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Right (and left) wing populism in the Netherlands

Right (and left) wing populism in the Netherlands. Jeroen Dijsselbloem Member of Parliament. Elections in Holland % of votes. Elections in Holland % of votes. Elections in Holland % of votes. Changes at Dutch elections: seats moved in one election. Until 1965 always less then 9

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Right (and left) wing populism in the Netherlands

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  1. Right (and left) wing populismin the Netherlands Jeroen Dijsselbloem Member of Parliament

  2. Elections in Holland% of votes

  3. Elections in Holland% of votes

  4. Elections in Holland% of votes

  5. Changes at Dutch elections:seats moved in one election Until 1965 always less then 9 Until 1985 always less then 20 1994 34 1998 25 2002 46 2003 24 2006 30

  6. Elections in Holland% of votes

  7. Themes of populist right Threats of migration / Islam Euroscepsis Decay of norms and values

  8. Threats of migration If I lived in a neighbourhood with a lot of immigrants, I would move to a more ‘white’ neighbourhood 48 % agrees TNS NIPO 2004

  9. Feelings towards Muslims(TNS NIPO 2004) Negative 36 % Neutral 47 % Positive 15 %

  10. Attitude towards minorities Woman wearing a burka should be excluded from social security payments Yes 75 % No 20 % Peil.nl 2005

  11. Attitude towards minorities There should be a ban on headscarfs for public servants Yes 63 % No 32 % Peil.nl 2004

  12. Multiple nationality Can migrants become Dutch nationals without giving up their original nationality? Total Populist right Yes 31 % 8 % No 69 % 92 % Peil.nl 2006

  13. Attitude towards minorities Migrants must conform to the way of life in the host country. Holland England Germany 81,5 % 68,2 % 77,5 % ESS 2004

  14. Attitude towards minorities As condition for migration I find it important that migrants speak the national language. Holland England Germany 75,3 % 65,0 % 76,0 % ESS 2004

  15. Attitude towards Europe EU-sceptic Total average 55 % Populist right 88 % Populist left 72 % PvdA 50 % Peil.nl 2006

  16. Norms and values Moral standards are deteriorating more and more. YES 1970 39 % 1980 60 1996 61 1998 69

  17. Norms and values Tax fraud is unacceptable 19911998 Netherlands 45 % 61 % Italy 74 70 UK 73 72

  18. Norms and values Tougher on law and order Higher sentences: 90% Tougher prisonregime: 70%

  19. Norms and values • Feeling of insecurity related to islam&migration: • Migrant-youthgangs (68%) • Terrorist attack (53%) • Islamic law (41%) • Foreign languages in public (41%) • Headscarfs in public (13%) • TNS-NIPO 2004

  20. Norms and values • Islam is compatible to our way of life • No: 50% • Muslims can contribute to Dutch culture • Yes: 34% • SCP 2005

  21. Populist vote (left + right) 22 - 23 % No to globalization 24 % EU-sceptic 23 % More priority for integration 23 % Worries about norms and values 69% Cultural ‘clash’ islam 50 % “OUR WAY OF LIFE”

  22. Hopes for the future • 1. More solidarity • 2. Safety and security • 3. Keeping to traditional norms&values • 4. Safeguarding the welfare state • 5. Remaining a prosperous country • THIS IS THE CENTRE-LEFT AGENDA!

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