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Submitting IDEA 618 Data to EDFacts: Pacific Entities Workshop

This workshop provides guidance on submitting, checking, and ensuring the accuracy of 618 data submissions to EDFacts. Learn about expectations, review processes, and available tools for timely and accurate submissions.

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Submitting IDEA 618 Data to EDFacts: Pacific Entities Workshop

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  1. Submitting IDEA 618 Data to EDFacts:Pacific Entities Workshop September 8, 2014

  2. WHAT’S WORKING FOR YOU? What’s NOT workinG For you?

  3. Agenda • What are the expectations related to submitting the 618 data? • How to check if you submitted timely 618 data • How to check if you submitted complete 618 data • How to check if you submitted accurate 618 data • Communication about the 618 with OSEP • Tips and Reminders

  4. What are the expectations for the 618 data submissions?

  5. OSEP Review • Timeliness • Are the data in by the due date? • Completeness • Are all file specifications submitted? • Are all category sets, subtotals, and totals submitted? • Do data match our metadata sources? • Accuracy • Do data meet our edit checks?

  6. The Data Review Process • System closes on the due date for a “snapshot” of the data; snapshot is used for OSEP’s review • OSEP reviews the snapshot data for timeliness, completeness, and accuracy • Once review is complete, OSEP posts a Data Quality Review Report to each State’s individual OMB Max webpage • State reviews report and begins preparing for reopen period • States may resubmit or provide a data note during reopen period (approx. 1 month) • OSEP reviews data notes and/or resubmissions

  7. Submission of 618 Data: ESS and EMAPS

  8. What is ESS? • The EDFacts Submission System is a file submission application. This system is maintained by U.S. Department of Education and allows states to submit data files containing all types of EDFacts data. • ESS allows states to : • Submit files • View record of submissions • View data • View error reports

  9. IDEA Files submitted to ESS • C002 – School Age • C004 – Not Participating in Assessment • C005 – Removal to IAES • C006 – Suspensions/Expulsions • C007 – Reasons for Unilateral Removal • C009 – Exiting • C070 – Special Education Teachers • C088 – Disciplinary Removals • C089 – Early Childhood C099 – Related Services Personnel C112 – Special Education Paraprofessionals C143 – Total Disciplinary Removals C144 – Educational Services During Expulsion C175 — Academic Achievement in Mathematics C178 — Academic Achievement in Reading (Language Arts) C185 — Assessment Participation in Mathematics C188 — Assessment Participation in Reading/Language Arts

  10. What is EMAPS? The EDFacts Metadata and Process System (EMAPS) is a Web-based tool used to provide SEAs with an easy method of reporting and maintaining information on state policies, plans, and metadata in order to aid in the analysis of data collected.

  11. IDEA Section 618 Data Submitted via EMAPS • 618 Data: • Part C Child Count and Settings • Part C Exiting • Part C Dispute Resolution • Part B Dispute Resolution • Part B MOE Reduction & CEIS • Metadata for 618 Data: • SSS-IDEA • EMAPS Assessment Survey

  12. How do I know my data submission was timely?

  13. Tools to Check the Timeliness of the Data Submission • For Data Submissions to ESS: • File Format Checker • Transmittal Status Report • Education Unit Profile • For Data Submissions to EMAPS • Automated Confirmation Email • Access to an HTML report

  14. File Format Checker • What is it? • Provides descriptions of errors in the Header and by file row number • Requires Strawberry Perl programming language • Only flags format errors • Available by request from PSC • How should I use it? • To determine if the file you built has any fatal flaws that will prevent the file from uploading into the EDFacts Submission System

  15. Transmittal Status Report • What is it? • A report in ESS that provides information on the files that have been submitted to the EDFacts Submission System • How should I use it? • To confirm that the transmittal of your data files to the EDFacts Submission System was successful • Documentation of the date and time when you submitted the data file to the EDFacts Submission System

  16. Activity: Transmittal Status Report • Log into your account in ESS https://eden.ed.gov/EDENPortal/ • Click on the ESS link, a drop down menu will appear • Select ‘Transmittal Status Report’ • On the Transmittal Status Report page, select a date on or after 9/1/2013. • Select your entity’s name. • Select school year 2012-2013. • Select file specification N/X006 and click “Go.” • Identify whether the transmittal was OK on the SEA file.

