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Bureau Update

Bureau Update. Bambi Lockman, Chief Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services CASE Summer Institute June 18, 2008. 2008 Legislative Update. 2008-09 Education Budget and Finance-related Legislation.

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Bureau Update

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  1. Bureau Update Bambi Lockman, Chief Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services CASE Summer Institute June 18, 2008

  2. 2008 Legislative Update

  3. 2008-09 Education Budget and Finance-related Legislation

  4. $18.1 billion appropriated from all funds for Florida K-20 educational operating budgets $12.9 billion from the General Revenue Fund $1.2 billion from Lottery $4.0 billion from other trust funds Budget website: www.myfloridahouse.gov K-20 Budget Highlights

  5. 2008-09 K-20 Operating Budget 6

  6. 10,046 Early Learning students 1,683 K-12 students 9,622 Workforce Education students 20,291 Community College students 432 University students Student Financial Aid 9,959 Bright Futures recipients 20,492Florida Student Financial Assistance recipients Budget Includes Funding for 2008-09 Enrollment Growth

  7. Expecting approximately 10,000 in 2008 Summer VPK programs (as in 2007) Section 1002.71(3)(d), F.S., provides for district summer VPK programs to be based on a FTE that is evenly divisible by 10 (summer minimum funding level) May and June payments based on 2007-08 VPK BSA of $2,677 July and August payments based on 2008-09 VPK BSA of $2,628 2008 VPK Summer Program

  8. To be eligible to offer the VPK school-year program, the school must meet the applicable class size requirements For 2008-09, 31 schools in 14 districts and FAU and FSU lab schools are ineligible to offer the VPK school-year program Impact of Class Size Calculation

  9. Funding in the Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP) for 1,683 new students - total to be served 2,631,386 Funding for the FEFP, in state and local revenue, is $18.4 billion - a decrease of $332 million or 1.77% FEFP funds per student will be $6,997.37 - a decrease of $130.85 or 1.84% K-12 Budget Highlights

  10. The 2008-09 unweighted student enrollment projection is 2,631,386.02 This represents an increase of 1,682.72 or 0.06% students from 2007-08 FTE Students (UFTE) Authority: s.1011.62(1)(a), F.S. 11

  11. Program weights are used to recognize varying educational program costs. • Group 1 Includes Three Programs: • Basic Grades K-3 (1.066) • Basic Grades 4-8 (1.000) • Basic Grades 9-12 (1.052) • Group 2 Includes Four Programs: • Exceptional Student Education: • Level IV (3.570) • Level V (4.970) • English for Speakers of Other Languages • (1.119) • Career Education, Grades 9-12 (1.077) Program Weights X Appropriations Act 12

  12. The 2008-09 weighted student enrollment projection is 2,833,615.39. This represents a decrease of 20,617.63 or (.72%) weighted FTE students from 2007-08. • This includes special add-ons for: • Isolated Schools Supplement • Small District ESE Supplement • Advanced Placement (AP) • International Baccalaureate (IB) • Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) • Industry certified career and professional academy programs • Florida Virtual School Additional FTE • Group 2 over cap Weighted FTE Students (WFTE) = Authority: s.1011.62(1)(d), F.S. 13

  13. 2008-09 FLORIDA EDUCATION FINANCE PROGRAMFINAL CONFERENCE REPORTStatewide SummaryComparison of Public School Funding to 2007-08 Fourth Calculation 14

  14. 2008-09 FLORIDA EDUCATION FINANCE PROGRAMFINAL CONFERENCE REPORTStatewide SummaryComparison of Public School Funding to 2007-08 Fourth Calculation 15

  15. The Base Student Allocation (BSA) is determined annually by the Legislature in the General Appropriations Act Funding Summary: 2008-09 $3,971.74 2007-08 $4,079.74 Decrease ($108.00) or (2.65%) Base Student Allocation (BSA) X Authority: s.1011.62(1)(b), F.S. 16

  16. Provides $1,079,945,286 for educational programs and services for exceptional students who would have been funded in Levels I, II, or III in school year 1999-2000 These exceptional students will also receive weighted FTE funding in the FEFP, using the appropriate Basic Program weight for their grade level The ESE Guaranteed Allocation will not be recalculated during the school year Funding Summary: 2008-09 $1,079,945,286 2007-08 $1,110,759,945 Decrease ($30,814,659) or (2.77%) ESE Guaranteed Allocation + Authority: s.1011.62(1)(e), F.S.

