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Marriage and Family Headship of Christ God’s Plan for Family

Marriage and Family Headship of Christ God’s Plan for Family. Rev. Dan Domke. Introduction. Headship of Christ is God’s Plan For the Family. Topics of Discussion. The Traditional Marriage The Egalitarian Marriage Singleness Relationships out side of Christ.

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Marriage and Family Headship of Christ God’s Plan for Family

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  1. Marriage and FamilyHeadship of Christ God’s Plan for Family Rev. Dan Domke

  2. Introduction • Headship of Christ is God’s Plan For the Family

  3. Topics of Discussion • The Traditional Marriage • The Egalitarian Marriage • Singleness • Relationships out side of Christ

  4. Traditional Marriage- Leadership or Headship • Headship Chain - I Corinthians 11:3 • Husband Ephesians 5:23 • Male sex role identification Deut. 22:5

  5. Egalitarian Marriage- Leadership or Headship • No Leader • Galatians 3:28 abuse of “Order of Redemption” • Mark 10:6-9 “Created male and female”. Created different.

  6. Singleness- Leadership or Headship • Christ is the only leader or head assumes adult single children would be under their parents. • I Corinthians 7:32-34 • Live to please only the Lord. • Not concerned about pleasing husband or wife, or care of children. Totally give to service the Lord full time in their vocation.

  7. Relationships Out Side of Christ- No Leadership or Headship • Matriarchy • Co habitation (living together without the benefit of marriage). • Homosexuality • Gays • Lesbians • Bi-Sexual • Trans gender

  8. Traditional Marriage - Submission • Wife – • Ephesians 5:22-24 • Colossians 3:18 • Titus 2:5 • I Peter 3:1 • I Timothy 2:11

  9. Egalitarian - Submission • No submission in home or mutual submission. • Ephesians 5:21 • Note context and progression

  10. Singleness - Submission • Parents – How long? • Son- Genesis 2:24 • Daughter Numbers 30:3ff • Numbers 1:3 & Numbers 4:3 • Submits to Church Hebrews 13:17 • Submits to Church I Peter 5:5

  11. Relationships Out Side of Christ-Submission • Ruled by Satan and Sinful Flesh • Romans 1:27ff • Romans 8:20-21 I Corinthians 6:9-11 • John 16:11 • Ephesians 6:12

  12. Traditional Marriage-Economics and Division of Labor • Husband has responsibility, wife helps • Genesis 2:15 &18 • Proverbs 31 • Ecclesiastes 3:10 • Genesis 3:17-19 • Acts 18:3 • Titus 2:5 • I Timothy 3:4; 5:14

  13. Egalitarian – Economics and Division of Labor • Equally shared • Responsible for income and home • More expensive

  14. Singleness –Economics and Division of Labor • Total responsibility. • Less expensive

  15. Out side of Christ – Economics and Division of Labor • Varies

  16. Traditional Marriage – Government • Submission to all authority - I Peter 2:13-16 • Submission to the State - Romans 13:1 ff • Fourth Commandment – Exodus 20:12

  17. Egalitarian – Government • Distorted image of sex role. • Inadequate sex role model.

  18. Singleness – Government No direct role model required except in the church

  19. Out side of Christ – Government • No authority recognized • Except for self • Romans 1:18

  20. Traditional Marriage-Children • More likely – I Timothy 3:4-5 • More easily managed – Eph. 6:1-4; Col. 3:20-21, Ps. 127: 3-5 • Both parents equal in the image of God – Genesis 1:27, Malachi 2:15; see Philippians 2:5-9

  21. Egalitarian – Children • Less welcome • No clear authority • Creates discipline problems • Less time for children but more money is available.

  22. Singleness – Children • Relationship with Christian Aunts & Uncles, Teachers, Pastors, other Christian authorities. • John 21:15 • Completes image of God.

  23. Out Side of Christ – Children • Emotionally damaged

  24. Traditional Marriage – Purity • Faithful marriage more likely • Less stress and conflict • Related to attitude towards scripture • See – Matthew 5:27-28 • See – Matthew 15:19-20

  25. Egalitarian Marriage-Purity • If scripture is used will disregard headship principle • Will follow situational ethics • More likely to dismiss God’s standards.

