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Chapter 20

Chapter 20. Final Jeopardy. The Republicans who changed their vote to Democrat in the 1884 election, are known as who?. Mugwumps. What is the name of the political party that represented farmers, free coinage of silver, and government control of railroads and other monopolies? (Formed in 1891).

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Chapter 20

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  1. Chapter 20 Final Jeopardy

  2. The Republicans who changed their vote to Democrat in the 1884 election, are known as who? Mugwumps

  3. What is the name of the political party that represented farmers, free coinage of silver, and government control of railroads and other monopolies? (Formed in 1891) Populist (People’s) party

  4. What is the name of the populist platform that discussed currency, income tax, direct election of senators, and government owned railroads? Omaha Platform

  5. What is the name of the congress that alienated people, gave pensions to Civil War veterans, increased government silver purchase and passed laws to help shape politics? Billon - Dollar Congress

  6. By the late nineteenth century politics turned into a form of what? Entertainment

  7. What act authorized the coinage of a limited number of silver dollars? The Bland-Allison Act

  8. The _______ tariff was the highest protective tariff. It was pushed through by big businesses in Northern cities. The Dingley Tariff

  9. The movement for using silver in all aspects of currency is known as what? Free Silver

  10. What did the failure of major railroads spark? The Panic of 1893

  11. What act directed the treasury to buy larger amounts of silver? The Sherman Silver Purchase Act

  12. Until the 1890s, was the President stronger or weaker than Congress? Weaker

  13. After president Garfield was assassinated, who replaced him? Chester A. Arthur

  14. Who was the 22nd and 24th President of the United States? Grover Cleveland

  15. Who was the populist presidential candidate in 1892? James B. Weaver

  16. What president ended military reconstruction? (1876) Rutherford B. Hayes

  17. Why did the Americans accept the need for government intervention? Due to the Panic/Depression of 1893

  18. Who were “New Miners?” 1800’s immigrants.

  19. Why did Jacob Coxey lead his army to Washington? To find relief and have the government fund jobs.

  20. Irish and English workers who owned small family mines were also known as? “Old miners”

  21. What are three reasons as to why the farmers complained? Lower prices for crops, rising railroad rates, and onerous mortgages.

  22. Why did literacy naturalists believe the environment related to literature? They believed it shaped the human character.

  23. What author coined the term gilded age? Mark Twain

  24. Who was an American naturalist that presented humans as helpless before the vast social and economic forces? Theodore Dreiser

  25. What author attacked big business in his writings? Frank Norris

  26. What two authors portrayed the grim life of the poor in their writings? William Dean Howells and Stephen Crane

  27. Final Jeopardy Topic Topic: McKinley's assassination

  28. In what year was McKinley assassinated and what number president was he to be assassinated? 1901 and the third President

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