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Explore the UfM's role in regional cooperation and project implementation in the Mediterranean, fostering socio-economic development, sustainable practices, and knowledge exchange.
The UfM Secretariat isco-fundedbythe EUROPEAN UNION
No stretch of waterexertedsuch a pervasiveinfluence on therise of today’sworld as theMediterranean.WithoutthatSeaanditspeculiarqualitiesandunusualposition, theworld’spolitical, economic, culturalandsocial life wouldhaveveered in anotherdirection. GeoffreyBranley
UfM in short |Objectives Concrete regional cooperation projects under the principle of “Variable Geometry”. Socio-economic development, regional integration, sustainable development and exchange of knowledge. Synergy with other key stakeholders in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Enhance cooperation and partnership in the Mediterranean through the implementation of concrete projects
UfM in short |AddedValue Support of 43 countries Through the UfM label, the project promoter gains the support of 43 countries, this awareness and visibility helps him to further raise support and mobilisepartners. Facilitate access to finance The UfM Secretariat acts as a one stop shop through which project promoters gain access to a strong network of donors and financial institutions, from the Mediterranean region and beyond. Broker solution for complex regional projects The UfM Secretariat’s mandate allows it to overcome difficulties in regional initiatives and mobilise governments and stakeholders towards a project’s success. Make a project idea become a reality The Secretariat’s network of Euro-Mediterranean partners as well as its in-house & external expertise help a project idea become a reality on the ground.
UfMProjects|PriorityAreas DELIVER REGIONAL PROJECTS IN 6 PRIORITY AREAS Transport &Urban Development Social & CivilAffairs Water & Environment Energy Higher Education & Research Business Development
UfM Projects | Projects & Programmes Programmes UfM Projects Desalination Facility for the Gaza Strip Trans-Maghreb Motorway Axis Euro-Mediterranean Logistic Network: LOGISMED-TA Euro-Mediterranean University of Fez Jordanian Railway Network Governance & Financing for the Mediterranean Water Sector Euro-Mediterranean Development Centre for Enterprises (EMDC) Generation Entrepreneur Integrated Programme for the protection of Lake Bizerte from pollution Tafila Wind Farm • Women empowerment • Women entrepreneurship and employability promotion programme. • Employability Skills for Women • Young Women as Job Creators • Youth mobility in the Mediterranean • Programme for the enhancing of young mobility in the Mediterranean through 3 Higher Education initiatives: • Masters • PhDs • - Higher Education on Food Security and Rural • Development • Job creation and access to employment: MED4JOBS • Med4Jobs identifies and regionalises pilot projects within the job creation and access to labour market sectors in the Mediterranean.
UfM: In a nutshell The UfM is a unique Mediterranean platform promoting : Strong political commitment with 43 countries representing an overall population of 800 million citizens. Co-ownership between the European Union and the Mediterranean countries. Variable geometry allowing member countries to participate in projects of interest for them. Regional and sub-regional integration through large projects to develop transport, energy and water infrastructures – variable geometry. Dynamic and flexible partnerships with promoters from administrations, civil society and private sector. Concrete projects to meet the needs of Mediterranean citizens. Adaptation to the current regional contextwith a focus on the development of SMEs and job creation.
UfM Mandate on Energy • Since its inception in 1995, the Barcelona Process has assigned to Energy a pivotal role in the implementation of the partnership between the two shores of the Mediterranean, stressing the need of an intense dialogue in the field of energy policies, as well as the encouragement of the appropriate framework conditions for investments and activities of the energy companies. • Joint Declaration of the Paris Summit for the Mediterranean July 2008: launch of the Union for the Mediterranean. Theimportant role thatenergyplays in theregionwasconfirmedduringthelaunch of the UfM. TheParis Declarationstatedtheneed to focusonalternativeenergysources and to assuresustainabledevelopment.
RE/EE Challenges and Opportunities in the Mediterranean Challenges: • Energy consumption in SEMC is forecasted to triple percent by 2030. • Energy consumption in SEMC grows faster than the GDP. (In contrast to most other world regions). • Electricity consumption in SEMC has grown twice as fast as the world average. • Under business as usual, the region-wide generation capacities would have to be doubled until 2020, and tripled until 2030. • Decrease of available public funding and soft loans.
RE/EE Challenges and Opportunities in the Mediterranean Opportunities: • Renewable energy investments seem to be overcoming the global economic crisis. • In MENA investments in RE totaled 2.9 billion USD in 2012. An increase of almost 40% over 2011. • Development of the MENA region’s renewable energy sector saw heightened investor focus from 2009 to 2012, including some of the biggest energy companies in the world.
UfM: a strategy for promoting RE/EE • Since the establishment of the UfM Secretariat in 2010, the Member States and stakeholders were involved in an inclusive, intensive, detailed and technical bottom-up review of a future structure of the cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean region in the field of RE/EE. • The UfM is evolving to be a Regional Platform for its Members, industrialists, financial institutions, regional organizations and experts. • Therefore, activities of the UfM in the field of energy are focused on two pillars: • Regional Dialogue / Technical Cooperation • Project Promotion
Regional Dialogue: Fields The UfM promotes regional dialogue in thefield of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiencyaccording to theMemberStatespriorityareas. Regional dialogue helps to identifyprojects, initiatives and lines of action. Promotion of Efficient Policy and Regulatory Frameworks Know-How Transfer & Training Exchange Initiatives Technical Assistance & Capacity Building Personnel Qualification & Job Creation Raising Public Awareness & Promotion of Clean Energy
Project Promotion: Mapping • Identifying various RE/EE projects in the UfM region will enable a better evaluation of the state of play of the development of the RE/EE industry in the region. • Mapping of RE/EE in the UfM region will give a strategic vision regarding areas of needed development and potential of projects, depending on the variable geometry, national priorities regarding RE/EE sector and maturity. • The mapping exercise is structured to be a collective professional mapping done in the region by partner organizations like RCREEE, OME, Res4Med, Medgrid, Dii, Medener, Medreg, MedTSO and other stakeholders. • Mapping of RE/EE Projects in the UfM Region
Project Promotion: Developing Financial Tools • MSP-PPI(Mediterranean Solar Plan – Project PreparationInitiative) • Aims at helpingpromoters to properly accomplish and finance projects prefeasibility and feasibility studies. • ApplicableRisk Management Mechanism(expectedby 2015) • In coordination with partner financial institutions, it aims at providing financial safety nets for investors and project promoters. • InnovativeFinancialTools • Aim at improving access to financing and profitability of medium-size development projects (from public or private promoters).
15 ProjectPromotion: UfM Energy Business Forum High level Energy Business Forum Business Opportunities: Investing Clean Energy Success Stories and Best Practices IFI’s-UfM Partnership: Accessibility to Financing UfM Project Showroom Looking Ahead: Developing new concepts and approaches Meet decision-makers, stakeholders and international experts: creating excellent business opportunities, providing privileged information and networking.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Follow-us on: @UfMSecretariat www.facebook.com/ufmsecretariat DSG Teresa Ribeiro +34 93 521 41 71 energy@ufmsecretariat.org www.UfMSecretariat.org