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Joint Meeting of the Commissioner’s and AYP Task Force

Joint Meeting of the Commissioner’s and AYP Task Force. November 29, 2010 NH DOE. Elementary-Middle Indicators. Reading Growth rubric x 3 AMAO (folded into reading score) Math Growth rubric x 3 Science index rubric Writing index rubric Participation rate (reading & math)

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Joint Meeting of the Commissioner’s and AYP Task Force

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  1. Joint Meeting of the Commissioner’s and AYP Task Force November 29, 2010 NH DOE Joint Task Force Meeting: November 29, 2010

  2. Elementary-Middle Indicators • Reading Growth rubric x 3 • AMAO (folded into reading score) • Math Growth rubric x 3 • Science index rubric • Writing index rubric • Participation rate (reading & math) • Excessive absence Joint Task Force Meeting: November 29, 2010

  3. High School Indicators • Reading Index rubric • AMAO folded into reading score • Math Index rubric • Science index rubric • Writing index rubric • Participation rate (reading & math) • Excessive absence • Dropout x 2 • Grad rate x 2 Joint Task Force Meeting: November 29, 2010

  4. 1-4 Scale • All indicators have been placed on a 1 through 4 scale • Participation rate has been rescaled so that all schools/subgroups meeting or exceeding the 95% threshold are awarded 4 points and all those not meeting the 95% threshold are given 1 point Joint Task Force Meeting: November 29, 2010

  5. LEP Students • We were able to get the appropriate data to essentially replicate the AMAO-1 (progress) calculation • Students making any progress (A, B, C) divided by the total number of LEP students in the program for at least 2 years • % of students making progress rated according the following rubric • = < 55% • = 55 - 59 • = 60 – 79 • = 80 – 100 • Folded into the “reading” average score Joint Task Force Meeting: November 29, 2010

  6. AMAO Results—All Levels Joint Task Force Meeting: November 29, 2010

  7. “Excessive Absence” • Excessive absence (not truancy!!) was calculated for each subgroup, using the following rubric for the % of students absent “18 days” or more per year 1 = 21% + 2 = 11-20% 3 = 6-10% 4 = 5% or less • Note, min-n raised to 40 to match participation rate Joint Task Force Meeting: November 29, 2010

  8. Cutscores for Graduation & Dropout Rates Graduation Rate Dropout Rate 1 = 21% or higher 2 = 11-20% 3 = 6-10% 4 = 0-5% • 1 = Less than 75% • 2 = 75-79% • 3 = 80-89% • 4 = 90-100% Joint Task Force Meeting: November 29, 2010

  9. HS “Adequacy” Distribution— “listwise” Joint Task Force Meeting: November 29, 2010

  10. HS “Adequacy” Distribution— All Joint Task Force Meeting: November 29, 2010

  11. Elementary-Middle “Adequacy” Distribution— “listwise” Note-low n Joint Task Force Meeting: November 29, 2010

  12. Elementary-Middle “Adequacy” Distribution— All Joint Task Force Meeting: November 29, 2010

  13. Review DRAFT Scores Do these school-level scores make sense? What are the implications for “standard setting”? Joint Task Force Meeting: November 29, 2010

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