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What is Green IT?

What is Green IT?. The Science & The Challenge. Autumn/Winter 2011. 02. The Science. The Problem. Anthropromorphic Global Warming . (AGW) Global warming caused by Humans! Lots of debate on both sides. Interpreted Data under attack.

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What is Green IT?

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  1. What is Green IT? The Science & The Challenge Autumn/Winter 2011

  2. 02 The Science BCS Green IT/DCSG Branch Presentations 2011/12 John Booth

  3. The Problem Anthropromorphic Global Warming. (AGW) Global warming caused by Humans! Lots of debate on both sides. Interpreted Data under attack. The probable results will be the melting of the ice sheets in Greenland & Antarctica with associated sea level rise. Current Weather patterns could change. Humanity must reduce levels of Greenhouse Gases released into the atmosphere soon to prevent or lessen effects. “My Lords, the most reliable measurements we have of CO2 in the atmosphere are those of the Mauna Loa observatory in Hawaii. As of February 2011, those showed levels of CO2 to be still rising. It is up to 391.76 parts per million, compared with 389.85 parts per million last year. Not only are those rising, they are increasing at an accelerating rate from decade to decade. Because, as collective humanity, we are doing so little to change the situation, it is now unlikely that we will be able to confine global warming to an average to two degrees Celsius-as noble Lords will remember, the limit that most scientists regard as reducing risk to reasonably manageable dimensions.” Lord GiddensDirector, L.S.E House of Lords 24/3/11 BCS Green IT/DCSG Branch Presentations 2011/12 John Booth

  4. The Greenhouse Gases The Gases DGWP* for 100 year horizon Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 1 Methane (CH4) 25 Nitrous Oxide (N2O) 298 Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC’s) 100-14,800 depending on gas Perfluorocarbons (PFC’s) 7390-12,200 depending on gas Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) 22,800 Ref: P27, “Climate Change, From science to sustainability”. Peake & Smith 2003 Oxford University Press/Open University *Direct Global Warming Potential BCS Green IT/DCSG Branch Presentations 2011/12 John Booth

  5. The “Hockey Stick” Graph BCS Green IT/DCSG Branch Presentations 2011/12 John Booth

  6. Climate Change Quotes • “On the island where I live, it is possible to throw a stone from one side to the other. Our fears about sea-level rise are very real. Our Cabinet has been exploring the possibility of buying land in a nearby country in case we become refugees of climate change”. TelekeLauti, Minister for the Environment, Tuvalu. • “Climate change is the most severe problem we are facing today, more serious even than the threat of terrorism” David King, UK Government Chief Scientific Advisor, Jan 2004. • “How could I look my grandchildren in the eye and say I knew about this and did nothing? David Attenborough, 2006. BCS Green IT/DCSG Branch Presentations 2011/12 John Booth

  7. Sea Level Rise - UK BCS Green IT/DCSG Branch Presentations 2011/12 John Booth

  8. The 1st Elephant (Mammoth) • A massive reduction in grasslands and the spread of forests may have been the primary cause of the decline of mammals such as the woolly mammoth, woolly rhino and cave lion, according to Durham University scientists. • The findings of the new study challenge the theory that human beings were the primary cause of the extinction of mammals through hunting, competition for land and increased pressure on habitats. • The research is part of the most comprehensive study to date of Northern Hemisphere climate and vegetation during and after the height of the last Ice Age, 21,000 years ago. It shows that, over a huge part of the Earth’s surface, there was a massive decline in the productivity and extent of grasslands due to climatic warming and the spread of forests. • Last Glacial Vegetation of Northern Eurasia. Allen, Judy R.M. et al., Quaternary Science Reviews doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2010.05.031. BCS Green IT/DCSG Branch Presentations 2011/12 John Booth

  9. The 1st Elephant (Mammoth) BCS Green IT/DCSG Branch Presentations 2011/12 John Booth

  10. 03 The Challenge BCS Green IT/DCSG Branch Presentations 2011/12 John Booth

  11. What is the challenge? • The UK Carbon Reduction Targets. • The Energy Gap. • Maintaining BAU BCS Green IT/DCSG Branch Presentations 2011/12 John Booth

  12. Current UK Reduction Target & Policy Tools • Net UK Carbon Account 80% of 1990 baseline by 2050 • 1990 baseline 3900 MtCO2e • Latest Carbon Budget – 2023-2027 set at 1750 MtCO2e (50% Reduction) (8/6/11) Target = 780MtCO2e The Tools • Carbon Reduction Commitment (Energy Efficiency Scheme) • Large Combustion Plant Directive (LCPD) • NI 185/186 (LA’s CRC) • FIT’s (Feed In Tariffs) for renewables • Growth of Wind (NIMBYism) • New Nukes (Long Lead Times) • Infrastructure Smart Grid (for renewables) BCS Green IT/DCSG Branch Presentations 2011/12 John Booth

  13. The 2nd Elephant (in the room) BCS Green IT/DCSG Branch Presentations 2011/12 John Booth

  14. The Energy Gap • Energy Gap • 8 UK Nuclear PS’s Decommissioned by 2023 (20% of Capacity!) • Large Combustion Plant Directive Restricts Coal Fired to 7000hours • UK Energy Planning, Too Little, Too Late • Black-Outs/Rationing from 2015? Energy Costs Rise ! BCS Green IT/DCSG Branch Presentations 2011/12 John Booth

  15. Maintaining BAU Pace of Change Vicious Circle of IT Software – Hardware – Software – Hardware etc Threat of the Cloud Device independence (User Owned?) Loss of Control Who pays for your IT energy? Facilities? You? BCS Green IT/DCSG Branch Presentations 2011/12 John Booth

  16. Be Prepared! For MD/CEO/CIO/Finance/ Facilities scrutiny For radical change Calculate Energy Costs for IT Evaluate your CMDB (Asset Register) Review IT Governance (Green IT Governance) Review DR & Data Management Policy Develop Internal Cloud Think Lean, Think Lean IT Budget Contraints Nothing will be off the table when it comes to IT. BCS Green IT/DCSG Branch Presentations 2011/12 John Booth

  17. Now a short break... BCS Green IT/DCSG Branch Presentations 2011/12 John Booth

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