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Iqbal Masih

Iqbal Masih. By: Andrea Larry Carrie Walthall Gabby Tarantino. Child labor all around the word Iqbal Masih.

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Iqbal Masih

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  1. Iqbal Masih By: Andrea Larry Carrie Walthall Gabby Tarantino

  2. Child labor all around the word Iqbal Masih • Iqbal Masih was a young boy that live in Pakistani and was a christen boy who was forced into bonded labor in a carpet factory at the age of 4 because an international figurehead for the bonded . He lived: in 1983.and the broad meadows middle school in Quincy Massachusetts

  3. News papper article about Iqbal Masih • They are paid just a few rupees in Pakistan , a 12 years old boy who protested against child labor . Before Iqbal Masih was murder he had received death threats for his outspoken criticism of bonded child labor , Iqbal had slaved on the looms from the age of four until he was rescued as a ten year old .

  4. Iqbal Masih Pakistan • For six years , Iqbal squatted and knotted intricate designs in carpets – a virtual slave .But, at the age of 10 ,he was freed from his bondage by Ehsan Ulla Khan ,founder .plus he work 14 hours a day non stop .In rural Pakistan , the parent of Iqbal Masih sold him into bondage to a carpet manufacturer for $200 , because they could not take care of him . He was 4 years old for 6 years Iqbal was forced to squat often chained , before a carpet loom. He also called for a boycott of Pakistan carpets ,almost all of which are made by bonded .

  5. A Child Rug- Maker’s Life • Iqbal first had to work and entire year as an apprentice with no pay Iqbal’s family also borrowed more money .So, as Iqbal got older the dept grew .it looked like he would be like many children who never escape who remain in dept –bondage for life . By the time he was 10 years old, the loan had grown to about $260 U.S .

  6. Pay • By the time Iqbal was ten years old ,the loan had grown to 13,000 rupees (about $260) • To pay for wedding ,Iqbal family borrowed 600 rupees (about $12) • In 1986 the older brother was about to be married and the family needed money to pay for a celebration

  7. The story of Iqbal in Pakistan • The story of Iqbal changed my perception of a child’s place in the world . Who would have thought a four year old could be sold in a carpet factory and could change the world . Iqbal could speak for the rights of children in Pakistan Susan described the lives of poor Pakistan families I’m a media specialist at Bellevue middle school in Florida .

  8. Children working all around the world • Iqbal feature in an international documentary film denouncing the use of child labor so he wanted to become a lawyer in order to fight for children’s rights although he never fulfilled his dreams ,in his short lifetime Iqbal Masih had become one of the most vocal and widely known campaigners for the rights in his country.

  9. Iqbal Education Iqbal Masih shaheed children foundation is a Response not to only to profound crisis, which his rendered the education sector dysfunctional but also a growing realization that the most critical of human entitlements, the right to knowledge systems and quality learning opportunities are being denied to the citizens of Pakistan.

  10. Lives of child workers • Iqbal wanted to free children and slaves who were like him and working in factories in Pakistan to pay off debts owed by there families . The children worked hard . They had to work from dawn to dust doing jobs that damaged their body's . When they got hurt they can’t get help . They had to keep working . They were not getting enough and they can not get an education Because they had to work all the time .

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