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AVANGRID, part of the Iberdrola Group, is a leading renewable energy producer worldwide with over 45,000 MWs of capacity. Their portfolio includes renewables, gas, hydro, coal, and nuclear assets spread across nearly 40 countries. With a focus on operational excellence, AVANGRID is flexible and economical in providing energy solutions. Their US assets include significant wind projects and diverse power generation sources. Learn more at www.avangrid.com.
October 2017 AVANGRID Balancing AuthorityPeak Reliability Users Group
Iberdrola Group More than 45,000 MWs of installed capacity… EnergyCapacity* (67% emissions free) 150-year history with roots in hydroelectric energy Leading renewables producer worldwide with >15 GW installed Renewables 34% Gas Combined Cycle 29% 28,000+ employees in nearly 40 countries One of the cleanest portfolios in the energy sector Cogeneration: 3% Hydro 25% Coal: 2% Nuclear 8% Strategic focus on US, UK, Latin America and Spain …that is flexible and economical March 2017 *Chart does not add up to 100% exactly due to rounding.
AVANGRID Organizational Structure Iberdrola, S.A. 81.5% Shareholders18.5% NYSE: AGR www.avangrid.com Avangrid Networks, Inc. Avangrid Renewables, LLC. NY State Electric & Gas Rochester Gas & Electric Central Maine Power Maine Natural Gas UIL (1) Connecticut Natural Gas Berkshire Gas United Illuminating Southern CT Gas (1) UIL initially merged into a merger subsidiary under AVANGRID, and will be moved under Networks
Avangrid Renewables, LLC A collection of exceptional assets… US Renewables One of the largest wind project owners in the U.S. with more than 6 GWs owned and contracted More than $10 billion of U.S. assets at nearly 60 installed plants 725+ employees at the end of 2016, compared with 12 in 1999 Wind Power Solar & Biomass 636 MW of CCGT & peaking capacity on the strategic CA-OR border 6,000+ MW 106MW Solar55 MW Biomass 536 MW CCGT100 MW peaking Represents 39% of Iberdrola S.A.’s global wind capacity And clean gas generation …focused on operational excellence and selective growth April 2017
U.S. Power Assets & Customers (by NERC Region) 1 - Buffalo Ridge I 50.4 MW NIPSCO 2 - Buffalo Ridge II 210 MW 3 - MinnDakota 150 MW Northern States Power (Xcel) 4 – Moraine I 51 MW Northern States Power (Xcel) 5 - Moraine II 49.5 MW Northern States Power (Xcel) 6 - Elm Creek I 99 MW Great River Energy 7 - Elm Creek II 148.8 MW Great River Energy 8 - Trimont 101 MW Great River Energy 9 - Flying Cloud 43.5 MW Alliant 10 - Winnebago 20 MW Dairyland Power 11 - Top of Iowa II 80 MW Madison Gas and Electric, Wisconsin Public Power 12 - Barton 160 MW NIPSCO, Wisconsin Public Power 13 - New Harvest 100 MW Ameren, ComEd 1 - Klondike IIIa 76.5 MW PG&E 2 - Hay Canyon 100.8 MW Snohomish PUD 3 – Klondike I 24 MW BPA 4 - Klondike III 223.6 MW PG&E, PSE, BPA, EWEB 5 - Star Point 98.7 MW MID 6 - Klondike II 75 MW PGE 7 - Big Horn I 199.5 MW MID, Santa Clara, Redding 8 - Big Horn II 50 MW MID, Santa Clara, Redding 9 - Juniper Canyon 151.2 MW Roseville Electric 10 - Pebble Springs 98.7 MW SCPPA 11 - Leaning Juniper II 201.3 MW Roseville Electric WIND PROJECTS Maple Ridge II 45.4 MW owned (91 MW JV project)NY Power Authority,SNHU, Eversource Tacoma55 MW PPA SMUD Maple Ridge I 115.5 MW owned (231 MW JV project)NYSERDA • 8 Rugby149.1 MW Missouri River Energy Services, UMMEG, CMMPA 7 9 Groton 48 MW Eversource Energy 1 Hardscrabble 74 MW NYSERDA 6 10 4 5 2 3 11 Klamath Cogeneration 536 MW Klamath Peakers 100 MW Lempster 24 MWEversource Energy 1 2 6 8 Pleasant Valley 144 MW PPA LADWP, Anaheim, Glendale, Burbank, UAMPS 7 4 5 3 Hoosac 28.5 MWEversource Energy 12 11 10 9 13 High Winds 162 MW PPA SMUD, Merced, Modesto Palo Alto, Alameda, SCPPA Providence Heights 72 MW Streator Cayuga Ridge 300 MW TVA Locust Ridge I 26 MW PPL EnergyPlus Locust Ridge II 102 MW Various healthcare organizations Twin Buttes 75 MW Public Service Co. of CO (Xcel) Elk River 150 MW Empire Dist. Electric Co. San Luis 30 MW Public Service Co. of CO (Xcel) Farmers City 146 MW Shiloh 150 MWPG&E, Palo Alto, MID Amazon US East 208 MW Amazon Web Services Colorado Green 81 MW owned (162 MW JV project) Public Service Co. of CO (Xcel) Dry Lake I 63 MW Salt River Project Casselman 34.5 MW FirstEnergy Solutions Manzana 189 MW SDG&E, Santa Clara, LADWP Barton Chapel 120 MW South Chestnut 46 MW Mountain View III 22.4 MW SDG&E Dillon 45 MW SCE