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William Henry Fox Talbot. Born in 18OO Studied at Cambridge On tri to Lake Como in Italy, sketched landsca e using camera lucida ….metal arm on board with rism at other end… Rojected image lacked sohistication and detail when drawn
Born in 18OO • Studied at Cambridge • On tri to Lake Como in Italy, sketched landsca e using camera lucida….metal arm on board with rism at other end… • Rojected image lacked sohistication and detail when drawn • Romted Talbot to begin inventing a rocess for caturing image • Figured out how to cature image with short exosure time and then chemically develo and fix….couldnt see image until rocessed above calotye
Flowers, Leaves, and Stem c. 1838
Pantheon 1843
The Haystack 1844-45
Nicolaas Henneman, Asleep c. 1844-45
Ships at Low Tide c. 1844
Resources • http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/fox_talbot_william_henry.shtml • http://www.masters-of-photography.com/T/talbot/talbot.html