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AZERBA I JAN STATE AGR I CULTURAL UN I VERS I TY 2011-2015. Oil and gas sector. Oil in Azerbaijan has been produced for 150 years By 1911, half of the world oil was produced in Azerbaijan

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  2. Oil and gas sector • Oil in Azerbaijan has been produced for 150 years • By 1911, half of the world oil was produced in Azerbaijan • In fact, when the Nobel Prizes were established more than a century ago (1901), roughly 12 percent of the prize money was drawn from Alfred's shares in the Nobel Brothers' Petroleum Company in Baku. • During 2 nd World War more than 70 million tone of oil produced for Soviet Union • In 1994 - 2002 more than 22 contracts were signed with 35 large multinational oil companies from 15 countries

  3. Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Main Oil Export Pipeline

  4. Opening Ceremony of the BTC oil pipeline

  5. Structure of Gross Domestic Product

  6. ADAU ADAU • Azerbaycan Dövlət Agrar Unversiteti (ADAU) or Azerbaijan State Agricultural University is the only agricultural university in the country. • Established over 80 years ago, it has trained specialists who have shaped the field of agriculture for generations. • ADAU is now looking beyond national borders to internationalize its curriculum and educational methods.

  7. ADAU MISSION • To prepare globally competitive specialists for the agrarian labor market • To bring innovative ideas and international perspectives to agrarian education and science in Azerbaijan • To be a research-intensive and student-centered university

  8. ADAU VISION Preparing globally competitive specialists, ADAU will build international alliances through multilateral cooperation with the best agricultural universities from around the world.

  9. ADAU ADAU’s Environment • Azerbaijan: • 9 million people • In the Caucasus, straddling Europe & Asia • Area 86,600 sq km • Located in Ganja • 2504 years old • Azerbaijan’s second largest city • Regional center • Capital of the country in 1918-1920

  10. ADAU

  11. ADAU

  12. ADAU Faculties • Agronomy • Agro technology • Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy • Engineering • Agricultural Economics

  13. ADAU 2010 ADAU Celebrates 80th Anniversary 240 people attended 40 people from abroad 36 seminars were presented In 6 concurrent sessions

  14. ADAU 80th Anniversary

  15. ADAU 80th Anniversary

  16. ADAU • In 2010 ADAU has been awarded with gold medal by EUROPE ACADEMICIAN COUNCIL OF RECTORS as a reformer University

  17. ADAU ADAU in 2011 • 4100 students • 429 professors • 81 years old • 8 international visiting scholars from the U.S. and Germany

  18. ADAU ADAU in 2011

  19. ADAU Ph. D. Research at ADAU • Candidates 2011: • Agronomy - 19 • Agro technology - 2 • Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy – 6 • Engineering – 13 • Agricultural Economics - 10

  20. ADAU New Developments in 2010 • Re-organization of the College of Engineering • Opening of the Center for Innovations Transfer

  21. ADAU International Affairs Mission • Coordinate creation of relationships and exchanges with universities abroad • Recruit and support international students • Support ADAU students studying abroad • Coordinate grants from international sources • Represent ADAU in multi-national organizations

  22. ADAU Student Affairs Democratic student government Student organizations and activities Sports Career Services


  24. ADAU AGRONOMY • Bachelor’s: • Agro chemistry & soil science • Agronomy: plant genetics; viticulture; sericulture • Forestry& restoration of forest resources • Ecology& environmental protection

  25. ADAU Recently Renovated Buildings Veterinary and Agrarian Economics Faculties

  26. ADAU Agricultural economics faculty

  27. ADAU Agricultural Economics German Program in Management Twenty-one ADAU undergraduates are engaged in practicum studies in Germany, as part of the management program based on a German curriculum in Agricultural Economics. In addition one graduate of that program is a master’s degree candidate in a German university.

  28. ADAU Agricultural Economics Talented Students English Immersion Program In 2010 ADAU opened a new major “Agricultural Management” based on a curriculum developed in Germany. This is a four year bachelor level program, which was designed for students who satisfy stringent entrance requirements, a general management program, introducing a variety of subjects, with all courses taught in English. It prepares graduates for master’s study abroad and employment in a variety of fields.

  29. ADAU ADAU Library • About 628,000 volumes • Foreign language books • E-library providing access to digitized books and online periodicals

  30. ASAU Library.adau.edu.az

  31. ADAU

  32. ADAU Distance and Continuing Education • Professional and vocational training for agricultural workers • In-person and over the internet • Scientific / technical consultations • Self-supporting

  33. ADAU International Partners • ADAU partners withuniversities in • Turkey • Hungary • Norway • Georgia • Germany • Belorussia • Russia • Kazakhstan • Moldova • Iran • Ukraine • France • USA

  34. ADAU

  35. ADAU

  36. ADAU Grant Support

  37. ADAU

  38. ADAU Strategic Goals 2011-2015 • To work towards international accreditation • To collaborate with farmers and business people for mutual benefit • To bring modern educational methods, research, and practical experience to teaching • To create the opportunity for interdisciplinary education • To provide students opportunities for personal development and respect for different cultures and democratic values. • To develop a firm financial and technical basis for modern education and research at this university

  39. Looking forward to further cooperation 262, Ataturk avenue Ganja, Azerbaijan AZ 2000   Phone: +994 22 56 57 33 Fax: +994 22 56 24 08 E-mail: info@adau.edu.az Http:// www.adau.edu.az ADAU

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