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CAMPECHE REDD+. GCF task force – Palangka Raya, September 2011. State Strategy. Jorge Mendoza, Evelia Rivera, Ben de Jong , Victor Ku , El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Gob. del Estado de Campeche. Marrakesh Agreements 2001. REDD + Process Chronology.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CAMPECHEREDD+ GCF taskforce– Palangka Raya, September 2011 StateStrategy Jorge Mendoza, Evelia Rivera, Ben de Jong, VictorKu, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Gob. del Estado de Campeche

  2. Marrakesh Agreements 2001 REDD + Process Chronology In 2010, the Cancun Agreement defines REDD+ and stablish next steps to follow in process preparation.

  3. Enhancing institutional capacities by INE/JICA Palenque Declaration Agreement for design of Regional Strategy for Climate Change The establishment of Climate Change State Comissions Regionals Agreements of Governorns for the Climate Change Regional Process in Yucatan´s Peninsula 2009 2010 2009-2010 2010

  4. TheYucatan Peninsula Importance • Natural Richness • Fresh water reservoirs • 22 % of bird species • 40% of mammal species • The most important jaguar populations in Mexico • 34 % of mexican mangroves • The most imoprtant honey production in Mexico • Vulnerabilities and Risks • Hidrometeorological Phenomena • Forest Fires • Lan d Use Change • Precipitation patterns change • Coastal floods • Climate Change Mitigation • 9 million hectares of forest (70% of Peninsula Area) • 50 000 hectares annaully reforested • Forest with high carbon content

  5. Flujos netos de CO2 (en 103 t CO2 /año) por cambio de uso de suelo • Flujos netos de CO2 (en 103 t CO2 /año) por cambio de uso de suelo

  6. Forest Dynamics in Campeche

  7. Campeche´s REDD + Institutional Structure

  8. CTC-REDD+ Government Actors and Users CICC National CTC-REDD+ GT-REDD+ CRCC PY CTC-REDD+ PY CICC Campeche COPLADECAM CFE CTC-REDD+ Campeche

  9. Campeche´s REDD + Vision Thematic Axes • REDD+ Early actions • Aligned Public Policies • Enhanced & Coordinated Institutional Capacities • Reference level and MRV defined • Effective & Efficient Financial Schemes • Enhancing the installed local capacities

  10. Campeche´s REDD + Vision 7. DiscouragingDeforestationby: • Development rural sustainableprojects • None-timberproductiveprojects • GoodForestrypractices in ForestryCommunities (Ejidos) 8. Emissionswithzero balance relatedwithland use change 9. Increasingcarbonreservoirs • Biodiversity and Ecosystems • Sustainableforestrymanagment • Conservation (keyhabitats and biologicalcorridors) • Enhancingsecondaryvegetation (acahuales) 10. Maintenanceboth social & environmental capital

  11. Campeche´s REDD + Vision 11. To have reference sub – national transition levels towards the integration of National level (without leakage) 12. To define national safeguards 13. Experimentation of REDD + components

  12. Campeche´s REDD areas Natural Protected Areas Municipalities boundaries 5 Timberless projects Biological corridor 4 1 2 3 6

  13. Projectsfordiscouragingdeforestation & degradation 71 communities at Calakmul Biosphere Reserve influencearea EnvironmentalFund

  14. REDD + : Integral territorial managment SAGARP A SED ESOL SCT SEP Wild life management SSA Co nse rvaci ón y resta ura ció n de l sue lo ECONOMIA SRA SEMARN A T Gob ie rno Estatal Gob ie rno Mun ici pa l Comité del CTC-REDD Micro – basins integral management Forest community management Reforestation Aquaculture Social & productive infrastructure Community or Ejido Livestock intensification Risk infrastructure Sustainable agriculture and productive conversion

  15. REDD+ ImplementationPhases Phase 1 (1 year) Preparation - NationalStrategy - Referencelevels - MonitoringSystem - Participation Phase 2 (3 years) EarlyImplementation - Politics & Measures - Experimental in situactions • Phase 3 (30 years) Implementation • - REDD + actions Implementation • Monitoring, reporting and verification • (MRV) • Greenhouseemissionsreductionsversus • base line • Performance payments

  16. REDD+ Campeche´s Actions

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