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What We’re Doing to Combat Diabetes in Northern Virginia Lions Clubs International IAG Mission Myanmar, 2013 Part III. Diabetes Association Diabetes and Outreach Pilot Outreach Pilot Program. LCIF Core 4 Diabetes Grant Awarded: April 2012 Grant Amount: $86,939
What We’re Doing to Combat Diabetes in Northern Virginia Lions Clubs International IAG Mission Myanmar, 2013 Part III
Diabetes Association Diabetes and Outreach Pilot Outreach Pilot Program LCIF Core 4 Diabetes Grant Awarded: April 2012 Grant Amount: $86,939 Duration: May 2012-June 2013 Goals: 1. Provide preliminary health screening services to underserved at-risk populations.2. Provide preventive diabetes and wellness education in collaboration with local health department staff and other NGO’s to serve disadvantaged communities in District 24-A.3. If pilot is successful, implement program in more districts.
The state of diabetes and blindness in VirginiaUpdated January 20122010 Prevalence Rates of Visual LossSource: America Foundation for the Blind
Partners/Contractors: • ADA: Education & Training • LCIF: Funding • Lions of 24-A & 24-C: Ambassador volunteers • CLB: Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Support • Walgreens: Medical Supplies & Flu Clinics • Fairfax County Health Department: County Support • DRWF: Screening Support
The Need for Diabetes Education • “Diabetes is increasing at an alarming rate globally. It is a complex, chronic condition that affects all areas of a person’s life and that requires high quality care. To this end, diabetes education is of critical importance and should be considered an integral part of diabetes prevention and care. Unfortunately this is not the case in many countries of the world where diabetes education is, at best, in its infancy or non-existent. The combination of lack of access to quality medical management and diabetes education leads to poor clinical outcomes, reduced quality of life and high health-related costs due to service utilization and the costs of treatment.”– International Diabetes Federation • Education and training is key to making this a sustainable program beyond the current grant year.
Lions Clubs Participating in The LCIF Core 4 Diabetes Pilot Project
What are the risk factors which increase the likelihood of developing diabetes? • Being overweight or obese. • BMI • Having a parent, brother, or sister with diabetes. • Risk Assessment Survey • Being African American, American Indian, Asian American, Pacific Islander, or Hispanic American/Latino heritage • Having a prior history of gestational diabetes or birth of at least one baby weighing more than 9 pounds. • Risk Assessment Survey • Having high blood pressure measuring 140/90 or higher. • Blood Pressure Station • Having abnormal cholesterol with HDL ("good") cholesterol is 35 or lower, or triglyceride level is 250 or higher. • Being physically inactive—exercising fewer than three times a week. • Risk Assessment Survey and Diabetes/Wellness Education Station
Lions and other community volunteers are trained to perform the following functions at/or after screenings: • Take basic patient contact/consent information • Conduct Diabetes/Wellness Education Programs • Conduct Diabetes Risk Assessments • Use the Canon CR-2 Non-Mydriatic Retinal Imaging Camera to screen for possible Diabetic Retinopathy on adults with diabetes • Take Blood Pressure, Blood Glucose and BMI readings • Perform patient navigation services • Provide Health Services Information for uninsured and underinsured participants • Conduct Participant Referral Follow up
The Lions 24-A /Amerian Diabetes Pilot Project Lions will conduct 6-12 free health screenings for adults at selected sites in the six counties that make up District 24-A to include: • Diabetes/Wellness Education • Diabetes Risk Assessment • Blood glucose testing • Non-Mydriatic Retinal imaging of adults with diabetes using the Canon CR-2 Camera • Blood pressure • Body-mass index readings using height and weight • Patient navigation/Referral/Health Services Information • Health services information for uninsured or underinsured participants
Each screening component has a Team Leader/Assistant and 9-10 Ambassador Volunteers
Body Mass Index What is Body Mass Index?
What is your Body Mass Index?
Blood Pressure Screening Normal Blood Pressure Ranges for ADULTS per The American Heart Association:
Blood Glucose Testing Blood Sugar Levels Random blood sugar test:This test can be conducted throughout the day, irrespective of the meal times. The blood sugar levels should be between 70 and 125 mg/dL to be declared 'normal' in case of random testing method.
Blood Glucose Testing Blood Sugar Levels Fasting blood sugar: This test is commonly conducted to check the rise or fall in the glucose levels after a prescribed eight-hour fast. The levels are required to fall and get recorded between 70 and 99 mg/dL to be declared as normal blood glucose levels.
Diabetic Retinopathy Retinopathy
How many people were screened? How many people were told to see a health care provider due to abnormal screening results? How many people were given information about local health resources? How many people followed-up with a health care provider? How many diabetes education programs were held? How many people attended? What were the pre- and post-test results? Final Report to LCIF due on 6-22-2013. Year-end Project Evaluation
Critical components for the success of this project in the future involve/include: • Providing diabetes education to Lions to empower them as Diabetes Ambassadors to spread the word. • Expanding the network of collaborating local organizations and follow up to build firm relationships for the future. The Problem is too big and the need too great for one organization to handle alone. • Interest in 24-A and other Districts across the Multiple to continue what we have started and/or expand it using LCIF Core 4 Grant Funding and other sources of revenue. • Establishment of a Diabetes Foundation to insure the needed funds are available to take it to the next level. This is currently under development.
Resources: • District 24-A Web Site: www.valions.org • Like us on Facebook and Twitter! • Twitter account: @LionsC4Diabetes • Facebook account: facebook.com/lionscore4-diabetesproject • Blog to-come
Contacts: PCC Dennis Brining Suzanne Stolson 703-503-8019 804-493-8433dlbent@aol.comstolson@copper.net Nina Litton Dr. Suleiman Alibhai 202-499-8854 703-855-5218Nina.litton@lc4dp.orgsuleimanalibhai@mac.com