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Mathematical Modelling of Future Energy Systems. Professor Janusz W. Bialek Durham University. Outline. Drivers for power system research Current and future power system Examples of mathematical and statistical challenges based on my work Funding opportunities.
Mathematical Modelling of Future Energy Systems Professor Janusz W. Bialek Durham University
Outline • Drivers for power system research • Current and future power system • Examples of mathematical and statistical challenges based on my work • Funding opportunities
Main research drivers for power system research in the UK • “Any feasible path to a 80% reduction of CO2 emissions by 2050 will require the almost total decarbonisation of electricity generation by 2030” (Climate Change Committee Building a Low Carbon Economy 2008) • Driver1 : Grid integration of renewables and Smart Grids • Driver 2: Rewiring Britain • The UK electricity infrastructure is about 40 years old = lifetime of equipment • On-shore and off-shore wind requires a significant extension of the existing grid
Modelling of power networks • A network is a planar graph with nodes (buses, vertices) and branches (lines, edges) • GB high-voltage transmission network consists of 810 nodes and 1194 branches • UCTE and US interconnected networks consist of several thousands nodes • For most analyses, the network is described by algebraic equation (Current and Voltage Kirchhoff’s Laws) • Electromechanical stability of rotating generators is described by differential equations
Today’s power system • Limited number of controllable power stations • Demand highly predictable • Operation demand-driven • Only transmission network fully modelled (~1000 nodes) as distribution network is passive • Deterministic planning and operation • Generation and transmission reserve to account for contingencies: (N-1)
Future power system (2020/30) • Very high number (1000s) of uncontrollable renewable plants connected at both transmission and distribution level • Stochastic and highly distributed generation • Need to model distribution networks (much denser, tens/hundreds of thousands of nodes)
Smart metering enabling demand response (Smart Grids) • Demand not deterministic any more • Possible electric cars + storage • storage and time-shifting demand create much stronger linkages between time periods in power system models • Interactions with gas and transport networks • In short: the future power system will be complex and stochastic
What’s needed • Modelling of highly distributed and stochastic generation and demand • Stochastic characterisation of resource and demand • Aggregation of distributed generation and demand • Modelling of interactions • Human behaviour • Probabilistic planning and operation tools: • Move from traditional direct control to stochastic and hierarchical control
Example 1: Risk calculations and capacity credits (CD) • Question: what is the risk of installed generating capacity being inadequate to support peak demand in a system with high wind penetration • What is the ‘capacity credit’ of the wind generation • Evaluate risk with projected fleet of wind + conventional generation • Capacity credit is conventional capacity which gives same risk in an all-conv system
Example 2: How to model the resource in system studies • Current approach: hindsight, i.e. use historic wind time series • Can give robust modelling results but provides limited insight • Needed: stochastic spatial/temporal characterisation of resource • Use it for stochastic system studies: would give a better scentific understanding into what drives results Poyry: “Impact of Intermittency”, 2009
Example 3: Keeping reserve vs just-in-time delivery • Doubling of operating generation reserve by 2020 due to intermittency of wind if current approach is used National Grid, 2009
Significant cost as reserve needed 24/7 • Just-in-time approach: use flexible demand/storage, rather than just thermal generation, to provide a back-up for wind • Must not increase risk • Statistics + Stochastic Control + Operational Research
Driver 2: Rewiring Britain UK Distribution Gross Capital Expenditure 2500 2000 1500 £m (97/98 Prices) 1000 500 0 1950/51 1960/61 1970/71 1980/81 1990/91 2000/01 2010/11 2020/21 2030/31 2040/41 The aim: smoothing out the second peak Actual capex Capex for replace on 40yr life Source: Robin Maclaren, ScottishPower
Asset Management Age and Condition: which is important?
Asset Management • Asset replacement must be undertakenin a timely way • Condition monitoring, diagnostics • Prognostics • Often limited historical information: equipment is replaced before it fails • New challenge: reliability of offshore wind farms • £75 billion industry • Reliability might be a bottleneck due to a limited and costly access • Involvement of statisticians and mathematicians needed: e.g. Bayesian statistics.
Funding opportunities for energy research • RCUK Energy Programme is the largest £220M, bigger than the others taken together (Digital Economy 103M, Nanoscience 39M, Healthcare £36M) • Preference of UKRC for interdisciplinary research • SuperGen (Sustainable Power Generation and Supply) is the flagship initiative in Energy Programme
EPSRC: Grand Challenges in Energy Networks • Look 20-40 years ahead • Scoping workshop held in March 2010 • A number of themes identified including • Flexible Grids • Uncertainty and Complexity • Energy and Power Balancing • £8M (?) Call expected to be announced in summer
EPSRC call: Mathematics Underpinning Digital Economy and Energy • Deadline 1 July 2010, full proposal • £5 million earmarked; 7 -12 proposals will be funded
What is reactive power? • Motors are electromagnetic devices and need coils to produce magnetic fields • Because current is ac (alternating), energy to supply the magnetic field oscillates between the source and the inductor (at 100 Hz) • That oscillating power is called reactive (imaginary) power – symbol Q (real power P) • On average the energy transfer is zero (you cannot use it for any purpose) but there is always an instantaneous flow of energy • There is no reactive power in dc circuits
Nasty effects of reactive power • Causes real power losses (because of oscillating power transfers) • Takes up capacity of wires • Causes voltage drops (proportional to the distance it travels): ΔV= (PR + QX)/V • You cannot transfer reactive power over long distances • Compensation by capacitance (voltage support)
Conclusions • Grid integration of renewables, Smart Grids and the need to rewire Britain create a huge pull for new research • Collaboration with mathematicians and statisticians is crucial • Significant funding opportunities • Reactive power is not small beer!