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Policy Group on Statistical Cooperation 13-14 October 2016, Zadar. The ESS Vision 2020 – State of play (Doc. PGSC/2016/08). Contents. 1. Aim of this presentation. To inform on the state of play of the ESS Vision 2020 and the Framework regulations informed strategic decisions
Policy Group on Statistical Cooperation13-14 October 2016, Zadar The ESS Vision 2020 – State of play (Doc. PGSC/2016/08)
1. Aim of this presentation • To inform on the state of play of the ESS Vision 2020 and the Framework regulations informed strategic decisions • To discuss relevance of portfolio projects for the enlargement countries and share experience particular needs/interests?
Users • better understand and address user needs • be a global partner and leader for innovation • build strategic alliances with public and private partners 2. Background cont.Five key areas Quality • abide with the European Statistics Code of Practice • enhance quality management • assess the usability and quality of source data • promote quality of European statistics New data sources • exploitpotential of new data sources • invest in newIT tools and methodology • continue toimprove existing data collection methods Production process • further intensify the collaborative partnership of the ESS • further identify and implementstandards for statistical production • adopt enterprise architectureas a common reference framework • advance in sharingIT services andinfrastructure • benefit from exchange of (micro)data, while fully respecting statistical confidentiality Dissemination • adopt new dissemination and communication strategy • create a data pool of European statistics • optimise ESS portfolio of products and services • promote European statistics as a brand
2. Background cont.8 ESS.VIPs in the portfolio ESS Vision 2020 FRAMEWORKS SIMSTAT ADMIN ESSC REDESIGN BIGD ESDEN VALIDATION DIGICOM SERV ESBRs The portfolio minibus
3. Mitigation of risks • Risk assessment exercise, leading to 3 priorities: • Related to exchange of identifiable micro-data (most important, esp. "reputational" risk) • Related to insufficient skills and resources • Related to insufficient communication • Risk mitigation actions, grouped into 5 categories • HR Development (e.g. ESTP courses) • Portfolio and project management (e.g. regular portfolio reviews in relation to available capacity) • Financial resources (e.g. cost-benefit analysis) • Communication (e.g. involvement stakeholders) • Alignment of modernisation programmes
3. Mitigation of risks cont. • VIG will regularly inform the ESSC on the status of the risks (progress made in mitigation actions + yearly updates of risk assessment) • Risks related to the exchange of micro-data: • Fully functional, secure IT networks and legal frameworks • Engage more actively with business org., policymakers and all other stakeholders • Communicate on which principles micro-data exchange is based + measures to ensure data protection • Creation dedicated TF (DK/EE/FI/GR/HU/IRL/ IT/NL/SI/ESTAT)
3. Mitigation of risks cont. • 7 core principles: • Access minimisation: exchange only within sphere of need and competence • Purpose limitation: only used for statistical purposes • Value added: based on business case for improving quality and efficiency • Protecting data: highest information security • Clear responsibilities and rights • Appropriate legal basis: obligation to exchange • Transparency: ESS is fully transparent on exchange of confidential data
4. State of play ESS.VIPs • SIMSTAT/REDESIGN: • SIMSTAT: to test technical feasibility of exchanging confidential micro-data on intra-EU trade in goods + examine the impact on quality • Successful pilot exchange April-September 2015 • REDESIGN: to assess comparatively the different alternatives for the re-design of Intrastat, especially in terms of administrative burden reduction and cost-benefit • ESSC May 2016 agreed the future system must reduce burden by at least 25%, keep good level of quality, allow for flexibility, prepare international trade statistics for globalisation + key elements
4. State of play ESS.VIPs cont. • While vast majority of MS were in favour of mandatory exchange of micro-data on intra-EU exports and their voluntary use, some countries raised concerns. • Therefore the ESS experts are now working on the future methodological and legal framework, in particular on the output quality criteria to be applied to ensure the same quality as under the current rules. Outcome to be presented November ESSC.
4. State of play ESS.VIPs cont. • ESBRs (European System of interoperable Business Registers) achievements: • Upgraded platform for the Eurogroups Register (EGR 2.0) in ESTAT's secure confidential data environment. • Interactive tools for secure micro-data access and for online collaborative profiling of multinational enterprises. • An interactive platform for Foreign affiliates statistics (FATS) compilers.
4. State of play ESS.VIPs cont. • VALIDATION deliverables: • An ESS methodological handbook which is expected to provide a common business language (i.e. definitions, classifications, metrics) for all future discussions about validation in the ESS. • The ESS contribution to the creation and piloting of version 1.0 of the VTL (Validation and Transformation Language) validation syntax developed by the SDMX community. • A proposal for a Business and IT architecture for validation in the ESS outlining a comprehensive roadmap to move towards common validation policy and shared services in the ESS.