  17. Provides $11,112,916 for Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) Supplemental Allocation These funds are used to supplement other sources of funding for students in juvenile justice education programs The allocation is based on the WFTE in the juvenile justice education programs times both the state average class size reduction factor and the district cost differential Funding Summary: 2008-09 $11,112,916 2007-08 $11,284,334 Decrease ($171,418) or (1.52%) DJJ Supplemental Allocation + Authority: 1011.62(10) 18

  18. Provides $73,587,827 for Safe School activities Minimum allocation is $71,538 Two-thirds is allocated based on each district’s crime index published by Florida Department of Law Enforcement One-third is allocated based on the district’s unweighted student enrollment Funding Summary: 2008-09 $73,587,827 2007-08 $75,590,988 Increase ($2,003,161) or (2.65%) Safe Schools + Authority: Appropriations Act 1011.62(6) 19

  19. Provides $702,182,550 for Supplemental Academic Instruction (SAI) First priority for use of these funds is the provision of supplemental intensive instruction, consistent with the Sunshine State Standards, including summer school and intensive English immersion instruction, for students in grades 3 and 10 who scored Level I on the FCAT The SAI allocation will not be recalculated during the school year. Funding Summary: 2008-09 $702,182,550 2007-08 $721,521,711 Decrease ($19,339,161) or (2.68%) Supplemental Academic Instruction + Authority: s.1011.62(1)(f), F.S. 20

  20. Provides $111,511,321 for a K-12 comprehensive, district-wide system of research-based reading instruction Funding Summary: 2008-09 $111,511,321 2007-08 $114,546,811 Decrease ($3,035,490) or (2.65%) Reading Allocation + Authority: s.1011.62(9), F.S. 21

  21. Provides $32,072,461 to assist school districts with implementation of performance pay policies for instructional personnel and school based administrators in accordance with the requirements of law Funds are allocated on Base Funding Funding Summary: 2008-09 $32,072,461 2007-08 $ -0- MERIT AWARD PROGRAM (MAP) + Authority: 1012.225, F.S. 22

  22. The sum of all the FEFP components in the preceding slides is the Gross State and Local FEFP Funding Summary: 2008-09 $13,480,890,045 2007-08 $13,908,636,800 Decrease ($427,746,755) or (3.08%) Gross State and Local FEFP = Authority: s.1011.62(11)(a), F.S. 23

  23. 2008-09 FLORIDA EDUCATION FINANCE PROGRAMFINAL CONFERENCE REPORTStatewide SummaryComparison of Public School Funding to 2007-08 Fourth Calculation 24

  24. The Net State FEFP is the Gross State and Local FEFP less the Required Local Effort $5,213,413,678 Funding Summary: 2008-09 $5,213,413,678 2007-08 $6,006,063,385 Decrease ($792,649,707) or (13.20%) Net State FEFP = Authority: s.1011.62(11)(b) F.S. 25

  25. 2008-09 FLORIDA EDUCATION FINANCE PROGRAMFINAL CONFERENCE REPORTStatewide SummaryComparison of Public School Funding to 2007-08 Fourth Calculation 26

  26. 2008-09 AppropriationJust Read, Florida! 27

  27. Non-FEFP Programs 28

  28. 2008-09 BudgetThree Largest Programs 29

  29. 2008-09 Assessment and Evaluation • Continuation funding of FCAT • End of Course Assessments - $4,200,000 • CPT Testing for High School Remediation - $700,000 • MAP Item Bank - $1,000,000 • No funding for Norm Referenced Tests • Computer Based Testing postponed • Eliminated the Multiple Choice from Writing Plus

  30. Florida Academic Counseling and Tracking System for Students (FACTS.org) - $585,932, a reduction of $1,467,301 or 71.46% Florida Schools of Excellence Commission - $500,000 continuation Other SBE Issues

  31. Changes to Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP) Categoricals Adds reading allocation and instructional materials to the list of categorical funds for which the district may have flexibility (if all instructional material purchases have been completed for the fiscal year) 2008-09 Conforming Bill (HB 5083)

  32. Calculation Changes Decreases add-on FTE for AP, IB, and AICE from 0.24 to 0.16 for successful completion of full-credit, and 0.08 for successful completion of AICE half-credit Deletes bonus for middle school students who complete a high school Algebra course with a grade of C Revises provisions relating to 0.3 add-on FTE for successful completion of industry-certified career and professional academy program 2008-09 Conforming Bill (HB 5083)

  33. Class Size Reduction Continues school-level compliance for class size reduction for 2008-09. Beginning in 2009-10, compliance will be measured at the classroom-level Merit Award Program (MAP) Eligible charter school will receive 100 percent of the MAP allocation without a 5-percent administration fee being withheld Extends the deadline for districts to submit a 2008-09 MAP plan to Oct. 1, 2008 2008-09 Conforming Bill (HB 5083)

