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From Entebbe, you take the road to Kampala.

Okuva Entebbe okwata oluguudo olujja e Kampala. From Entebbe, you take the road to Kampala. Okuva Entebbe waliwo oluguudo lumu lwokka oluva mu kibuga ekyo kubanga kibuga kikulu nnyo. From Entebbe there is only one road going out of this city, because the city is most important.

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From Entebbe, you take the road to Kampala.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Okuva Entebbe okwata oluguudo olujja e Kampala. From Entebbe, you take the road to Kampala.

  2. Okuva Entebbe waliwo oluguudo lumu lwokka oluva mu kibuga ekyo kubanga kibuga kikulu nnyo. From Entebbe there is only one road going out of this city, because the city is most important.

  3. Kigambibwa nti okuva e Kampala okutuuka Entebbe waliwo kilomiita 42 oba 43. It is said that from Kampala to Entebbe it is 42 or 43 kilometres.

  4. Entebbe kye kibuga ebeera Omulembeze [Pulezidenti] w’eggwanga lya Uganda. Entebbe is the town where the President of Uganda resides.

  5. Oluvannyuma atuuka mu kibuga Kampala. Afterwards, one arrives in the city of Kampala.

  6. kiromita emu one kilometre

  7. ekigendererwa kyange my purpose

  8. ebyokuyiga byaffe our lessons

  9. okusitula embeera y’abantu to improve the condition of the people

  10. okujjanjaba ebirime to tend [/nurse] plants

  11. okuyiiya amagezi to devise a plan

  12. Nva kusasulwa. I just been paid.

  13. amasanyu g’ensi the joys of the world

  14. mu biro bino nowadays

  15. mu ddakiika mbale in a few minutes

  16. ennaku zino these days, at present

  17. Kitange [Taata wange] my father

  18. Kitaawe his/her father

  19. Kitaffe our father

  20. Kitammwe Your [.pl] father

  21. Kitaabwe Their father

  22. Kitaawe wa Mukasa Mukasa's father

  23. Mmange [Maama wange] my mother

  24. Nnyoko [Maama wo -more polite expression] your mother

  25. Nnyina his/her mother

  26. Nnyaffe our mother

  27. Nnyammwe your (pl.) mother

  28. Nnyaabwe their mother

  29. Nnyina wa Mukasa Mukasa's mother

  30. Mwannyinaze my sister [of the boy child] ormy brother [of the girl child]

  31. Muganda wange my brother [of the boy child] ormy sister [of the girl child]

  32. Mwannyinaffe our sister [of we, the bothers] orour brother [of we, the sisters]

  33. Mwannyinammwe your sister [of the bothers] oryour brother [of the sisters]

  34. Bannyinaffe our sisters [of we, the bothers] orour brothers [of we, the sisters]

  35. Mwannyinaabwe their sister [of the bothers] ortheir brother [of the sisters]

  36. Mwannyina [wa] Mukasa [Mukasa – the boy child]Mukasa’s sister

  37. Muka kitange omuto wife of my paternal uncle

  38. Mmange omuto my aunt (maternal) ('my young mother')

  39. Maama wo omuto (more polite expression) your maternal aunt

  40. Nnyina omuto his aunt (maternal)

  41. Nnyina wa Mukasa omuto Mukasa's aunt (maternal)

  42. Kitange omuto my uncle (paternal)

  43. Kitaawe omuto His/her uncle (paternal)

  44. Kitaawe wa Mukasa omuto Mukasa's uncle (paternal)

  45. Jjajja Grandparent

  46. Jjajja omusajja Grandfather

  47. Jjajjange omusajja My grandfather

  48. Jjajja Omukazi Grandmother

  49. Jjajjange omukazi My grandmother

  50. Muzzukulu waffe our grandchild

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