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The 2013 University-Industry Interaction Conference, Amsterdam 27.- 29.05.2013. University-Industry Collaboration and Knowledge Transfer in the Open Innovation Framework. Antero Kutvonen Janne Lehenkari Mika Kautonen Irina Savitskaya Juha Tuunainen Reetta Muhonen. Introduction.
The 2013 University-Industry Interaction Conference,Amsterdam 27.-29.05.2013 University-Industry Collaboration and Knowledge Transfer in the Open Innovation Framework Antero Kutvonen Janne Lehenkari Mika Kautonen Irina Savitskaya Juha Tuunainen Reetta Muhonen
Introduction • Exploring the intersection of open innovation and university-industry collaboration • Focus on the ‘reverse’ direction of knowledge transfer, from firms to universities • Simplified systematic literature review
The different forms of knowledge transfer between universities and external actors. Cf. Perkmann et al 2012; Salter & Martin 2001; Abreu et al. 2009. University-industry links
Commercialization of research, formal and informalcollaboration • IPR commercialization and entrepreneurialacademicsarestillnot common (D’Este & Patel 2007) • Motives are mainly non-pecuniary (D’Este & Perkmann 2011; Bozeman et al. 2013) • Allmodes of commercialcollaboration show significantindustry and national differences • Researchfocused on transferringuniversityknowledge to firms, althoughreciprocity is acknowledged & seemshigher in informallinks
The open innovationframework • OI as a framework for organizing and managingboundaryspanningknowledgeflows • Universitiesrepresent a special case of OI coupledmodes of open innovation highlighted • The fewstudiescoupling OI and UII emphasizerelationallinks(Perkmann & Walsh, 2007, Levy et al., 2009) • Open questions: matchingprocesses;strategies, organizing and managingcollaborations; and the role of national innovation system(West et al., 2006; Perkmann & Walsh, 2007)
Conclusions • Emphasis on bi-directionalknowledgetransfer and use of open innovation conceptincreasedstrongly in the lastfiveyears • Open innovation usedmainly as an ’umbrella’ • Universities as utilizers of firm-basedknowledge is a rare, butvaluableviewpoint • Insightsfromacademicliterature on open innovation is a valuableviewpoint to expandunderstanding in knowledgetransfer
Antero KUTVONEN Lappeenrantauniversityoftechnology Finland Prikaatintie 9, FI-45100 Kouvola Tel: +358 50 348 8768 Email: antero.kutvonen@lut.fi Internet: www.lut.fi Contact information: Thank you for your attention!