  34. 2008 Legislative Update Division of Public Schools

  35. Next GenerationSupporting Legislation • SB 1908 – Standards, Assessment, High School Grades • SB 1906 – Alternative Credit Pilot

  36. SB 1908 – Next Generation Sunshine State Standards • Adopted for each subject by December 31, 2011 • Language arts standards adopted in 2007 must be reviewed and replaced, and identify significant literary genres and authors that encompass a comprehensive range of historical periods • Math and reading standards adopted in 2007 and science standards adopted in 2008 are considered Next Generation

  37. SB 1908 – School Grades • Revises high school grading formula and alternative school improvement rating system beginning 2009-10 • High schools must demonstrate adequate progress of at-risk students to earn a grade of “A” • School Recognition Program Funds include schools that improve more than one letter grade and sustain that improvement in the following year

  38. SB 1908 – Assessment • Statewide end-of-course assessments can be developed • Norm-referenced tests are eliminated • FCAT Writing will be revised • Commissioner will post FCAT testing and reporting schedules by August 1; dates will be later beginning 2010-11

  39. SB 1908 – Assessment • DOE will purchase or develop assessments for high schools to evaluate college readiness of selected students prior to grade 12, beginning with the 2008-09 school year. High schools must provide 12th grade students access to remedial instruction prior to graduation. • Requires the subject area examinations of the Florida Teacher Certification Examination program to be aligned to the Next Generation SSS • Requires school districts to prohibit each public school from suspending a regular program of curricula in order to administer practice tests, with exceptions

  40. SB 1908 Electronic Personal Education Plan (ePep) • Requires each student’s plan to be reviewed annually once they enter high school

  41. SB 1908 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) • Codifies legislative intent that Florida's K-12 education performance accountability system will comply with IDEA School Advisory Councils (SAC) • Majority of members of a SAC must not be employed by the school district

  42. SB 1906 – Alternative Credit for High School Courses Pilot Program • Three districts may pilot beginning 2008-09 • Credit awarded for two courses if enrolled in program that has national or state recognition as industry certified and pass end-of-course assessment in Algebra 1a, Algebra 1b, Algebra 1, Geometry, and Biology • Assessments can be those of the Florida Virtual School or those statewide, standardized and adopted or developed by DOE • Calculate completed credit as 1/6 of an FTE, if it is not reported as a portion of the 900 net hours of instruction

  43. Additional PreK-12 Bills Passed HB 1313 – ESE Terminology (State Board Priority) SB 856 – Disability History and Awareness SB 2654 – Children with Disabilities/Autism HB 1203 – Military Children SB 1712 – Ethics (State Board Priority) SB 610 – Physical Education (Governor’s Priority) HB 669 – Bullying HB 7067 – Virtual Education SB 1414 – Grading of SES Providers SB 242 – Single-gender Education HB 251 – ROTC SB 642 – Classroom Placement of Multiple Birth Siblings HB 879 – Early Learning

  44. HB 1313 – ESE Terminology • Updates language • “Disabled” or “handicapped” student is now “student with disabilities” • “Mentally handicapped” or “mental retardation” • is now “intellectual disabilities” • “Autism” is now “autism spectrum disorder” • Separates “speech impairment” and “language impairment” • SLD includes dyslexia, dyscalculia, developmental aphasia

  45. SB 856 – Disability History and Awareness Week • Each school board may provide disability awareness instruction in all K-12 public schools during the first two weeks of October each year

  46. Directs DOH to create a statewide Health Care Transition Task Force for Youth and Young Adults with Disabilities Intent: to assess the need for health care transition services for youth with disabilities, develop strategies to ensure successful transition for pediatric to the adult health care system, and identify potential funding sources Jan. 1, 2009--Report due to Governor and Legislature SB 988 - Transitional Services/Youth with Disabilities

  47. HB 1203 – Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children • The purpose of the compact is to remove • barriers to educational success imposed • on children of military families because of • frequent moves and deployment of their • parents (24 other states are considering)

  48. Requires districts, charter schools, FSDB, and private schools that accept state scholarship students to Adopt policies establishing standards of ethical conduct for instructional personnel and school administrators Ban confidentiality agreements and require that employment recommendations for future educational settings disclose the misconduct Disqualify instructional personnel and school administrators from employment in any position that requires direct contact with students if they have been convicted of offenses listed in s. 1012.315, F.S. SB 1712 – Ethics in Education

  49. Conduct “employment history” checks for instructional personnel and school administrator candidates for positions requiring direct student contact, screen with DOE tools and document findings (new for private schools accepting state scholarship money). Post in a prominent place, at the school and online, the policies for reporting abuse and misconduct, contact information, and penalties for failure to report. SB 1712 – Ethics in Education

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