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REDD+ FOR THE GUIANA SHIELD Technical Cooperation Project. Presentation of the « REDD+ for the Guiana Shield » project. Nicolas KARR, ONF Guyane 6 th August 2013 1 st Steering Committee, Paramaribo. Context Objectives Activities Budget and actors. Outline. Project origin.
REDD+ FOR THE GUIANA SHIELDTechnical Cooperation Project Presentation of the « REDD+ for the GuianaShield » project Nicolas KARR, ONF Guyane 6th August 2013 1st Steering Committee, Paramaribo
Context • Objectives • Activities • Budget and actors Outline
Project origin Poznán, December 2008 Objective fixed by Guyana's President and Ministers of Environment of France and Suriname.
Biogeographical context Guyana plateau • 100 million ha of forest • 50 million ha within the project • Humid tropical forest ecosystem • Low deforestation rate(<0,3% / year) • Biodiversity • Socioeconomic development issues
Outline • Context • Objectives • Activities • Budget and actors
Specific objectives of this REDD+ project • Create a technical and dialogue platform at regional level to share experiences and good practices • Support countries in their readiness process for REDD+ mechanism by compiling and analyzing existing data and methodologies • Build capacities while improving methodologies and techniques to assess reduction of emissions due to deforestation and degradation • Develop a decision making tool to help assessing the impact of policies and measures on climate change and on socio-economical development • Guiding principles: • Transparency • Regional cooperation • Respect of National Policies and Sovereignty • Synergies with other REDD+ regional initiatives
Outline • Context • Objectives • Activities • Budget and actors
Activity 1: Assessment of forest cover and stocks Identifying and compiling existing data and methodologies on forest cover evolution and forest carbon stocks Evaluation of available methodologies (cost-benefit, conformity with IPCC good practices guidance) Create a cooperative framework for knowledge sharing Build countries capacities in terms of forest cover and stocks monitoring through the creation of working groups. • Outcomes • Improved methodologies and capacities in terms of forest cover and stocks monitoring • Support to countries forest emissions inventory (UNFCCC type) • Reinforcement of technical cooperation among countries on those subjects
Activity 2: Improve the deforestation/degradation dynamic understanding Identify main deforestation/degradation drivers and underlying causes. Compile existing quantitative and spatial data within a regionaldatabase Identifyneeds in terms of data collection and capacity building to complement and update the database Reinforceregional dialogue on transnational dynamics of deforestation/degradation • Outcomes: • Improve the understanding, monitoring and management of transnational deforestation and forestdegradationdynamics. • A regionaldatabase on main drivers of deforestation/degradation. • Reinforcedcapacities and information in order to feed national referenceemissionlevels and support the assessment of socio-economical impact of policies and measures
Activity 3: Improvemodelingcapacities to help decision-makingprocess • Initiate a scientificcooperationplatform on modelling • Reinforceregionalmodellingcapacities • Developtools to help policydecision-makersestimate the impact of developmentpolicies, measureforestcarbonemissions and socio-economicaldevelopment. • Outcomes: • Strenghtenedcooperationbetweenuniversities and researchcenters on land use change and socio-economicaldevelopmentmodeling • A decisionmakingtool to help monitoring and managing REDD+ mechanismimplementation in countries • Reinforcedcapacities on modeling
Institutional arrangements STEERING COMMITTEE Supervise the platformand approveannualwork program Support and inform the steeringcommittee Adviseand informpilot committee on projectactivities Technical platform on REDD+ development IMPLEMENTING ENTITIES Coordinateparticipation SECRETARIAT Working groups of components 1, 2 & 3 Inform the platform ONF - G and ONFI in Project partners ONF Guyane and ONFI collaboration with IEF, GFC, SBB Coordinatetechnicalcapacitydevelopment Beneficiaries National/state forestservices Civil society
Staff for the project IEF Partner GFC Partner SBB Partner Project Coordinator: Nicolas Karr ONF - Project Leader Funds reporting and monitoring : Fanny MISS et Jean-Luc Sibille Project Manager in Cayenne : Marie Calmel ONFI - ImplementingPartner Experts from ONFI Headquarters (coordination : Anne Martinet) Focal Point Amapa: Sergio Milheiras Focal Point Surinam: Sara Svensson Focal Point Guyana: Saba Loftus
MERCI /THANK YOU /DANK U / OBRIGADO dr.guyane@onf.fr http://www.onf.fr/guyane Photo credit: ONF Guyane