  17. The Education Unit Profile • What is it? • A report in ESS that provides information and access to the counts that were submitted to the EDFacts Submission System by the entity • How should I use it? • To confirm that the detailed, subtotal, and grand total counts you submitted to the EDFacts Submission System appear correct in the system • Documentation of the counts that were submitted as well as the date and time

  18. Activity: Education Unit Profile • Log into your account in ESS https://eden.ed.gov/EDENPortal/ • Click on the ESS link, a drop down menu will appear • Select ‘Educational Unit Profile’ • On the Education Unit Profile page, select 2012-2013 and click ‘Go’ • The next screen displays your entity’s name. Click the red text. • Now you see a listing of all files submitted by your entity. Select IDEA Part B Exiting – C009 • On the next screen, select ‘See Data’ • To view aggregation containing ‘Age (Exiting), Basis of Exit, Disability Category (IDEA)’ and select ‘See Data’

  19. Automated Confirmation Emails from EMAPS • What is it? • Emails sent from the EMAPS system to person who submitted the data (usually the data manager for the 618 data collections) • How should I use it? • If you receive a confirmation email from EMAPS, you have successfully submitted your data to the system.

  20. Access to HTML & Year to Year Reports • What is it? • Final HTML (or data file, for MOE Reduction & CEIS) reports provide a summary of your data submission – including reported counts, percentages, edit checks, and comments/ data notes. • Year-to-Year reports provide a comparison between counts submitted in the current and previous year. • How should I use it? • If you can access an HTML in EMAPS, you have successfully submitted your data. • HTML reports include the date and time the data were submitted to EMAPS. • If you have access to a final data file report in MOE Reduction & CEIS, you have successfully submitted your data. • If you have a Year-to-Year Report in your Report Repository in EMAPS, you have successfully submitted your data.

  21. Scenario • OSEP identifies your Part B Child Count and Educational Environment data were not submitted on time. According to OSEP’s records, you never submitted the SY 2012-13 Child Count and Educational Environment data. They have evaluated your data as not being timely. • But you know you submitted the Child Count and Educational Environment data prior to the due date. • How do you confirm that you successfully submitted the data prior to the due date? • How do you provide OSEP documentation of your successful transmission of the data?

  22. Scenario • OSEP identifies your Part B or Part C Dispute Resolution data were not on time. According to OSEP’s records, you never submitted the SY 2012-13 Dispute Resolution data. They have evaluated your data as not being timely. • But you know you submitted the Dispute Resolution data prior to the due date. • How do you confirm that you successfully submitted the data prior to the due date? • How do you provide OSEP documentation of your successful transmission of the data?

  23. Scenario • OSEP informs you that you did not report subtotal counts in your SY 2012-13 Personnel data submission to EDFacts and they have evaluated your data submission as incomplete. • But you know you submitted the subtotals for the SY 2012-13 Personnel data. • How do you confirm that you successfully submitted the subtotals for the SY 2012-13 Personnel data? • How do you provide OSEP documentation of your successful submission of these subtotals?

  24. How do I know my data submission was complete?

  25. Tools to Check the Completeness of the Data Submission • For data submissions to ESS: • EDFacts OSEP Pre-Fill Reports • SSS-IDEA • For data submissions to EMAPS: • HTML Reports • MOE Reduction and CEIS data file

  26. EDFacts OSEP Pre-Fill Reports • What are they? • Reports available in the EDFacts Reporting System that display your state’s data submission in an easy to read format (similar to the display of data in the legacy Data Transmission Spreadsheets (DTS)). • How should I use them? • Review the EDFacts OSEP Pre-Fill Reports to determine if data was submitted as you expected… • Does your data submission look complete? • Are there only empty cells where appropriate? • Are the expected counts appearing in the expected reporting categories? • Are subtotals and grand totals in the data submission? • Are zeros reported in the appropriate categories?

  27. Activity: EDFacts OSEP Pre-Fill Reports • Log into ERS • Click on IDEA tab • Select OSEP002 • On the following screen, select 2012-13 and click Run report • Is your data submission complete? • Identify if you have any blank cells. • Identify why you have blank cells. • Should a count be reported in the blank cell? • Is the blank cell in a reporting category that is applicable to your entity?

