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Best tips to take care of your dry winter skin before your wedding:<br><br>1- Eat Healthy<br>2- Use Natural Moisturiser oil<br>3- Drink Plenty of water<br>4- Protect Internal and External stressors<br>5- Avoid using harmful cream<br><br>Lustrous, shiny, glorious and healthy skin is our kind of skin. Skin is our body protector, it protects us from harmful rays, dust, particles and liquid.<br>
www.aleuco.com Page01
Page02 Besttipstotakecare of your dry winter skinbeforeyour wedding:
Page03 1-Eat Healthy- Itisaverynaturalphenomenathat ourbodyiseligibletoproduceallthe mineralsandvitaminsrequiredforour bodygrowth.Eatinghealthyand beneficialfoodhelpsourbodyto maintainalltheageing-related hormonesandbalanceit.
Page04 2-Use Natural Moisturiser oil Youmightgetnumbersofmoisturisers in a market like moisturiser cream, oil, rosewater,glycerin,vaselineand antisepticcream.UsingMustard, Cocunat,castorandoliveoilspeciallyin betweenbaths helpsyourbodyto protectfromharmfulparticles.Asit doesnotallowalltheseparticlestostick inyourbody.
Page05 3-DrinkPlenty ofwater In winter, as temperature sometimes goesto-vedegreetemp.Atthistime mostofusgenerallydon’tfeelthirsty. But our body needs it to dissipate internalheat.Aspersciencedrinking 5-7 litre of water is meant to be best tokeepourbodysustainably growing.
Page06 4-ProtectInternal andExternal stressors: We are living in a hectic and busy lifestyle world, where we generally find ourselves in stress mode. Most of us are unaware of how our lifestyle violates the functioning of our biological cycleand growth.Internaland externalstressneeds to be managed by makingourdailyroutinehealthyand protecting it from the outer world. Doing regularbreathingexerciseshelpsusalot. www.aleuco.com
Page07 5-Avoid usingharmful cream: Beingahumanbeing,ourhuman behaviour attractive tendstoluretowards thingsavailableinthe market.MostoftheavailableCream might be not suitable for our skin type. So,we must be very careful while using it, to protect our body fromharmfulmaterials. www.aleuco.com
Page08 Contact Us AleucoBeautyStudio-HairandMakeupArtistLasVegas 3060EPostRdSte100LasVegas,NV89120 (702)577-2287
Page09 Reference Lustrous,shiny,gloriousandhealthyskinisourkindofskin.Skinisour body protector, it protects us from harmful rays, dust, particles and liquid.Nourishing it is our sole most responsibility, make it healthier, shinnyandlovelybyfollowingabovementionedtips. https://tinyurl.com/2rjfzt5c