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Health Improvement Advisory Board Meeting Summary - Together.We.Can!

Stay updated on the progress and plans for health improvement initiatives with key leaders in healthcare. Join us for the next meeting on September 16, 2010.

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Health Improvement Advisory Board Meeting Summary - Together.We.Can!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Together We Can!Advisory Board Meeting September 16, 2010

  2. 1. Welcome and Introductions

  3. 2. Approval of August 19, 2010, Meeting Minutes

  4. 3. Health Improvement Planning News to Know September 2010 Issue

  5. 4. Progress on County Plans

  6. 4. Progress on County Plans

  7. 4. Progress on County Plans

  8. 4. Progress on County Plans

  9. 4. Progress on County Plans

  10. 5. Federally Qualified Health Centers Updates

  11. 6. Teams of Leaders in Healthcare- Jessica Gardon Rose, Director, Carls Center for Clinical Care and Education, Central Michigan University - Dr. Candace Gibson, Associate Professor, Dept. of Pathology, University of Western Ontario- Dr. Dag vonLubitz, Adjunct Research Professor and Scientific Director, Central Michigan University, Center for Collaborative Leadership in Healthcare- Via Conf Call – Frederic J. Brown PhD Lt Gen US Army (Ret)  

  12. 7. General Discussion

  13. 8. Next Steps

  14. Next MeetingThursday, October 21, 201010:30 AMClare-Gladwin RESD

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