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COSC1078 Introduction to Information Technology Lecture 15 Booting

COSC1078 Introduction to Information Technology Lecture 15 Booting. James Harland james.harland@rmit.edu.au. Introduction. James Harland Email: james.harland@rmit.edu.au URL: www.cs.rmit.edu.au/~jah Phone: 9925 2045 Office: 14.10.1 Consultation: Mon 4.30-5.30, Thu 11.30-12.30

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COSC1078 Introduction to Information Technology Lecture 15 Booting

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  1. Intro to IT COSC1078 Introduction to Information TechnologyLecture 15Booting James Harland james.harland@rmit.edu.au

  2. Intro to IT Introduction • James Harland • Email:james.harland@rmit.edu.au • URL:www.cs.rmit.edu.au/~jah • Phone:9925 2045 • Office:14.10.1 • Consultation:Mon 4.30-5.30, • Thu 11.30-12.30 • What colour is my office door? Carpet? Chair?

  3. Intro to IT Introduction to IT 1 Introduction 2Images 3Audio 4Video WebLearnTest 1 5 Binary Representation Assignment 1 6 Data Storage 7Machine Processing 8 Operating Systems WebLearn Test 2 9 Processes Assignment 2 10 Internet 11Internet Security WebLearn Test 3 12Future of IT Assignment 3, Peer and Self Assessment

  4. Intro to IT Overview • Questions? • Assignments 1 & 2 • Booting • Questions?

  5. Where to begin? • How do you start an operating system? • Boot it! (or bootstrap) • Turn on power () • Machine loads bootstrap program from ROM (non-volatile memory) • Bootstrap program loads OS • OS takes over Lecture 15: Booting Intro to IT

  6. Initial State When Turned On Processor Memory Disk ROM 00 00 Bootstrap Program Program Counter RAM Instruction Register Lecture 15: Booting Intro to IT

  7. Load Bootstrap Program Processor Memory Disk ROM 00 00 Bootstrap Program Program Counter RAM Instruction Register Lecture 15: Booting Intro to IT

  8. Bootstrap program loads OS Processor Memory Disk ROM 00 00 Bootstrap Program Program Counter RAM Instruction Register Lecture 15: Booting Intro to IT

  9. Bootstrap program loads OS Processor Memory Disk ROM 00 00 Bootstrap Program Program Counter RAM Instruction Register Lecture 15: Booting Intro to IT

  10. Bootstrap program has loaded OS Processor Memory Disk ROM AA 00 Bootstrap Program Program Counter AA RAM Instruction Register Lecture 15: Booting Intro to IT

  11. OS takes over execution Processor Memory Disk ROM AA 00 Bootstrap Program Program Counter AA RAM Instruction Register Lecture 15: Booting Intro to IT

  12. Starting Up Operating Systems Processor Memory Disk ROM AA 00 Bootstrap Program Program Counter AA RAM Instruction Register Lecture 15: Booting Intro to IT

  13. Starting Up Operating Systems Processor Memory Disk ROM AA 00 Bootstrap Program Program Counter AA RAM Instruction Register Lecture 15: Booting Intro to IT

  14. Starting Up Operating Systems Processor Memory Disk ROM AA 00 Bootstrap Program Program Counter AA RAM Instruction Register Lecture 15: Booting Intro to IT

  15. Multiple boot scenario … Processor Memory Disk ROM 00 00 Bootstrap Program Program Counter RAM Instruction Register Lecture 15: Booting Intro to IT

  16. Multiple boot scenario … Processor Memory Disk ROM 00 00 Bootstrap Program Program Counter RAM Instruction Register Lecture 15: Booting Intro to IT

  17. Multiple boot scenario … Processor Memory Disk ROM 00 00 Bootstrap Program Program Counter RAM Instruction Register Lecture 15: Booting Intro to IT

  18. Multiple boot scenario … Processor Memory Disk ROM 00 00 Bootstrap Program Program Counter RAM Instruction Register Lecture 15: Booting Intro to IT

  19. OS Software Classification Software Application System Utility Operating System Shell Kernel Lecture 15: Booting Intro to IT

  20. Processes Lecture 15: Booting Intro to IT

  21. Processes A program is astatic set of instructions A processes is the execution of a program, which changes state over time. Lecture 15: Booting Intro to IT

  22. Processes Executing in Context Processor Memory Disk ROM CC 00 Program Counter RAM CC Instruction Register Lecture 15: Booting Intro to IT

  23. Processes Executing in Context Processor Memory Disk ROM DD 00 Program Counter RAM CC DD Instruction Register Lecture 15: Booting Intro to IT

  24. Processes Switching Scheduler maintains process table Ready Ready Waiting Lecture 15: Booting Intro to IT

  25. Processes Switching Lecture 15: Booting Intro to IT

  26. Interrupts • Signals to the CPU • Often generated by timing circuits • CPU reacts by jumping to appropriate memory location • Dispatcher • selects a ready process • resets timing circuit • starts process • CPUs often designed to switch process states efficiently Lecture 15: Booting Intro to IT

  27. Processes Executing in Context Processor Memory Disk 00 BB ROM Program Counter RAM BB Instruction Register Lecture 15: Booting Intro to IT

  28. Processes Executing in Context Processor Memory Disk 00 11 ROM Program Counter RAM BB Instruction Register Lecture 15: Booting Intro to IT

  29. Processes Executing in Context Processor Memory Disk 00 FF ROM Program Counter RAM FF Instruction Register Lecture 15: Booting Intro to IT

  30. Interrupts • Provide mechanism to switch processes • CPU doesn’t have to wait for I/O transfers • Switching leads to faster throughput • `Save document’ means CPU does something else while the save takes place Lecture 15: Booting Intro to IT

  31. Intro to IT Conclusion Assignment 2 specified sometime this week Finish reading book!

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