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Innovation and collaboration

Innovation and collaboration. The knowledge triangle – KTH collaborates with industry. Collaboration that creates mobility between KTH and industry. From partner to KTH Adjunct Professor Affiliated Professor Affiliated Faculty Industry-employed doctoral students From KTH to partner

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Innovation and collaboration

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  1. Innovation and collaboration

  2. The knowledge triangle – KTH collaborates with industry www.kth.se

  3. Collaboration that creates mobility between KTH and industry • From partner to KTH • Adjunct Professor • Affiliated Professor • Affiliated Faculty • Industry-employed doctoral students • From KTH to partner • Industry-employed doctoral students • Affiliated experts • Degree projects and student jobs www.kth.se

  4. KTH's strategic partners www.kth.se

  5. KTH alumni make an impression in industry • Börje Ekholm, Investor • Eva Halldén, Ringhals • Hans Werthén, Electrolux • Jonas Wiström, ÅF • MinooAkhtarzand ,County Governor, Jönköping • Olof Faxander, Sandvik • Sara Mazur, Ericsson • Samir Brikho, AMEC • Tommy Palm, King.com • Åsa Bergman, Sweco Upper row, from left: Åsa Bergman, Börje Ekholm. Lower row, from the left: Samir Brikho and Eva Halldén www.kth.se

  6. KTH Innovation - from idea to market • Impartial and not for profit • Support for the commercialisation of research results and ideas • Business development • Product development www.kth.se

  7. Some KTH researchers and innovators • Professor Danica Kragic, Robotics • Professor Hannes Alfvén, Nobel Prize laureate in Physics • Professor Mathias Uhlén, SciLifeLab • Professor Mats Danielsson, Microdose Mammography Upper row, from the left: Hannes Alfvén, Mathias Uhlén, Danica Kragic and Mats Danielsson www.kth.se

  8. World-leading innovations from KTH www.kth.se

  9. Tobii –revolutionary communications solutions • World leaders in eye tracking, eye control and communications solutions for people with disabilities. • A tool for market analysis • Receiver of numerous awards for its innovations www.kth.se

  10. Peepoople –one of the most important innovations inthe world • So that all people can have access to dignified and hygienic sanitation • Saves lives in developing countries where 2.6 billion people do not have access to a toilet • Breaks down human waste, prevents water contamination, removes dangerous bacteria and transforms it into fertiliser www.kth.se

  11. Atlas Antibodies –a unique platform for biomarkers • Sells antibodies to around 6,000 customers, primarily for cancer research • 15,000 antibodies in the product list • A spin-off of the Human Protein Atlas - the world's largest atlas of human proteins, managed by KTH researchers www.kth.se

  12. Microdose Mammography –vital x-ray technology • Revolutionary x-ray technology that combines high quality imaging and a low radiation dose • Creates new possibilities to detect breast cancer at an early stage • Used at hospitals across the world www.kth.se

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