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Technology Education and the Common Core Standards. Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach. Objectives. History of the Common Core State Standards Initiative The standards: English/Language Arts (ELA) and Math What’s already been done and what you can do to prepare.
Technology Education and the Common Core Standards Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
Objectives • History of the Common Core State Standards Initiative • The standards: English/Language Arts (ELA) and Math • What’s already been done and what you can do to prepare Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
A. History of the Common Core State Standards Initiative • A state-led effort coordinated by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) in 2009. • Developed in collaboration with teachers, school administrators, and experts. • The NGA Center and CCSSO received initial feedback on the draft standards, following which the draft standards were opened for public comment. • Officially launched June 2, 2010 Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
Role of At the 1996 National Education Summit, a bipartisan group of governors and corporate leaders decided to create and lead an organization dedicated to supporting standards-based education reform efforts across the states. To do so, they formed Achieve as an independent, bi-partisan, non-profit education reform organization. To this day, Achieve remains the only education reform organization led by a Board of Directors of governors and business leaders. Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
Achieve, in partnership with the National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) developed the Common Core K-12 standards in English and math. Achieve is now supporting states as they implement the new standards through multi-state convenings, the development of tools, and web-based and in-person presentations. Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
Status of State Adoption As of February 2012 Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach Source: http://www.corestandards.org/in-the-states
What the CCSS Define • These standards define the knowledge and skills students should have within their K-12 education careers so that they will graduate high school able to succeed in entry-level, credit-bearing academic college courses and in workforce training programs. Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
What the CCSS Define • The standards are informed by the highest, most effective models from states across the country and countries around the world, and provide teachers and parents with a common understanding of what students are expected to learn. Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
CCSS Alignment • The standards: • Are aligned with expectations for college and career success • Are clear, understandable and consistent across all states • Include rigorous content and the application of knowledge through high-order skills • Build upon strengths and lessons of current state standards Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
CCSS Alignment • The standards: • They are realistic, for effective use in the classroom • Are informed by other top performing countries, so that all students are prepared to succeed in our global economy and society • Are evidence- and research-based Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
What the CCSS Identify • CCSS identify the cognitive processes and learning strategies students need in order to acquire and retain curriculum content • Key cognitive strategies • Problem formulation • Research • Interpretation • Communication • Precision and accuracy Source: David Conley, “Building on the Common Core” Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
Key Points About the CCSS • TheStandards are not a curriculum. They are a clear set of shared goals and expectations for what knowledge and skills will help our students succeed. • Local teachers, principals, superintendents and others will decidehow the standards are to be met. Teachers will continue to devise lesson plans and tailor instruction to the individual needs of the students in their classrooms. Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
B. Why Math and ELA? They are two subjects upon which students build skill sets in other subject areas. They are the most frequently assessed subjects for accountability purposes. Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
ELA StandardsMain Components – Grades 6-12 • Anchor standards (College and Career Ready) • Reading (Literature) • Reading (Informational Text) • Writing • Speaking and Listening • Language • Standard 10: Range, Quality, and Complexity Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
Key Points In ELA: Reading • The standards establish a “staircase” of increasing complexity in what students must be able to read. The standards also require the progressive development of reading comprehension so that students advancing through the grades are able to gain more from whatever they read. • Through reading a diverse array of classic and contemporary literature as well as challenging informational texts in a range of subjects, students are expected to build knowledge, gain insights, explore possibilities, and broaden their perspective. Source: http://www.corestandards.org/the-standards/english-language-arts-standards Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
Key Points In ELA: Writing • The ability to write logical arguments based on substantive claims, sound reasoning, and relevant evidence. • Research—both short, focused projects (such as those commonly required in the workplace) and longer term in depth research. Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
Key Points In ELA: Speaking and Listening • The standards require that students gain, evaluate, and present increasingly complex information, ideas, and evidence through listening and speaking as well as through media. Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
Key Points In ELA: Speaking and Listening • An important focus of the speaking and listening standards is academic discussion in one-on-one, small-group, and whole-class settings. Formal presentations are one important way such talk occurs, but so is the more informal discussion that takes place as students collaborate to answer questions, build understanding, and solve problems. Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
