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Exploring Significance: Study New Testament in Connection with Old Testament Canon

Discover the continuation of God's Word from Old to New Testament, prophecy fulfillment, and the ultimate personal significance. Learn about the Old Testament, Hebrew Bible sections, the canon of 27 books, and the recognition of the Canon in the early Church. Understand the development and ratification of the New Testament writings, and explore the history behind its formation with key figures and events.

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Exploring Significance: Study New Testament in Connection with Old Testament Canon

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Why Study New Testament? • Continuation of God’s Word to His People • Old Testament New Testament Prophecy Fulfillment • 2.Climax of God’s Word in His Son • Hebrews 1:1-4 • John 1:1-18 • 3. Ultimate Personal Significance

  2. If a New Testament, What Was Old? The Old Testament • The Hebrew Bible • The Three sections • Torah/Law • Prophets (Former Prophets & Latter Prophets) • Writings • Other Options: “First Testament, Hebrew Bible” etc.

  3. The Hebrew Bible

  4. English Old Testament

  5. New Testament Canon

  6. Why These 27 Books 1. Old Testament Precedent for a Canon 2. Inspiration •2 Timothy 3:16 (God-breathed) •Compare language of Gen 2:4-7 How does this compare to our contemporary discussion of •inerrant-Without error in matters of science or history •infallible-Without error in matters of faith or doctrine

  7. Why These 27 Books 3. Recognition of the Canon in the Church •Marks of Apostolic authorship •Evidence of 1st Century origin •Apostolic Message (orthodoxy)

  8. Jewish ChristianFoundations Development J E S U S LAW Gospel Acts PROPHETS Letters WRITINGS Apocalypse

  9. GENERAL OVERVIEW 30 AD 170 300 400 Ratification • Writing • Circulation • Collections Sifting & Separation 303 EUSEBIUS 140 MARCION 393/397 COUNCILS OF HIPPO/ CARTHAGE 170-200 IRENAEUS CLEMENT TERTULLIAN MURATORIAN 367 ATHANASIUS’ Letter

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