  28. SSS-IDEA • What is it? • State supplemental survey (SSS) – IDEA is an online survey tool to collect meta-data on the reporting categories that are applicable to a state or entity. • Collected/ updated annually in EMAPS. • How should I use it? • Compare the responses to your SSS-IDEA to the EDFacts OSEP Pre-Fill Reports to determine if you have reported counts in all the applicable cells for your entity. • Confirm that every reporting category that is applicable to your entity is represented by a count in the pre-fill reports. • Confirm that every reporting category that is NOT applicable to your entity is represented by a blank cell in the pre-fill reports.

  29. Activity: SSS-IDEA Survey Report in EMAPS • Open EMAPS at the following link: https://EMAPS.ed.gov/suite/apps • Enter your user name and password • On the Homepage, click the link to the ‘State Supplemental Survey- HTML Reports’ • Select your entity’s folder • Open the latest version of your entity’s SY2013-14 SSS IDEA Report • Save the report to your desktop.

  30. Activity: Compare SSS- IDEA Survey to OSEP002 • We have now opened the SSS- IDEA survey report as well as the OSEP002 report. • You can compare the two documents to ensure that the values align. • Do the data and the responses to the SSS-IDEA align for the ages at which a student can graduate with a regular high school diploma? • Do the data and the responses to the SSS-IDEA align for whether a student can receive a certificate?

  31. HTML Reports in EMAPS • What is it? • A summary of the data reported on the data entry pages for that collection, including the counts, percentages, information on edit checks, and comments/ data notes. • How should I use it? • Review the HTML report to determine if you reported counts for all reporting categories at are applicable to your entity. • Confirm that NA is reported for categories that are not applicable to your state. • Confirm that M is only reported for a category if the reporting category is applicable to the entity and you did not/ could not report a count for it.

  32. Activity: HTML Reports • Log into EMAPS (https://EMAPS.ed.gov/suite/apps ) • Go to Reports Repository. • Click on your entities folder. • Click on the Dispute Resolution folder. • Open the most 2012-13 Dispute Resolution • Did you have a complete submission? • Did you report counts in all cells that are applicable to your entity? • Did you report NA for any categories? Are those categories not applicable to your entity? • Did you report M for any categories? Are those data really missing?

  33. MOE Reduction and CEIS Report in EMAPS • What is it? • A summary of the MOE Reduction and CEIS data file uploaded and submitted to the EMAPS system. • Includes auto-calculated figures such as percent of funds reserved for CEIS. • Includes information about whether any of the data submitted triggered any warnings. • How should I use it? • Review the data file to determine if you submitted information for all reporting categories that are applicable to the entity. • Confirm that NA is reported for categories that are not applicable to your state. • Confirm that M is only reported for a category if the reporting category is applicable to the entity and you did not/ could not report a count for it.

  34. Activity: MOE Reduction and CEIS Report • Log into EMAPS (https://EMAPS.ed.gov/suite/apps ) • Under the Reports and Files on the right side of the EMAPS Home page, click on the MOE & CEIS folder. • Click on your entities folder. • Click on the Reports folder. • Open the 2012-13 MOE & CEIS Report • Did you have a complete submission? • Did you report information for all cells that are applicable to your entity? • Did you report NA for any categories? Are those categories not applicable to your entity? • Did you report M for any categories? Are those data really missing?

  35. Scenario • OSEP informs you that you did not submit a complete set of data for the SY 2012-13 Part B MOE Reduction and CEIS collection (or the 2012-13 Part C Exiting collection). The data quality report noted that you had missing counts for a number of data elements in the submission. • But you know you submitted a complete set of data for the SY 2012-13 Part B MOE Reduction and CEIS data collection/ 2012-13 Part C Exiting data collection. • How do you confirm that you successfully submitted a complete set of data for the 2012-13 Part B MOE Reduction and CEIS/ Part C Exiting collection? • How do you provide OSEP documentation of your successful submission of these data?