  26. Singleness – Purity • More difficult…? • I Corinthians 6:18 • Yet, greater Grace? [gift of celibacy] • Matthew 19:10 • I Corinthians 7:8, 27 • I Timothy 4:3 • Revelation 14:4

  27. Outside of Christ-Purity • Impure by biblical definition • Ephesians 5:5-7

  28. Traditional Marriage – Abuses-Effects of sin within worlds point of attack. • Tyrannical husbands- demand obedience • Desertion of economically weak wife. • Withholding emotional supports. • Money (husband) used as weapon • Sex (Wife) used as weapon

  29. Egalitarian Marriage – Abuses Effects of sin within worlds points of attack. • Selfishness not modified by role expectations. • Constant power plays. • Easier for women to fall into sin, not protected. They are missing their spiritual covering, [Christian] spiritual husband is a protection for wife and children from spiritual attack. Done by use of Word and prayer.

  30. Singleness – Abuses Effects of sin within worlds points of attack. • Self-centeredness • No mate as corrective

  31. Outside of Christ – Abuses Effects of sin within worlds points of attack. • Rampant effects of carnality • Living in the flesh • Cravings of the sinful man • Boasting of what one has • Lust of eyes • Forbidden sexual activities • I John 2:15

  32. Traditional Marriage – Stability • Good track record • Security in defined roles • Expectation of success • God’s hierarchy works • Proverbs 27:7-8

  33. Egalitarian Marriage-Stability • Social order disintegrating with this model • More emphasis on self • Wife has more options and more stress and pressures.

  34. Singleness -Stability • What does Paul mean by “on account of the present distress”? • I Corinthians 7:26

  35. Out side of Christ – Stability • Very little stability • Normally very promiscuous

  36. Traditional Marriage – Spiritual Growth (eternal) • Help one another • Colossians 3:16 • Ephesians 5:25-28 (Wife) • I Peter 3:7 (Husband) • Joints heirs – Isaiah 57:15 • Will give spiritual protection and proper biblical direction.

  37. Egalitarian Marriage – Spiritual Growth (eternal) • Can help one another but disobedience thwarts growth. • I Corinthians 11:10 • Proper authority gives spiritual protection and direction.

  38. Singleness- Spiritual Growth (eternal) • Great opportunity for spiritual growth • If single minded as well as single

  39. Out side of Christ – Spiritual Growth (eternal) • No Christian growth • No Biblical spirituality • Open to New Age? • Open to deception? • Open to false spiritual teachings. • Inclined to secular humanism and cosmic humanism.

  40. Traditional Marriage –Personal Growth (Temporal) • Husband will achieve most • “Known at the Gates” Proverbs 30:25 • Genesis 2:23 Wife has more leisure options

  41. Egalitarian Marriage – Personal Growth (Temporal) • Husband more limited by time demands. • Luke 9:24-25 • Wife achieves more temporal goals • Need to weight these goals eternally

  42. Singleness – Personal Growth (Temporal) • Only limit are distractions • Energy expended in looking for growth opportunities.

  43. Out side of Christ – Personal Growth (Temporal). • Limited on basis of limited vision because of secular world views. • Limited within context secular humanism. • Limited inspiration, thinking limited or distorted by secular world view

  44. Traditional Marriage – Efficiency • Most efficient • Chain of command clear • Specialization • Concentration of effort for each person

  45. Egalitarian Marriage – Efficiency • Less efficient • Constant negotiation • Scattered energies • Indecisions • Demands more time

  46. Singleness – Efficiency • Motivation more difficult • No impediments • But no helper either • Hard to minister at home

  47. Out side of Christ – Efficiency • Very inefficient • Much wasted time

  48. Traditional Marriage – Satisfaction “Happiness Quotient” • Peace in home – Luke 10: • Servant – spirit is from Christ • Deep happiness • Philippians 2:2-8, Psalm 113:9

  49. Egalitarian Marriage – Satisfaction “Happiness Quotient” • Uneasiness • Restless giving tends to be trade offs • Relationship of partners rather than lovers.

  50. Singleness – Satisfaction “Happiness Quotient” • Shorter Life for bachelors • Loneliness • Lack of children • Yet, joy of total devotion to Christ.

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