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‘str-’, ‘spr-’ and ‘scr’ sounds

‘str-’, ‘spr-’ and ‘scr’ sounds. $10. Which of these words matches the picture?. A screen. B street. C scream. $100. Which of these words matches the picture?. A spirit. B street. C screen. $1000. Which of these words matches the picture?. A spread. B spray. C scream. $10,000.

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‘str-’, ‘spr-’ and ‘scr’ sounds

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ‘str-’, ‘spr-’ and ‘scr’ sounds

  2. $10 Which of these words matches the picture? Ascreen Bstreet Cscream

  3. $100 Which of these words matches the picture? Aspirit B street C screen

  4. $1000 Which of these words matches the picture? A spread Bspray Cscream

  5. $10,000 Which of these words matches the picture? Aspring Bstring Cstrange

  6. $100,000 Which of these words matches the picture? Aspring B strong C scratch

  7. $500,000 Which of these words matches the picture? Cstring Astripes Bspring

  8. $1000,000 Which of these words matches the picture? Astrong Bscream C spray

  9. stripes spray screen scratch street scream string

  10. In your workbook at page 45, 1. Say and trace the words.

  11. 2. Let’s read the funny sentences: One strange day in spring, a cat spreads butter on the street. Then it screams.

  12. 1. Listen and circle • scr/spr 2. spr/str • 3. scr/str 4. spr/str • 5. spr/sp 6. str/st • 7. scr/cr 8. str/tr

  13. Big TV game • http://www.familylearning.org.uk/phonics_games.htmlvarious - DJ cows • http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/wordsandpictures/clusters/blender/index.shtml Wordblender

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