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GLARE. BY ADITYA RAMAKRISHNAN. What is Glare?. GLARE is a new aerospace structural material composed of alternating, bonded layers of aluminum alloy and glass fiber reinforced plastic.
What is Glare? • GLARE is a new aerospace structural material composed of alternating, bonded layers of aluminum alloy and glass fiber reinforced plastic. • GLARE looks the same as aluminum sheeting, but it is constructed from layers. First a thin layer of aluminum, then a thin layer of strong fiberglass, and then another layer of aluminum. • The material thus obtained combines the properties of both the metal and the fiber. • The metal makes it possible to deform GLARE plastically, while the fibers give GLARE strength.
GLARE • Post Impact Layered Aluminum Facesheets • Layered Aluminum Facesheets
Advantages • GLARE is more fire resistive • GLARE is more resistant to damage • GLARE is less sensitive to metal fatigue. • GLARE is light in weight • Used in construction of panels • Used in Upper fuselage • Reduced about 500 Kg in weight
Limitations • Its expensive • Not well known, hence restricting its use to the aerospace industry
References • http://www.tpd.tno.nl/smartsite112.html • http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_aset=B-WA-A-W-BBD-MsSAYWA-UUW-AAUEYYDVDW-AAUDVZYWDW-YEBWDBWCY-BBD-U&_rdoc=1&_fmt=summary&_udi=B6TWP-4CHRJDJ-1&_coverDate=05%2F31%2F2005&_cdi=5568&_orig=search&_st=13&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=3116b2bfc478e2a7cf2770b2bef7444e • http://www.sglcarbon.com/sgl_t/industrial/sigrafil/ • http://ballistics.grc.nasa.gov/Photographic%20Data/Images/1880.jpg