4. State of play ESS.VIPs cont. • Two early prototypes for possible ESS validation services, aiming at collecting know how on the possible construction of ESS validation services. • The ESSC of May 2016 endorsed deployment actions proposed for the follow-up of the Validation project to ensure that methodological and architectural frameworks provided by the ESS.VIP Validation project are implemented into production • In this context the enlargement countries will benefit directly from the action "Capacity building and support": training on Validation for the enlargement countries end 2016/begin. 2017
4. State of play ESS.VIPs cont. • ADMIN: • ESSnet on the quality of multisource statistics created. • Individual grants on using the IACS (Integrated Administration and Control System) information to produce agricultural statistics. The IACS register is an administrative source based on EU legislation. Awarded to 4 applicants. • Individual grants to improve the use of administrative sources with two main objectives: to assist MS in making better use of administrative sources and to explore issues for potential development. Awarded to 13 applicants.
4. State of play ESS.VIPs cont. • Service contract on the legal and institutional framework and best practices related to the use of administrative data. • A service contract to take stock of the frames for social statistics in Member States. • WS on quality of multisource statistics in April 2016 • WS on access to administrative data sources in September 2016
4. State of play ESS.VIPs cont. • ESDEN (Eur. Statistical Data Exchange Network): • Scope = the modernisation of the services offered to the ESS for data exchange: increase the capacity and improve the interoperability and security. • The first phase delivered the necessary communication network for SIMSTAT. • May 2016 ESSC gave green light for second phase: connect those that did not participate in the first phase to the secure SIMSTAT network infrastructure + modernisation of the EDAMIS data transmission tool.
4. State of play ESS.VIPs cont. • SERV (Shared services for European statistics): • Purpose = is to establish a catalogue of common statistical services, such as software solutions, that will be shared across the ESS. • An ESSnet coordinated by France and aiming at supporting Member States in sharing common functionalities, such as IT statistical services, started its work in January 2016. • The Structural Validation Service concept was successfully tested in NA + to enter in production. • May 2016 ESSC gave green light for 2nd phase: develop software and applications to support ESS Vision projects + governance shared IT services.
4. State of play ESS.VIPs cont. • BIGD (Big data for official statistics): • Initiation + planning phases completed. • Big Data ESSnet led by CBS NL, with the participation from institutions of 21 MS created. • Four big data specific ESTP courses designed and included in the catalogue; one in 1st quarter 2016. • Several pilot projects set up in the context of the ESSnet Big Data and will start running soon. • Competition on big data for official statistics open to statisticians in NSIs and in academia launched by Eurostat in the beginning of 2016. • ESS TF Big Data adopted + contact points all NSIs. • Big Data WS in Ljubljana on 11/12 October 2016.
4. State of play ESS.VIPs cont. • DIGICOM (Digital dissemination + communic.): • Business case endorsed by ESSC November 2015. • The project includes 4 work packages as follows: • 1. User analysis; • 2. Innovative and shareable products and tools; • 3. Open data dissemination; • 4. Communication and promotion. • 16 countries involved in the work packages and 13 countries nominated to the steering group. • Visualisation WS in Valencia in May 2016 was about the different ways in which visualisation is used as a tool for data analysis and dissemination.
4. State of play ESS.VIPs cont. • Supporting frameworks: • Quality: not just part of ESS Vision 2020, but present in all ESS.VIPs (key quality elements identified and mapped). • ESS Enterprise Architecture (EA) enabling systematic and coherent approach to the modernisation of European statistics (i.e. ESS EA Reference Framework and Roadmap) • Cooperation models: further optimisation of existing models • ESS IT security framework: results of the pilot to be presented to ESSC November 2016.
5. Framework regulations • FRIBS (Framework Regulation Integrating Business Statistics): • Aim: streamline legislation that currently consists of separate legal acts for various domains. • Advantages: improvement of consistency through harmonisation of definitions, breakdowns, allowing for more flexibility and responsiveness, facilitating modernisation of production processes, the use of shared tools, burden reduction. • Based on CMFB opinion, it is proposed to include ITSS and to exclude FDI from FRIBS. • Comprehensive basic act to be discussed in BSDG on 20/10 and ESSC November 2016 to be consulted to have basic act adopted in 2016.
5. Framework regulations cont. • IESS (Integrated European Social Statistics): • Aim: to improve timeliness, to match HBS Consumption with SILC Income, to enable flexibility and responsiveness, to reduce cost • 3 framework regulations envisaged: one for demography and the census; and one for administrative data collections. • IESS the Impact Assessment has been finalised and the proposal was adopted by the Commission on 24 August 2016. • Eurostat is now in the process of inviting the Member States to submit their potential requests for derogations.
5. Framework regulations cont. • Agriculture: • Users of agriculture statistics are DG AGRI, DG EN, DG CLIMA, DG SANTE (food safety, plant protection, animal health) and 40% of the EU budget is spent on agriculture. • Aim is multi-fold: to produce more with less, to increase flexibility and responsiveness, to improve coherence, to better meet user needs, to streamline concepts and definitions and to reduce burden.
Points for discussion • Could you share experience of the WS your NSIs attended and perhaps make recommendations for the other enlargement countries? • Do you have particular needs or interests for the year to come?