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SOA: Special Double Session

SOA: Special Double Session. Enhancing Business Processes with IP Telephony, Web Services, and Unified Communications. David Yedwab Partner Market Strategy and Analytics Partners, LLC. SOA – What?. Are we like Indiana Jones looking for the “Lost Ark”?

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SOA: Special Double Session

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SOA: Special Double Session Enhancing Business Processes with IP Telephony, Web Services, and Unified Communications David Yedwab Partner Market Strategy and Analytics Partners, LLC

  2. SOA – What? • Are we like Indiana Jones looking for the “Lost Ark”? • The Infotainment Industry always seems to be looking for the next silver bullet … NOT • CLECs and ISPs • OSI • ISDN • Structured Programming/object oriented code • Internet I • Is SOA different?

  3. What is SOA Anyway? • As Wikipedia sees it, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is: • an architectural style • that guides all aspects of creating and using business processes, packaged as services • throughout their lifecycle • defining and provisioning the IT infrastructure • allows different applications to exchange data and participate in business processes • loosely coupled from the operating systems and programming languages underlying those applications

  4. On the SOA Bandwagon • Every major equipment vendor and software supplier • Maybe with their own Rif on the tune • But all seeking their seat on the SOA Bus

  5. Is This Time (SOA) Different? • Processors virtually infinitely fast • Storage almost limitless • Enough bandwidth maybe available • Internet ubiquitous and OPEN? • Acknowledgement of Coopetition • Service Providers • Hardware and software vendors • Toolkits – SDKs available

  6. Is This a Pipedream?? • Through SOA: • A User or Business Process can connect via almost any device to almost any application or tool • Be authenticated for security • Watch the video (or access the process) • Have a transaction record built for billing (and maybe revenue sharing – as required) • No one provider does everything but many can have a piece of the action and do what they do best to satisfy the user’s or business process’s need

  7. Thank You David Yedwab Partner Market Strategy and Analytics Partners, LLC David.Yedwab@mktstrategy-analytics.com (908) 879-2835 www.mktstrategy-analytics.com

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