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Initial review of comments related to new no votes

Initial review of comments related to new no votes. Authors:. Date: 2013-05-13.

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Initial review of comments related to new no votes

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  1. Initial review of comments related to new no votes Authors: Date:2013-05-13 Notice:This document has been prepared to assist IEEE 802.19. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Mika Kasslin, Nokia

  2. Abstract This presentation contains draft results of validity analysis of comments received together with a new no vote • A vote is considered a new no vote if the voter has voted yes or abstain in the WG LB on DF3.02 and no in the WG re-circulation LB on DF3.03 • The analysis was done to check whether the new no votes were associated with at least one comment that relates to changes from the DF3.02 to the DF3.03 Mika Kasslin, Nokia

  3. New no votes • Six new no votes were issued in the re-circulation ballot • William Carney (Abstain to No) • Hyunduk Kang (Yes to No) • Mika Kasslin (Yes to No) • Naotako Sato (Abstain to No) • Ryo Sawai (Abstain to No) • Chen Suo (Abstain to No) Mika Kasslin, Nokia

  4. Comment validity review • William Carney’s comments (CIDs 21, 52) relate to the parts of the draft that have changed from the DF3.02 to the DF3.03 => Valid new no vote • Hyunduk Kang’s comments (e.g. CIDs 1, 2, 7) relate to the parts of the draft that have changed from the DF3.02 to the DF3.03 => Valid new no vote • Mika Kasslin’s comments (e.g. CIDs 14, 16, 23) relate to the parts of the draft that have changed from the DF3.02 to the DF3.03 => Valid new no vote • Naotako Sato’s comments (CIDs 11, 19, 24, 51) relate to the parts of the draft that have changed from the DF3.02 to the DF3.03 => Valid new no vote • Ryo Sawai’s comments (CIDs 12, 46) relate to the parts of the draft that have changed from the DF3.02 to the DF3.03 => Valid new no vote • Chen Suo’s comments (CIDs 20, 27, 30, 33) relate to the parts of the draft that have changed from the DF3.02 to the DF3.03 => Valid new no vote Mika Kasslin, Nokia

  5. Summary • All six new no votes appear to be valid as they are associated to at least one comment that relate to part of the draft that has changed from the DF3.02 to the DF3.03 Mika Kasslin, Nokia

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