  36. Scenario • OSEP informs you that you did not submit a complete set of 2012-13 Discipline data. The data quality report noted that you had not report counts for all the disability categories that are applicable to your entity. • But you know you submitted a complete set of data for the 2012-13 Discipline data collection. • How do you confirm that you successfully submitted counts in the applicable reporting categories for your entity? • How do you provide documentation of your complete submission of these data?

  37. How do I know my data submission was accurate?

  38. Tools to Check the Accuracy of the Data Submission • For data submissions to ESS: • EDFacts Error Submission Reports • Errors & warnings (including year to year changes) • For data submissions to EMAPS: • Warnings and Errors on Summary Page & HTML Reports • MOE Reduction and CEIS data file • Year-to-Year Reports

  39. Submission Error Report • What is it? • Provides a detailed summary of post-submission errors • Provides access to the Match Error Report and Summary Report • A description of the specific edit (error) may be found by referencing the EDFacts Business Rules Guide • How should I use it? • To determine whether data submission to the EDFacts Submission System have violated edit checks.

  40. Activity: Opening Submission Error Report • Pull up your Submission Error Report for School Age Child Count in ESS • Log into ESS • Select ESS from the dark blue menu list. • From the drop down menu, select Submission Error Report • Select 2012-2013 • Click Go • Check to see if you have any submission errors or warnings for your submission of the School Age Child Count data file

  41. Summary Screens & HTML Reports • What are they? • A summary of the data reported on the data entry pages for that collection, including the counts, percentages, information on edit checks, and comments/ data notes. • How should I use them? • Review the summary screen & HTML report to determine if the counts you submitted violated any edit checks.

  42. Activity: HTML Reports & Edit Checks • Log into EMAPS (https://EMAPS.ed.gov/suite/apps ) • Under the Reports and Files on the right side of the EMAPS Home page, click on the Dispute Resolution (for Part B) or IDEA Part C folder. • Click on your entities folder. • For Part C, click on the Part C Child Count and Settings folder. • Open the most recent 2012-13 data file. • Did you have an accurate submission? • Do any edit checks appear at the bottom of our HTML report?

  43. MOE Reduction & CEIS Report • What is it? • A summary of the MOE Reduction and CEIS data file uploaded and submitted to the EMAPS system. • Includes auto-calculated figures such as percent of funds reserved for CEIS. • Includes information about whether any of the data submitted triggered any warnings. • How should I use it? • Review the final data report to determine if the information you submitted triggered any warnings.

  44. Activity: MOE & CEIS Report & Warnings • Log into EMAPS (https://EMAPS.ed.gov/suite/apps ) • Under Reports and Files on the right side of the EMAPS Home page, click on the MOE & CEIS folder. • Click on your entities folder. • Click on the Reports folder. • Open the most 2012-13 MOE & Report • Did the information you submitted trigger any warnings? • If so, is the information submitted accurate? • If so, please provide an explanation for the information that triggered the warning.

  45. Year to Year Reports in EMAPS • What are they? • Reports that compare the counts reported for the current and previous year of a particular data collection. • How should I use them? • Review the Year to Year Reports in EMAPS to determine if large changes have occurred in the counts reported this year compared to the previous year.

  46. Activity: Year to Year Reports in EMAPS • Log into EMAPS (https://EMAPS.ed.gov/suite/apps ) • Click on Reports Repository • Click on your entity’s folder. • Click on the Part B Dispute Resolution or Part C Exiting folder. • Open the Year to Year Report for the 2012-13 data collection.

  47. Reminder • For 618 data submission to ESS: • Not all edit checks are included in ESS • Make sure to review your data submission to determine if it violates these edit checks

  48. Scenario • OSEP informs you that you did not submit accurate data for the of 2012-13 IDEA Assessment collection. The data quality report noted that the data submission did not meet the edit checks. • But you know you submitted accurate data for the 2012-13 IDEA Assessment data collection. • How do you confirm that you submitted accurate data? • How do you provide documentation that your data submission as accurate?

  49. Scenario • OSEP informs you that you did not submit accurate data for the of 2012-13 Part C Child Count and Settings collection. The data quality report noted that the data submission did not meet the edit checks. • But you know you submitted accurate data for the 2012-13 Part C Child Count and Settings data collection. • How do you confirm that you submitted accurate data? • How do you provide documentation that your data submission as accurate?

  50. Communication about 618 Data with OSEP

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