEEANGE GIRLS:Spend one minute writing down all of the different words you associate with teenage girls. Share your words with your partner(s) and talk about them. Together, put the words into different categories.
GLOBAL DAEHAN. 14: Kids and Aggression Day 14 Time Frame: 10 minutes Japanese Student bombs Classroom Japan is in a state of shock today after a high school student made a bomb and threw it into a classroom at his school. The homemade device was a jar full of gunpowder and other chemicals. It exploded with a deafening bang. Fifty-eight students received cuts from pieces of flying glass and metal. Others suffered from shock and earaches. One boy is in serious condition in hospital after suffering injuries to his stomach. An 18-year-old student was arrested on suspicion of assault. Police cannot release his name because he is a minor under Japanese law. This bombing incident is the latest of many attacks and murders by young Japanese people. Japan’s famously law-abiding citizens are becoming more and more afraid of teenagers. There has been a big increase in the number of deadly and dangerous acts of violence committed by teenagers. Teachers said the boy who made the explosive device in yesterday’s bombing was “normal”. They also said he was never late for school or skipped class and has “above average” grades. The boy told a teacher that he made the bomb because he had a grudge against a fellow student. In pairs / groups, talk about teenagers in your country. Are they dangerous? Are they good kids? Are teenagers the same all over the world? Is being a teenager easy or difficult? Which of these things would you like to change about teenagers? Hairstyles Sleeping patterns Usefulness Manners Habits Musical tastes Friends Fashion sense
GLOBAL DAEHAN. 15: North and South Korea Day 15 Time Frame: 10 minutes Koreas Joined by First Phone Link North and South Korea have installed the first direct telephone link between their two countries since 1953. The only connection since then has been a single line between the two governments. Families have been unable to talk to one another for five decades. The new link is part of preparations for video reunions of families that have been separated since the end of the Korean War. On August 15, the 60th anniversary of the end of Japanese colonial rule, a few lucky families will get their chance to briefly talk to each other. • Complete the five sentence starters below. Tell your partner(s) what you wrote and then talk • about your sentences. • Telephones are ___________________________________________. • A telephone is ___________________________________________. • Telephoning ___________________________________________. • Without a telephone ___________________________________________. • With a telephone ___________________________________________.
GLOBAL DAEHAN. 16: Finance Day 16 Time Frame: 10 minutes Forty Million Credit Cards hacked What is your biggest nightmare? How about opening your credit card statement and seeing $10,000 of purchases you never made? This is a real possibility after computer hackers stole the personal details of 40 million credit cardholders worldwide. Card Systems Inc., a major data processing company, confirmed this in a press release, saying a serious “security breach” occurred in its database in May. Imagine you have a millionaire’s credit card and can spend as much as you like in one day. In pairs / groups, talk about the following shopping expedition details: 1. Who with? 2. Which shop first? 3. Where to have lunch? 4. What you need most? 5. A present for a friend
GLOBAL DAEHAN. 17: Sport and Fashion Day 17 Time Frame: 10 minutes No Hip-hop Fashion for Basketball Players A new basketball season starts in America today and many players are angry about new fashion rules. The NBA’s boss, David Stern, has introduced a new dress code for what players can and cannot wear off the court. Many of the game’s black stars say the new rules are racist. Several big names claim it is an attack on black American culture. Players cannot wear flashy jewelry, shorts, sleeveless shirts, oversized T-shirts and overly baggy jeans. Also out are sunglasses and baseball caps indoors. Players will receive suspensions for not following the new “smart-casual” rules and could even be banned for life. Discuss what you think of these opinions: a. Basketball players should be able to wear whatever they want. b. Basketball players should wear suits to give the sport a professional image. c. The NBA should give players a salary increase to buy “smarter” clothes. d. The NBA uses hip-hop to increase the sport’s popularity. It is strange for it to tell The NBA has given a bad name to the image of hip-hop fashion.
GLOBAL DAEHAN. 18: Music Day 18 Time Frame: 10 minutes Friends Help You Live Longer A new health report says that having good friends in your old age helps you live longer. The report also says that having close friends may be more important than having close family ties. Researchers interviewed 1,500 Australians over the age of 70 about their social and family ties. The results suggest that people with close friendships were 22 per cent more likely to live longer. The researchers said this is because of the positive effects on the body of social activity and recreation. The researchers analyzed data from an Australian study, which began in 1992. The 10-year-long study measured how behavioral, economic, environmental and social factors affected the health of 70-year-olds. The senior citizens were monitored annually for four years and then at three-yearly intervals. The team found that those with the strongest network of friends were less likely to die by the end of the ten-year period. This was true even when the senior citizen lost a spouse. The message is to keep in touch if you want to live longer. a. Do you agree with the study that friends are more important than family to help you live longer? b. Would you rather be surrounded by friends or family at 70? c. Are you worried about old age? d. Do you think life is less stressful for seniors? e. Do you think friendships between 70-year-olds are stronger than those between younger friends?
GLOBAL DAEHAN. 19: Army Day 19 Time Frame: 10 minutes US Army having Recruiting Problems The United States Army did not meet its recruitment goals in the year ending September 30. Although more than 73,000 new recruits joined, this was more than eight percent short of its target. This is the biggest slump in Army numbers in a quarter of a century. Army spokesman Francis Harvey said he was concerned about the lower numbers but added that it was not a crisis. He said one reason for the shortfall is the larger number of jobs available in the strong American economy. Another reason is the nearly 2,000 soldiers who have died in Iraq. In pairs / groups, talk about which of the following are good reasons to join the army: Adventure To use a gun To fight in combat To protect one’s country The uniform To learn new skills To travel To be a hero To get medals To have good friends Spend one minute writing down all of the different words you associate with the word “army”. Share your words with your partner(s) and talk about them. Together, put the words into different categories.
GLOBAL DAEHAN. 20: Environment Day 20 Time Frame: 10 minutes World Naked Bike Ride Against Oil Use Thousands of people cycled naked around 50 cities worldwide on June 11. The naked cyclists were protesting against the world’s overuse of gasoline. The 2005 World Naked Bike Ride website urged people to strip and ride. It said: “Join the world’s largest naked protest against oil dependency and car culture in the history of humanity.” In London, hundreds of protesters cycled past the British Houses of Parliament, the U.S. Embassy and many famous sights. They were protesting against the West’s obsession with cars. Total nudity was not necessary to join in the rides. Organizers asked people to “just go as bare as you dare”. a. What was your first thought when you saw this headline? b. What are your thoughts on the naked cyclists? Do you respect them? c. Would you buy a car that uses a lot of gasoline/petrol? d. Do you think riding a bicycle in public without clothes is wrong? e. Would you get naked in public to protest against something?