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chickens. By Klay Elixson. Table of contents. Chickens - slide 3 What are the differences between hens and roosters ? Slide 4 What happen when a chick hatches in an incubator ? – slide 5 How many breeds are there-slide 6 The life cycle of a chicken-7 Summary – slide 8
chickens By Klay Elixson
Table of contents • Chickens - slide 3 • What are the differences between hens and roosters? Slide 4 • What happen when a chick hatches in an incubator? – slide 5 • How many breeds are there-slide 6 • The life cycle of a chicken-7 • Summary – slide 8 • Glossary – slide 9 • Bibliography – slide 10
chickens A chicken is an example of a bird that lays eggs. When a chicken lays an egg it sits in its nest for about 10 minutes and then leaves its egg in the nest. Above: A Rohde Island Red hen
What are the differences and between roosters and hens ? Roosters and hens are similar in that they both are chickens, but a hen is a female, while a rooster is a male. hen rooster
What happens when chicks hatches in an incubator ? When you hatch chicks with an incubatoryou have to put them in a box that paper towels in the bottom and a heat lamp. You also have to put some chick starter in the bottom of the box. You need to put some water in a peanut butter jar lid. Last but not least you need thermometer to tell how hot it is .It needs to be 90 degrees farenheight.
The life cycle of a chick. • First a hen will lay an egg. • Then the hen will sit on it for 21 days. • The hen will get up to eat and drink. • Finally on the 21st day the egg will hatch. • After the chicks hatch the hen will sit on them to warm them.
Summary To sum it up, a chicken is an example of abird that lays an egg. You also should remember that a rooster is a male and a hen is a female. Most of all, remember that a rooster does not lay eggs.
Glossary • Rooster-male chicken • Hen-female chicken • Chick-a baby chicken • Incubator-a machine that warms eggs like a mother hen • Heatlamp-a light that produces heat
Bibliographaphy • Wikipedia.org/chickens • Wikianswers.com/chickens • Librarythinkquest.org • Aboutpeafowl.com • The Joy of Keeping Chickens by Jennifer Megyesi Skyhorse Publishing