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Pārmaiņu vadības pieredze: rīcības vadlīnijas , sastopoties ar izaugsmes un konkurētspējas izaicinājumiem Managing change: handling challenges for growth and competitiveness. Forums “ Kā sekmēt pētniecības un augstākās izglītības ieguldījumu izaugsmē un konkurētspējā ?”. Indriķis Muižnieks
Pārmaiņu vadības pieredze: rīcības vadlīnijas, sastopoties ar izaugsmes un konkurētspējas izaicinājumiemManaging change: handling challenges for growth and competitiveness • Forums “Kāsekmētpētniecības un augstākāsizglītībasieguldījumuizaugsmē un konkurētspējā?” Indriķis Muižnieks Latvijas Universitātes rektors 2016.g. 19.maijā
Mission of the National University Patria • promoting the progress towards centripetal (inclusive, socialy cohesive) economy: Scientia Patria Patria Patria http://international.fhwa.dot.gov/pubs/pl09015/02.cfm
Vulnerability of Latvian ERDI https://www.em.gov.lv/en/economic_development/report_on_the_economic_development_
Poor ERD funding and poor society, what comes first? Public RD funding in Estonia exceeds Latvian one by factor 5, total – by factor 3
Challenge: limitation of the resources • Approaches (research funding) • vs Setting of the Priorities Versatility of the Comprehensive University
Challenge: limitation of the resources Strategy: Developing the Potential of Cooperation Starting the Strategical Council of the University, > 30 agreements on cooperation
Challenge: limitation of the resources • Approaches (human capital: students, researchers) • vs Excellence Inclusiveness
Challenge: limitation of the resources Strategy: Diversification Otreach to the High School University – supported studies in STEM Honours Programmes 70 new university jobs for young researchers Going international – focus on advanced studies Results from the Cooperation Experience, Performance Based Funding Line
Challenge: limitation of the resources • Approaches (infrastructure) • vs Refurbishing of the Old Creating Sinergies through Concentration
Challenge: limitation of the resources Strategy: Developing University Campus Natural Science Center put into Operation in 2015, next three Research, TT and Study Centres pending, diversification of the funding sources (EUSF, Private, Public, own)
Challenge: increasing competition • Approaches • vs • Approaches • vs Quality of Education Quality of Education Expediency Creating National and International Alliances
Challenge: meeting the labor market needs • Approaches • vs Quality of Education Graduate as Employee Graduate as Enterpreneur Business Courses for all, Start-up and Business Plan = Thesis
Challenge: meeting the labor market needs Sorce: CV Online
Challenge: technology transfer • Approaches • vs Quality of Education Meeting the needs of local industries Bringing fundamental Innovation in Market LU uzsāk sarunu procedūru par izmantošanas tiesību piešķiršanu LU radītiem intelektuālā īpašuma objektiem LU Mediju un mārketinga centrs, 18.05.2016 Survey of Industrial Demand: 430 Innovative Companies, matching to the University Offer, putting the Licence Offers on Market
Plato, Protagoras314a • For I tell you there is far more serious risk in the purchase of doctrines than in that of eatables. • ...you are compelled, when you have handed over the price, to take the doctrine in your very soul by learning it, and so to depart either an injured or a benefited man. These, then, are questions which we have to consider with the aid of our elders, since we ourselves are still rather young to unravel so great a matter. • "Pirkt zinības ir daudz lielāks risks nekā iegādāties pārtiku ...Turpretī zinības ... kad esi par tām samaksājis, tās jāuzņem pašā dvēselē un ar apgūto - vienalga, vai tas tev nācis par labu vai par ļaunu - jādodas prom." (Ābrama Feldhūna tulkojums)