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…..with writing!. Punctuation!. By B rittany Stelter. AUDIENCE. Elementary Ed ISTEP PRACTICE. Yup! They had to write too!. CONDITIONS Power Point . Performance Construct-sentences Organize-thoughts Identify-punctuation. Criteria Quiz Passing with 100% . OBJECTIVES.
…..with writing! Punctuation! By Brittany Stelter http://www.google.com/imgres?q=punctuation+marks&hl=en&sa=G&biw=1280&bih=843&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=g8OLjBtmmIyKpM:&imgrefurl=http://www.cartoonstock.com/directory/p/punctuation_marks.asp&docid=_clszKauSG5-xM&imgurl=http://www.cartoonstock.com/newscartoons/cartoonists/gfo/lowres/gfon112l.jpg&w=400&h=356&ei=UtCqTrWRGYnw0gGlqYCtDw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=125&sig=104471979179204300398&page=1&tbnh=143&tbnw=161&start=0&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:0&tx=67&ty=4
AUDIENCE • Elementary Ed • ISTEP PRACTICE Yup! They had to write too!
CONDITIONS • Power Point • Performance • Construct-sentences • Organize-thoughts • Identify-punctuation • Criteria • Quiz • Passing with 100% OBJECTIVES
Learning Environment COMPUTER LAB
MainMenu Quiz Period's QuestionMark Exclamation Point Comma Semi Colon MOVIE
Periods….. Rule 1 Use a period a the end of a complete sentence that is a statement. Ex) I want an ice cream cone.
Periods….. Rule 2 If the last word in the sentence ends with a period, do not follow it with another period. Ex) Please turn off the T.V.
Periods Rule 3 Use the period after an indirect question. Ex) The coach asked where the basketballs were.
Fun Fact Now a days, the period is often referred too as a “Dot”
Practice Question You use a period twice at the end of a sentence if the last word has a period following it. Ex) I know your prof.. T F
YOU ARE CORRECT!!!!! Click home to learn about other punctuation! • false
Hint: Rule 2 Slide 8 Try again!!!!
Question Mark??? Rule 1 Use at the end of a direct quote Ex) Where did you go?
Question mark??? • A tag question is used to turn a statement into a question Ex) She should go shopping, shouldn’t she?
Question Mark • Sometimes a question will end with a series of question marks Ex) What sport do you want to play? Football? Basketball? Baseball?
Question Mark • When a question ends with an abbreviation with a period, follow it with a question mark. • Ex) Did he live in Washington D.C.?
Practice Question What is the term used to turn a statement into a question? A) Tag Question B) Direct Quote C) Indirect Quote D) None of the above
Hint! Stop! Try again!
Exclamation Point!!!!!!! Rule 1) Use an exclamation point at the end of an emphatic declaration, interjection, or command Ex) “No!” he yelled. “Do it not!”
Exclamation Point!!!!!!! Rule 2) Exclamation points will often follow sounds. Ex) Woof! Grr! Burr! Buzzz!
Exclamation Point Rule 3. If an exclamation point is part of an italicized or underline title, the exclamation point needs to be italicized or underline. Ex) “ OH THE PLACES YOU’LL GO”
Practice Question! If an exclamation point is part of a title it does not get underline or italicized TF
Hint: Slide 25 Try again!!!!
Comma Rule 1 Use commas to separate words and word groups with a series of three of more Ex. I have English, Spanish, math, and history to attend today.
Comma Rule 2) Use a comma before or surrounding the name, title, or a person directly addressed. Ex) Will you, Bethany, go tanning with me?
comma Rule 3) Use a comma to set off expressions that interrupt sentence flow Ex) I am, as you have notices, very nervous about this game.
comma Rule 4) Use a comma if you are using transition words Ex) Therefore however furthermore additionally moreover
Practice Question .Chose the correct answer. A-The boy played football basketball and baseball. B- The boy played: football basketball and baseball. C- The boy played football, basketball, and baseball. D- The boy played football basketball, and baseball.
Try again!!! Back to question! Hint: slide 30
Semi colon Rule 1) Use a semi colon to separate two sentences where a conjunction has been left out E) Call me tomorrow; I will know then.
Semi Colon • Rule 2) Use before introductory words like • Namely • However • Therefore • Ex) I want to go to the store; however I need a nap.
Semi Colon Rule 3) use between 2 sentences joined by coordinating conjunctions, when one or more commas appear in the first sentence. Ex) She has to go to basketball practice at six, then finish her homework; She can call you later.
Practice Question Use a semi colon to separate two sentences where a conjunction has been left out TF
Do you place a comma before, after, or never when there are quotation marks?
A semi colon is used to: Join two independent clauses Lists, quotes, formal state. Pauses or breaks in sentences