Copper Crossing20 MW Salt River Project Blue Creek 304 MW FirstEnergy Solutions AMP, The Ohio State Univ. Dry Lake II 65.1 MW Salt River Project South Texas Coast Complex Peñascal II 201.6 MWSouth Texas Electric Co-op (STEC), City of Austin Wind generation Thermal generation Biomass generation Solar generation WECC – Western Electricity Coordinating Council MRO – Midwest Reliability Organization SPP – Southwest Power Pool RFC – Reliability First Corporation TRE – Texas Reliability Entity NPCC – Northeast Power Coordinating Council SERC – SE Reliability Corporation FRCC – Florida Reliability Coordinating Council Peñascal I 201.6 MW City Public Service Board of San Antonio (CPS), City of Bryan (BTU), City of Austin Baffin 202 MW Assets owned and operated by Avangrid Renewables, LLC, Rev. 2/13/17
Self-Supply Pilot Background • In its 2009 rate proceeding, the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) proposed a Wind Integration Charge in excess of $11/MWh – an unacceptable expense given the company’s 1,300 MW wind fleet in BPA’s service territory. • Avangrid Renewables negotiated with BPA to enable a “self-supply” option for customers and worked to implement the required infrastructure and protocols to take responsibility for balancing the error between our aggregated wind schedules and actual output. • Utilizing our unique capabilities and a combination of owned and contracted dispatchable generation, we have successfully balanced our Northwest wind fleet on BPA’s system since 2010. • 24-hour Meteorological team • Technological sophistication • Top notch Trading personnel • Certified Dispatch personnel • Best-in-class Origination team • Services partnership with Gridforce Energy Management (control infrastructure)
BA Background Peak RC Users Group Presentation What is the Balancing Authority project? Expand on Self Supply program and relationship with GridForce to become independent Balancing Authority Area (BAA). The new BAA will encompass AVANGRID’s Pacific Northwest assets thereby removing them from within the BPA BAA.
How AVANGRID Balances the Wind Portfolio Grant Market BPA BA Klamath Falls Chelan AVRN BA BPA BA Interchange BA Balancing Energy Flows Dynamic Schedules Fixed Imports / Exports Peak RC Users Group Presentation
BA Background Peak RC Users Group Presentation Why are we becoming a BA? The Self Supply program has protected portfolio value and reduced wind curtailments on its 1,300 MW Northwest wind portfolio. Self-Supply has provided considerable benefit to Avangrid and its customers since the start of the program. Self Supply helped establish a strong reputation for the Avangrid as a sophisticated, solution-oriented player in the NW. BA Operations will enable the following Key Benefits: • Improved Operational Flexibility and access to a greater number of market structures that can only be utilized as a BA • Long term integration cost certainty, enabling the company to provide improved service at a lower cost to customers • A platform for growth through services to customers, 3rd parties and load serving entities
Balancing Authority Components Peak RC Users Group Presentation NERC Registry: AVANGRID will be the registered entity as a BA under NERC. BPA remains the TOP. EMS System: GE (FKA Alstom) Interchange: Wind projects will be aggregated behind common gen ties with BPA and treated as points of interchange. Interchange metering installation is complete in the field. Pseudo Ties: Grant, Chelan, and Klamath will all be pseudo-tied into the AGR BA (will not all be complete at go-live). RAS: The Avangrid BA will be incorporated into in the BPA AGC suspend during specific RAS events. Reserve Sharing: Avangrid to become RSG member of the NWPP. Already an OC member. Control Center: Located in Portland, OR. 4 dispatchers on shift, 20 total, all NERC certified. Total fleet exceeds 70 plants and nearly 8,000MW of installed capacity. Backup: Redundant SCADA front ends located in Portland and Scottsdale. Satellite backup at all generation facilities. Alternate control center in Portland and Scottsdale. Grid Force under contract to provide backup control.
Avangrid Balancing Authority Generation Assets Peak RC Users Group Presentation Klamath Falls Cogen: 536MW Klamath Falls Peaking Plant: 100MW Grant Hydro Slice: 210MW Chelan Hydro Slice: 56MW (Starts 01/01/2019) 11 Wind Projects: 1,306MW
BA Project High Level Schedule Peak RC Users Group Presentation