Key Points In ELA: Language • The standards expect that students will grow their vocabularies through a mix of conversations, direct instruction, and reading. The standards will help students determine word meanings, appreciate the nuances of words, and steadily expand their repertoire of words and phrases. • Vocabulary and conventions are treated in their own strand not because skills in these areas should be handled in isolation but because their use extends across reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
Key Points In ELA: Language • The standards help prepare students for real life experience at college and in 21st century careers. The standards recognize that students must be able to use formal English in their writing and speaking but that they must also be able to make informed, skillful choices among the many ways to express themselves through language. Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
Literacy Standards in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects Starting in grade 6, the reading and writing standards are divided into two sections, one focusing on ELA, and the other focusing on history/social studies, science, and technical subjects. This division reflects the role both English teachers and teachers in other content areas play in developing the literacy skills students need for success in college and careers. Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
Critical Importance for TEE “When reading scientific and technical texts, students need to be able to gain knowledge from challenging texts that often make extensive use of elaborate diagrams and data to convey information and illustrate concepts. Students must be able to read complex informational texts in these fields with independence and confidence because the vast majority of reading in college and workforce training programs will be sophisticated nonfiction.” Source: ELA Standards Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
Key Points In Mathematics: K-8 • The K-5 standards provide students with a solid foundation in whole numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions and decimals—which help young students build the foundation to successfully apply more demanding math concepts and procedures, and move into applications. • Having built a strong foundation K-5, students can do hands on learning in geometry, algebra and probability and statistics. • The middle school standards are robust and provide a coherent and rich preparation for high school mathematics. Source: http://www.corestandards.org/the-standards/mathematics Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
Key Points In Mathematics: K-8 • The K-5 standards provide students with a solid foundation in whole numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions and decimals—which help young students build the foundation to successfully apply more demanding math concepts and procedures, and move into applications. • Having built a strong foundation K-5, students can do hands on learning in geometry, algebra and probability and statistics. • The middle school standards are robust and provide a coherent and rich preparation for high school mathematics. Source: http://www.corestandards.org/the-standards/mathematics Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
Key Points In Mathematics: 9-12 • The high school standards call on students to practice applying mathematical ways of thinking to real world issues and challenges; they prepare students to think and reason mathematically. • The high school standards help students develop a depth of understanding and ability to apply mathematics to novel situations. • The high school standards emphasize mathematical modeling. Modeling links classroom mathematics and statistics to everyday life, work, and decision-making. Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
C. Technology Educators and CCSS:What’s already been done and what you can do to prepare • What you can do to get on-board • What may be asked of Tech Ed. teachers • What you can show your administration • What you can show your colleagues Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
Getting on Board Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
Getting on Board • Know your state CC implementation dates • When does implementation begin for ELA? Math? • Know your district implementation dates and procedures. • Know your state’s dates for CC assessments. • Will they assess early or only when required (2014-2015)? • If professional development is offered or available, GO, TAKE IT, LEARN IT! It may be mandatory for all staff but not all schools, districts, or states may have plans in place. Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
Implementation of the CCSS • Implementation dates: for some 2011-2012 school year (depends upon state funding) through 2014-2015 • Accountability begins with 2013-2014 school year • Assessments count starting with 2014-2015 school year Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
How Do You Find Out These Things? • Check your state’s Department of Education website and resource personnel • State Supervisor for Math or Reading/Language Arts • Check your District resources • Website • District Math or Reading Specialists • Check with your site administrators Common Core reference Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
What Might You Be Asked To Do? • Attend meetings to discuss your school or district’s CCSS implementation process. • Align your course and/or lessons with CCSS in ELA and math, where appropriate. • Assist ELA and math teachers at your school to help deliver some of the CCSS components. • Inform parents of the correlation between what students learn in your class and the CCSS requirements. Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
A Model: Lesson Plan Checklist Each ELA or math standard is written for the teacher to see and use in their lesson-planning. The CCSS can be used alone or correlated with the STL or other standards in use by the teacher. Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach Source: Bob Tufte, from Liz Fischer (Erie One BOCES, NY State); adapted by Terrie Rust
Lesson Plan Checklists I’ve prepared the following Lesson Plan Checklists for you: Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
Be Proactive… • Have a copy of the CCSS Checklists in your classroom for quick reference for yourself and in case an administrator inquires about your use of them • List CCSS specifically on your daily and unit lesson plans • Inform students that your lessons also cover CCSS as well as STL or other standards in use Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
Incorporating CCSS in Your Lessons:What you’re already doing! • ELA • Oral presentations, Internet research, multimedia presentations, technical reading and writing • Documentation and analysis • Vocabulary building • Math • Basic math, ratios, percentages, averaging • Calculating interest rates • Measurement, dimensional representations • Synthesizing data Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
How to do More • Write a brief article for your school newsletter or newspaper (or, better yet, have a student write it!) about how your courses also meet some of the CCSS requirements. • Invite your administration to your classroom to view your class and point out the CCSS being covered. • Host a meeting of your Tech and Engineering colleagues and inform them of the CCSS and TEE linkages. Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
How to do More • Offer to present a session at your state organization’s meeting or convention to discuss the CCSS and TEE linkages. • Write a brief article for your state organization’s newsletter or journal to discuss the CCSS and TEE linkages. • Check to see if there are current crosswalk efforts in your state with your state’s Technology or Workplace Standards. Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
What’s ITEEA Already Doing? • EbD™ and the Common Core Standards • The EbD™ Teacher Effective Coaches (TECs) met in Herndon, Virginia on January 13-16, 2012 to strategically align the Common Core Standards for Mathematics (CCSM) and English Language Arts (CCSELA) with the Engineering by Design™ (EbD™) model STEM program. The results are two new matrices for EbD™ program development: The CCSM Responsibility Matrix and the CCSELA Responsibility Matrix. Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
EbD Crosswalk Matrices These matrices complement the original Standards for Technological Literacy (STL) Matrix, which serves as the overarching curriculum development guide. All three matrices, used together, firmly anchor all EbD™ curriculum in standards for technology, mathematics and English language arts. • EbD™ continues to incorporate the NSES and the AAAS Science standards and is looking ahead toward the release of the Next Generation Science Standards to ensure complete standards-based development and alignment. Source: Barry Burke Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
Have You Considered Integration with Other Subjects? • Integrating with other teachers in their ELA or math subjects for developing new courses or for individual units • Builds upon the CCSS • Builds upon the STL • Helps teachers see relationships between technology or engineering and their subjects • Moves teachers away from the “silo” mentality Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
Options for Integration • High school courses from around the country: • Geometry in Construction (Denver)www.geometryinconstruction.org • Algebra 2 with Automotive (Denver) • Geometry with Carpentry (Kentucky) • Algebra 1 with Principles of Manufacturing (Texas) • STEM Collaborative Project (Arizona) • Design projects blending Biotechnology, Sustainability, and Engineering content areas • Physics and Technology (Connecticut) http://www.ridgefield.org/subsite/rhs/teacher/265/physics-and-tech-27145 • Unit integration between TEE and other subject areas • Unlimited opportunities! Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
TEE and CTE • For those TEE programs whose courses fall under CTE, newly-revised Career Clusters Knowledge and Skills Statements (scheduled for release in June 2012), will serve as the basis to inform the state development of the Common Career Technical Core Standards. http://www.careertech.org/ Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
Resource Links • Common Core State Standards Initiative http://www.corestandards.org/ • Achievehttp://www.achieve.org • Common Core Curriculum Mapping Projecthttp://commoncore.org/ • ASCDhttp://www.ascd.org/common-core/common-core.aspx • Techniques Magazine, October 2011 issue entitled “Common Core State Standards” (www.acteonline.org) Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
STL in PDF Format Print the STL standards & benchmarks to use side-by-side with the CCSS. http://www.iteea.org/TAA/PDFs/Benchmarks.pdf ; linked on ITEEA’s TAA /Standards page Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
Additional Resources • “Building on the Common Core”, Conley, D. EL: Educational Leadership, March 2011, pp. 16-20. (EL available online at www.ascd.org ) • A number of states have released sample curriculum maps and frameworks to assist teachers in their understanding of the CCSS and define how the content and performance expectations of the CCSS can be translated into what students must know and be able to do to demonstrate mastery. Check with your state to see if yours is one of these. Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
Additional Resources • The Utah State Office of Education has partnered with the Utah Education Network and Higher Ed Utah/Utah System of Higher Education to develop a robust website that provides a home for their CCSS crosswalks, a sample letter to parents about the CCSS, suggested student course progressions, the assessment transition schedule, videos from the CCSS writers explaining the ELA and Math standards, and sample student work and performance tasks. • http://www.uen.org/commoncore/ Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
Additional Resources • The New York State Education Department has created a new website, EngageNY, as a clearinghouse of CCSS-related resources related to NY’s RTTT reforms, including the implementation of the Common Core State Standards. The site includes video descriptions of the standards, curricular exemplars, and guidance on instructional shifts. http://engageny.org/ Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
Additional Resources • The Indiana Department of Education has made a wide range of instructional resources available to help their educators understand the CCSS and what the transition to the new standards will require. In addition to the state-developed curriculum maps, instructional transition guidance documents and implementation timelines, the Department’s Common Core page also includes a series of short videos from state leaders explaining the new standards, among them videos that explore the connection between the new ELA/Literacy standards and other disciplines, such as science, history/social studies, agriculture, health science, and fine arts. www.doe.in.gov/commoncore/ Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach
Presentation Materials CCSS Lesson Plan Checklists are available on the Resources Page (Pressroom/Presentations) (http://www.iteea.org/Resources/PressRoom/pressroom.htm) and will be in the Members Only section of the website located with the Standards documents. The PPT version of this presentation will be available at the same location in the Members Only section. Terrie Rust, DTE March 15, 2012 ITEEA, Long Beach